The Greatest lyrics
by Original Cast of His Story the Musical
Who would you say is the greatest?
And Jesus doesn’t count
Way to ruin the moment, Peter
Do we have to do this right now?
I wanna play, let's do this
From the greatest to the worst
Well I'd say the greatest is, you know
Who followed Him first
Peter “you of little faith” remember?
Get that out of your head
Well, excuse me Andrew
I'm not the one who thought
He was talking about bread
The leaven of the Pharisees
Do you have to bring that up again?
Yes I do, Andrew
Any normal person wouldn't understand
So what are you saying?
Are you saying that you’re normal then?
Then that settles it
You’re a five and I'm a ten, ha!
You all need to catch up
What do you say we grab a rest
And something to eat
Well, I know that Andrew’s hungry
Peter shut up
Sounds good to me!
What was it you were arguing about
Back there on the road?
Arguing about? Wha-pshh oh
I don't know
Wow Peter, ok
I'm gonna let this one go
But everyone sit down while I tell you
The greatest thing I know
We all long to be looked up to
Truth is you've come so far
We wanna be respected, honored and loved
But guys, you already are
I’ve come from a place
Where it's a different way of worth
Get to the back of the line because
The last is first
If you wanna be the greatest
Wash someone's feet
I know it seems kinda crazy
But you said you wanted to follow Me
If you wanna be the greatest
Give all you have to the poor
And here’s another love each other
Is there more?
There's so much more
So like a little child
Come to Me and I'll teach you to be
The greatest