Survive If I Let You freestyle lyrics
Intro: (0:00:03 – 0:00:20) [Taz]
Alright alright everybody
This is DJ Blazin
Coming at ya
Right now
Get your popcorn
Get up out your seats
Get something to drink
Because I'm “The Human Suplex Machine”
And I'm ready for a fight
[Survive If I Let You]
Verse 1: (0:00:21 – 0:00:37)
My name is Taz
I'm from Brooklyn, New York
I'm “The Suplex Human Machine”
Because I destroy people
I'm the ECW champ
For a reason
I'm in ECW
And I will tap you out
Chorus: (0:00:37 – 0:01:14) 18 times [Taz/once]
Survive If I Let You [Survive If I Let You – at the beginning]
[Survive – at the end]
Verse 2: (0:01:15 – 0:01:31)
I'm a boneafied black man
And I'm the best
Submission wrestler
I'm 248pds
I'm “The Human Suplex Machine”
I'm from ECW
Chorus: (0:01:31 – 0:02:07) 18 times [Taz/once]
Survive If I Let You [Survive If I Let You]
Verse 3: (0:02:08 – 0:02:24)
You can't stop me
You can't stop the man
I don't claim to be the man
But I am a monster
In my mind
I'm the biggest monster
I got big hands
And I will choke you out
Chorus: (0:02:25 – 0:02:29) twice
Survive If I Let You
Verse 4: (0:02:29 – 0:02:47)
Survive if I let you
You better not survive
I”ll choke your butt out
I”l choke and make
You tap out
I will win the match
I will win the title
I will win the gold
For my family
Ending: (0:02:45 – 0:03:06] [Taz]
Survive If I Let You
I'm “The Human Suplex Machine”
My name is Taz
“The Human Suplex Machine”
My name is Taz
I'm from ECW
And I'm a black man
[Just another victim victim]
And I'm from ECW