Of grace and providence lyrics
by Leyland James Kirby
?n'herd reieL enieD
nredeiL neniem uz tslliW
?n'heg rid tim hci lloS
,retlA rehcilrednuW
.llits remmin mhi thetS
reieL enies dnu ,therD
.llits remmin mhi thetS
reieL enies dnu ,therD
,lliw se eiw ,sellA
neheg se tssäl re dnU
.nnaM netla ned mU
nerrunk ednuH eid dnU
;na nhi theis renieK
,neröh nhi gam renieK
.reel remmi mhi tbielB
relleT renielk nies dnU
.reel remmi mhi tbielB
relleT renielk nies dnU
;reh dnu nih re tknawhcS
esiE med fua ssufraB
.nnak re saw re therD
nregniF nerrats tim dnU
,nnamreieL nie thetS
efroD m’retnih nebürD