@thegoldmolar is the Twitter account of THE BOY, and it’s real, sort of.
[Quote: "Because The Internet" screenplay]
The Boy checks his Twitter feed. Twitter name “You Are Unimportant – @thegoldmolar”
[End quote]
Remember how THE BOY meets up with that girl in Sweden? Her Twitter handle: @hello_pity_ is real too (sort of)
[Quote: "Because The Internet" screenplay]
The Boy didn’t really know anyone in Stockholm, but he also didn’t want to be in his hotel room with his father for a day. Even if he was just ashes. So he decided to search through his followers for someone from Sweden
Some girl named “Hello_Pity_” Dm’d him back and they were supposed to meet up after all the whatever he had to do. Her profile bio said she was half french. She looked pretty in her avi: an inverted Hello Kitty. But that really doesn’t mean anything at all, especially since her instagram was blocked, which is something he’s learned not to trust at all
[End quote]
THE BOY uses one of his dummy accounts to trick ALYSSA into thinking this dummy character and her had met at a club once, and they becomes friends on Facebook, allowing him to see her photos. If these two accounts are legit, in the sense that Donald created them for the purpose of the story (they’ve both shown up in late November), then who knows what other accounts are out there