Back home from camp, THE BOY eats some pop-tarts whilst he checks what’s going on in the world of the internet. He checks his email and opens an email from his friend FAM
His friend “FAM” sent him something that says “this is you” with a link. The Boy clicks the link and a video of a woman blowing a horse comes up. The Boy watches the video for longer than you should watch a horse blowing video. He closes the video
He then goes on and checks out a new song by ‘Rich Homie Quan’. The comment section appears to be more negative than positive, although the song is listed as “VERY HOT”. THE BOY comments and when he refreshes the page, the comments seem to snap back at him
[Quote: "Because The Internet" screenplay]
The Boy stares. Then types “f*ck u n*ggers” in the comments
He waits. He takes a bite out of his pop tart
He refreshes the page. People immediately respond with “f*ck U”, “You wouldn’t say that to my face faggot”, and “LMFAO crackers b crazy”
The Boy smiles
[End quote]
It appears THE BOY gets a thrill out of trolling, and he doesn’t care about what people say and he definitely doesn’t care what people send him (good one, FAM)