My Honest Poem lyrics
by Rudy Francisco
I was born on July 27th, I hear that makes me a Leo
I don't really know what that means
I'm 5 foot 6... and a half. I weigh a hundred and forty-five pounds
I don't know how to swim, and I'm a sucker for a girl with a nice smile
And clean sneakers
I'm still learning how to whisper
I'm often loud in places where I should be quiet
I'm often quiet in places where I should be loud
I was born feet first and I've been backwards ever since
I like ginger ale... a lot.
I've been told that I give really bad hugs
People say that it feels like I'm trying to escape
Sometimes it's because I am, and secretly I get really nervous
Every time someone gets close enough to hear me breathe
I have this odd fascination with things like sand castles and ice sculptures
I assume it's because I usually find myself dedicating time to things
That will only last a few moments
That's also why I tend to fall in love with women
Who would never love me back
I know it sounds crazy, but it's actually much easier than it seems
And to be honest, I think it's safer that way
See relationships, they often remind me that I'm not afraid of heights or falling
But I'm scared of what's gonna happen
The moment that my body hits the ground
I'm clumsy. Yesterday, I tripped over my self-esteem
I landed on my pride and it shattered like an iPhone with a broken face
Now I can't even tell who's trying to give me a compliment
I've never been in the military, but I have this Purple Heart
I got it from beating myself up over things I can't fix
I know it sounds weird but sometimes,
I wonder what my bed sheets say about me when I'm not around
I wonder what the curtains would do if they found out
About all the things that I've done behind their backs
I've got a hamper that's overflowing with really, really loud mistakes
And a graveyard in my closet, I'm afraid that if I let you see my skeletons
You'll grind my bones into powder and get high on my fault lines
Hi, my name is Rudy
I enjoy frozen yogurt, people watching
And laughing for absolutely no reason at all
But I don't allow myself to cry as often as I need to
I have solar-powered confidence, I have a battery-operated smile
My hobbies include editing my life story, hiding behind metaphors
And trying to convince my shadow that I'm someone worth following
I don't know much, but I do know this
I know that heaven is full of music
I know God listens to my heart beat on his iPod
It reminds him that we still got work to do.