The Wrong Place lyrics
My purpose is not to change your religion, my purpose is not to, uh, make you believe everything that I say, on the contrary, I'm the only one in the world that will tell you, listen to everyone, read everything, believe absolutely nobody, including me, including your mother, including your pastor, your preacher, your priest, your uncle Bob and everybody else that you can think of, unless you can prove it in your own research. Researching doesn't mean getting a book off the library shelf and reading it and saying, "Well, he said it, so it must be true!" Because I wrote a book. You see, and I'm telling you don't believe me, unless in your own research, you can prove what it is that I'm telling you. Because this is the age of deception and if you don't believe that, you might as well go home right now, because you're in the wrong place