Remember That I Care lyrics
by Langston Hughes
I don't know, Sam
Sometimes I feel discouraged, too
Last night I could hardly sleep
And I woke up depressed and blue
I thought I'd walk to the office
So I cut through the park by the mall
Everything looked so fresh and green
Life seemed not so bad after all!
What do you think I saw, Sam?
A lilac-bush flowering bright
It made me think of that poem you said
When we sat in the park one night
Yes, I remember
It was just like tonight
We were both feeling sort of low
And all of a sudden
You began that poem
In the dooryard fronting an old farmhouse
Nеar the whitewashed palings
Stands thе lilac bush tall-growing
With heart-shaped leaves of green
With many pointed blossoms rising delicate
With the perfume strong I love
With every leaf a miracle
In the dooryard fronting an old farmhouse
Near the whitewashed palings
With the perfume strong I love
Stands the lilac-bush
With every leaf a miracle
And from that bush in the dooryard
With delicate-colored blossoms
And heart-shaped leaves of green
A sprig with its flower I break
A sprig with its flower I break
Yes, that's what I thought in the park today
When I saw that bush, fresh and green
I wanted to break off a flower
But I was afraid I might be seen
Maybe a park policeman
Might come and take me away
"Do not pick the flowers"
The signs forever say
Don't! Don't! They always say
Stand back! Keep off the grass!
Don't pick the flowers!
Don't pick the flowers!
Don't take!
But in our dreams, Sam!
Yes, in our dreams, Rose!
Yes, in our dreams
A sprig with its flower we break
A sprig with its flower we break
And the lilac-bush is ours
The lilac-bush is ours
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
The lilac-bush is ours
The lilac-bush is ours
Forever and a day
Forever and a day
And when you see the lilac-bush
Bright in the morning air
Remember, darling remember
Remember that I care!
Remember that I care!