You Can’t Live Your Life on a Bus lyrics
by Childish Gambino
The Boy and Dude 2 look at each other
It was only instinct
The Boy dives for the ground, making an [O_O EMOJI] face
Gun shots are ringing through his ear. Dude 2 is screaming
The Boy was crawling
Dragging himself across the floor pathetically, out the door
He was running now, past the pool, away from the mansion
VOICE: You have to help me! Please help me! Please... Please help me!
The voice was fading
THE BOY: I didn't sign up for this sh*t... I didn't want any of this..
The Boy falls against the grass, too tired to run anymore
He had barely escaped death, he was going to jail after this
After everything he had done
Everything he hadn't
THE BOY: I'm supposed to be the troll... I'm Bill O'Reilly.. but life's the biggest troll
THE BOY was crying now, making the [ :'( EMOJI ] face
THE BOY (CONT'D): and the joke is on us
{We don't have to do anything}
{Yeah. Isn't that sad?}
THE BOY: my dad's dead, my friends aren't here, cos' they don't care
The Boy curled up against the grass, face sad, regretful
This was the end
THE BOY (CONT'D): i'll never see naomi again. i won't get to find out what roscoe's wetsuit means
I miss my dad. i miss.. my mom, i miss being happy. i miss being.. childish
Police sirens were getting louder. The reinforcements had arrived
Laying against the ground, THE BOY began to mumble
THE BOY: Lost all of our woe
We lost all of our whoa-oh, sad love songs
Hey centipede, centipede, centipede...
What's the point? I don't know
Why am I here? Why am I alive? Why do you care?
I need you
You have to help me