Date My Mom! lyrics
by Melissa Lozada-Oliva
[Melissa Lozada-Oliva & Jonathan Mendoza]
This is a message
To every lone man out there searching
Wandering through a desert full of sand
Every man with eyes deeper than oceans
With a heart as big as a bus full of other buses
[Melissa & Jonathan]
You should take my mom!
My mom has three jobs will you bring her coffee that she doesn't have time to drink?
My mom is very social
Will you drive her to mahjong club?
When I had a sty my mom rubbed my cat’s tail against my eye three times
Are you down with my cats?
My mom swears she's seen Mark Wahlberg like 17 times
[Melissa & Jonathan]
That's not Mark Wahlberg that’s a 13 year old boy eating a sandwich
Are you going to have the audacity to correct her?
And you have no excuses
You don't have to be my dad
Do you like reading bedtime stories? Me neither cause I'm a grown-ass woman
[Melissa & Jonathan]
I know how to read
Do you like playing catch
I don't
[Melissa & Jonathan]
I'm an artist
Do you like PTA meetings
Velcro sneakers
Middle school plays
f*ck Charlie Brown
They never cast me
[Melissa & Jonathan]
Date my mom!
So if you have the gumption (the gumption!) to spend time with a woman as majestic as a baby cherub eating a Chobani yogurt
With a digestive system so robust (so robust) she could eat a baby cherub (two cherubs)
And if you are anything unlike her last boyfriends
[Melissa & Jonathan]
Please let us know
My mom's last boyfriend would send her pictures of himself shirtless from the gym. She doesn't have the data plan for that
My mom's last boyfriend’s mustache looks like a bird’s nest on his face
Pigeons used that sh*t when they got tired from flying everywhere
[Melissa & Jonathan]
Date my mom!
My mom's last boyfriend dressed up as Borat for Halloween.
That’s f*cked up
My mom's last boyfriend worked for Verizon
[Melissa & Jonathan]
He didn't even get us a family plan
Do you have what it takes?
My mom still plays the 1992 version of spider solitaire
My mom keeps tiny jars of Tabasco sauce in her purse with her at all times just in case
My mom once drove two hours back home for her sunglasses when she really left them on her head
My mom's run seven marathons
When her knee starts spontaneously bleeding at her 26th mile are you gonna be there with band-aids
[Melissa & Jonathan]
So she can patch that sh*t up herself
My mom’s so independent she doesn't even need to date you
[Melissa & Jonathan]
That's how datable my mom is!
My mom once made too many nachos and ate all of them
My mom once yelled at a waiter for giving her the wrong meal even though she had already eaten it
My mom does not need to make space for you
[Melissa & Jonathan]
But if you're cool enough maybe she will
Can you handle her cool?
Can you be the Odysseus sure Penelope
The ham to her ham and cheese
But not really because my mom keeps kosher
The horseradish to her gefilte fish
The Michael to her Buble
As she calls him bubbly
Can you handle a little bubbly ?
Can you?
Can you?
Can you?
Can you?