Call to Creation lyrics
by Langston Hughes
All you beauty-makers,
Give up beauty for a moment.
Look at harshness, look at pain,
Look at life again.
Look at hungry babies crying,
Listen to the rich men lying,
Look at starving China dying.
Hear the rumble in the East:
"In spite of all,
Life must not cease."
In India with folded arms,
In China with the guns,
In Africa with bitter smile--
See where the murmur runs:
"Life must not cease,
Because the fat and greedy ones
Proclaim their thieving peace."
Their peace far worse than war and death--
For this is better than living breath:
Free! To be Free!
Futile beauty-makers--
Work for awhile with the pattern-breakers!
Come for a march with the new-world-makers:
Let beauty be!