Detective Pikachu (Script) lyrics


Rita Ora



Wind whistles in the background. The camera pans past a mountain to a facility. Cut inside the facility, scientists are studying a captured Mewtwo. Lights throughout the building flicker and Mewtwo’s eyes open. In the parking lot outside, a car screeches away. Mewtwo’s voice is heard as he telepathically communicates with someone.

MEWTWO: They’re outside.

The car speeds away. Alarms in the facility continue going off.

P.A.: Alert. Condition: Red.

Mewtwo concentrates and the glass of his containment cracks.

SCIENTIST: We’rе losing power in the containment chambеr!

Mewtwo causes explosions near his containment chamber and bursts out. He flies up into the sky and spots the car speeding away from the facility. It’s shown heading towards Ryme City in the distance. Mewtwo catches up as the car crosses a bridge. A sudden explosion sends the car flying off the side. Cut to black.


Some Pidgeot fly past as the camera pans from suburban homes to a nearby field. Bouffalant run in a fenced pasture. The birds continue on past a barn and over a forest where other Pokémon roam. Cut to Jack and Tim making their way through the forest.

JACK: Did you hear that?

TIM: Something’s close.
The two emerge from the forest into a field.

JACK: See? This is what I’m talking about. My heart is pounding. Get down, get down!

The two drop in the grass. A Cubone cries out in the field ahead of them. They look up from the grass. Tim squints as they rise up.

TIM: A Cubone? We’re not catching you a Pokémon, are we.

JACK: … What?

TIM: Tell me you didn’t plan this, Jack.

Jack stutters.

TIM: Tell me you didn’t plan this.

JACK: Are you serious? How dare you. Okay? Of course not. Come on.

Tim stares at him, unconvinced.

JACK: Okay, maybe.

Tim begins to leave. Jack follows.

JACK: There was a full moon last night and my mom heard it crying its eyes out.
Jack gets in Tim’s path.

JACK: She thought I was having a nightmare so she brought me a glass of warm milk.

TIM: Dude, I thought you wanted to, you know, hang out and relive the good old days like when we were kids.

JACK: I do. But just look at it! That is the perfect Pokémon for you.

Jack turns Tim around and points to the Cubone. It continues wailing in the distance.

TIM: Jack, I’m not looking for a Pokémon. I’ve told you this.

JACK: I’ve thought long and hard about this, okay? Water-type is not right for you. Neither is Fire-type. But Cubone is-

TIM: Lonely.

JACK: Exactly!

TIM: Okay. Thank you, Jack. Thank you for that. Are there any other emotional truth bombs you wanna drop on me?

JACK: Maybe later. But right now the truth is in my hands.

Jack pulls out a Pokéball. He presses its button and it begins to glow. After a moment, Tim takes it from him.

TIM: Give me the ball.
JACK: Yes, yes!

They walk back towards the field.

JACK: Okay, remember, catching a Pokémon is not about skill, so you can do this.

TIM: Good pep talk.

Tim walks towards the Cubone.

JACK: Okay, it has to choose you too, so make it want to be your partner. Yeah!

TIM: Hey, Cubone. What’s up buddy? You know, not everyone can pull off wearing the skull of their dead relative, but, you know... You sure can.

Cubone turns and growls at Tim. Tim slowly turns back to Jack.

TIM: Okay, he didn’t like that. Did not like that. Jack!

Jack makes a throwing motion.

JACK: Throw it!

TIM: Throw the ball.

JACK: Like a man.

Tim turns and tosses the ball at Cubone.

CUBONE: Cubone!

It turns and runs, but gets pulled into the ball. The ball rolls to a stop and the light pulsates. Tim turns back to Jack and laughs.

TIM: I did it!

Jack laughs excitedly. Tim runs over to the ball.

TIM: Still got it!

When he looks down, he sees that the glow is still pulsating and the ball is wobbling.

TIM: The light’s not green. It still hasn't turned green yet, Jack. That’s bad, right?

JACK: Run!

The ball explodes open and Cubone leaps out. Tim sprints away.

TIM: It didn’t choose me!

JACK: Run!

TIM: It didn’t choose me, Jack!

JACK: I can see that!

TIM: I’m not its choice!

Cubone throws its bone, causing Tim to go flying through the air and into the dirt.

CUBONE: Cubone!


Cut to an establishing shot of the town.

JACK: That was one angry Cubone. He reminded me a lot of my mom.

Cut to Jack and Tim walking back into town.

JACK: So, um, I don’t know if this is gonna sound corny or whatever-

TIM: Just say it, Jack. I’m too tired to be angry.

JACK: I’m worried about you.

TIM: This again!

JACK: Hey, listen, everyone we know has left town and now I’m leaving, too.

TIM: Yeah, but that’s okay. You gotta do what’s best for you with the time that you got. That’s what I’m doing. You know, I’m crushing it at work. I’m gonna get a promotion real soon.

JACK: What’s the promotion for an insurance appraiser? Senior insurance appraiser?

TIM: No, actually, that’s two steps up above where I’m at right now.

JACK: You’re gonna make me throw up, that's not a real thing.

Tim’s phone beeps.

TIM: Oh, I finally have service.

He checks his phone.

TIM: Wait, five voicemails? Why would I have five voicemails?

JACK: Maybe it’s an insurance emergency.

Tim listens to one of the voicemails. His face falls, then so does Jack’s.

JACK: Who is it?

TIM: Um… It’s the Ryme City Police Department. There was an accident.


Cut to a shot of Tim on a train. He’s sitting in a window seat, resting. Another train passes the other way and wakes him up. He sighs and looks at a newspaper article about his father’s accident. After a moment, he hears a noise beside him. A Lickitung is in the aisle, staring at him. It unfurls its tongue to the floor.

TIM: Please don’t.

The Lickitung licks Tim’s face.

TIM: Mm. I actually meant ‘please do,’ thank you. Thank you. You have a very generous tongue.

The Lickitung finishes licking him and jumps while making noises. Tim takes some fabric and wipes his face.

TIM: Does this Lickitung belong to anyone?

No one else on the train responds.

TIM: Anybody? No?

The conductor’s voice comes on over the intercom.

CONDUCTOR: Thank you for travelling with us.

A video begins playing on the seat in front of Tim.

CONDUCTOR: Please sit back and watch this short informational video welcoming you to Ryme City.

After a logo plays, the video cuts to a shot of Charmanders in a forest. A voice narrates.

NARRATOR: Throughout history, Pokémon have been part of our world.

The video cuts to a shot of Squirtles in a pond.

SQUIRTLE: Squirtle.

NARRATOR: Early humans used to catch them and train them to use their unique powers for the common good.

Cut to a shot of a cave painting with some humans approaching a Pikachu, and then hieroglyphs with humans, a Sandshrew, a Natu, a Bulbasaur, and a Geodude. Cut to a wide shot of a stadium.

NARRATOR: This relationship evolved into what we know refer to as Pokémon battles.

A trainer holding a ball walks out into the stadium. Another trainer with a Gyrados and an Arcanine stands nearby. The trainer throws the ball in slow motion as the crowd cheers. Cut to a silhouette of a man.

NARRATOR: One man changed all of this.

The silhouette becomes an image of Howard Clifford.

NARRATOR: Howard Clifford, founder and chairman of Clifford industries.

Cut to some videos of a younger Howard Clifford in an interview.

NARRATOR: Diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease, he resigned from his corporation and searched the world for a cure.

Cut to a shot of an island, then a shot of a young Howard in a forest with some Totodiles. Howard is heard in a voiceover, cutting midway through to him in an interview..

HOWARD: And it turned out that the cure I was looking for was for me to evolve into a better version of myself. And I discovered how to do that through a partnership with Pokémon.

Cut to a shot of Howard’s son, Roger, in an interview.

ROGER: And he wanted to share that discovery with the world.

Tim looks out his window.

NARRATOR: This is what inspired Howard Clifford to build Ryme City: A place where humans and Pokémon can live side by side.

The camera pans from Tim’s window to the approaching Ryme City.

NARRATOR: Unlike other regions, where Pokémon live in the wild, here, we live and work together.

Cut to a shot of the train going over a bridge.

NARRATOR: No battles, no trainers, no Pokéballs. A stronger, more harmonious world.

Tim exits the train station. A video of Howard plays on a monitor nearby.

HOWARD: From all our citizens: Welcome to Ryme City.

Hundreds of humans and Pokémon wander around. The camera pans up to the skyline and even more Pokémon are seen flying around. Cut to shots around the city of various Pokémon working and living amongst humans. A Braviary takes a parcel to the top of a massive crane. Tim sees a Machamp directing traffic. Some Panchams play in small bamboo filled areas. A Pangoro and some humans sit on a bench. A monitor shows firefighters working with Squirtles.

BROADCASTER: Fighting fires wouldn’t be the same without their Squirtle partners.

Tim eventually makes his way to the RCPD headquarters.


The camera cuts to Yoshida’s nameplate on his desk. Pan up to his Snubbull, who is lowly growling. Across from him, Tim looks tense. Yoshida approaches with a stern look on his face and sees Tim in his office. After a moment, he puts on a smile.


Tim gets up from the chair.

TIM: Lieutenant Yoshida.

They shake hands.

YOSHIDA: Your dad was the best of the best. He was a legend in this precinct.

TIM: Thank you. Thank you for saying that.

YOSHIDA: It was a terrible tragedy, losing him and his partner.

They both sit down.

TIM: His partner?

YOSHIDA: His Pokémon.

TIM: Oh, I didn’t…

SNUBBULL: Snubbull.

TIM: I’m sorry, is yours mad at me?

YOSHIDA: Snubbull?

TIM: Yeah…

YOSHIDA: He may look grumpy on the outside, but I assure you, he is adorable on the inside.

Yoshida pets Snubbull, who growls. Yoshida nervously pulls his hand back.

YOSHIDA: If you don’t mind me asking, how come you don’t have a Pokémon? I thought I remember saying Harry saying you wanted to be a Pokémon trainer when you were young.

TIM: Yeah, that didn’t really… work out. Uh, I work in insurance now, so…

YOSHIDA: I understand.

Yoshida and Snubbull both lean forward.

YOSHIDA: But, Tim, please don’t put this all on yourself. No one should go through this type of thing alone. If you are anything like your dad-

TIM: I’m not.

There’s an awkward pause.

TIM: I was just really raised by my grandmother. Do you have the spare keys for his apartment? I should go wrap things up there.

YOSHIDA: Of course. Of course.

Yoshida reaches into his desk and pulls out a card.

YOSHIDA: Here’s his address.

TIM: Awesome.

Yoshida gets up.

YOSHIDA: I can take you over if you want.

Tim gets up.

TIM: No, nope. I’m all good. Thank you so much.

Tim reaches out his hand. Yoshida drops the keys into his hand. Tim turns to leave.


Tim turns back around.

YOSHIDA: This job… It demands a lot. But you were on his mind every day. He loved you more than anything else in the world.

Tim says nothing for a moment.

TIM: Uh, it was nice to meet you, lieutenant.

Tim leaves. Snubbull whimpers. Yoshida pets him.


Tim walks down the sidewalk. The camera pans to the skyline, passing people and Pokémon. Cut to Harry’s apartment building. Some Aipom hang around a neon sign out front. The shot pans to Tim approaching the front door. As he takes a deep breath and looks around, he notices a Psyduck staring at him. The Psyduck nervously slips into an alley. Tim enters the building. An attendant is asleep in a chair behind a glass barrier, and the attendant’s Treecko is sleeping on the barrier. Tim knocks on the barrier, waking the Treecko but not the attendant.

TIM: Excuse me?

The Treecko looks over to the attendant, who doesn’t wake up.

TIM: Okay.

Tim walks over to the mailboxes. He finds Harry’s and opens it with the key Yoshida gave him. A stack of envelopes are inside. Suddenly, Tim is startled by Psyduck.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck. Psyduck.

TIM: Are you trying to rob me or just annoy me?

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

LUCY: He’s with me.

Tim squints up the stairs. Lucy is silhouetted by a bright light on the second floor.

LUCY: We need to talk.

TIM: We do?

LUCY: I’ve been waiting to see who would open up that mailbox. You just walked into quite a story.

Lucy begins walking down the stairs.

LUCY: Stories like this spread fear, and they’re afraid of fear. But I don’t fear fear.

She makes it to the bottom of the stairs, her face finally visible.

LUCY: I walk the walk and I talk the talk and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get the honest scoop and that’s the hard truth.

TIM: I’m sorry. Who are you?

LUCY: Lucy Stevens, reporter for CNM.

TIM: Oh. You seem kinda young for that.

LUCY: I work for the CNM blog making Pokémon listicles all day, okay? “Top 10 Cutest Pokémon.”

TIM: Yeah, my grandma loves those!

LUCY: Yeah, newsflash! They’re all cute! Such a waste of time for someone with my nose for a story.

Psyduck quacks nervously.

LUCY: Oh, no, no, not now, Psyduck. I’m working a source, just one more minute.

TIM: Okay, I’m gonna-

Lucy puts her arm out, blocking Tim from the stairs. She pulls out a phone and begins recording.

LUCY: I’m gonna need you to go on record and tell me everything you know about Harry Goodman.

TIM: Wait, what?

LUCY: Harry was onto something big. Real big. And then all of a sudden, his car crashes over a bridge. I think not. Something’s rotten and I’m gonna get to the bottom of it-

TIM: Hey, look, I barely know the guy. I haven’t seen him in years.

LUCY: Where’s your Pokémon partner?

TIM: I don’t have one. Why does everyone keep asking me that?

LUCY: Loner. Probably hiding something.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

TIM: Okay, I’m gonna go.

He begins to make his way up the stairs.

LUCY: Hey. I may only be an unpaid intern, but I can smell a story. And I’m going to find it.

TIM: Okay, you do that.

Tim continues making his way up the stairs.

LUCY: Come on, Psyduck. Let’s go.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

Cut to Tim entering Harry’s apartment. He takes a look around. The TV is playing a movie.

JOHNNY: Who is it?

TIM: Hello?

SNAKES: It’s me, Snakes. I got the stuff.

Tim closes the door and sees the TV.

JOHNNY: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell out of here.

SNAKES: Alright, Johnny, but what about my money?

Tim turns the TV off.

TIM: Still, with the old detective movies?

Tim looks at a number of plaques on a nearby wall. He walks over to a desk and looks at some files, then finds a vial. He attempts to open it, but ends up spraying a purple gas in his face. He coughs violently and frantically opens the nearest window, holding the vial out to get the gas out. Just out of sight, the gas floats up to the Aipom hanging around outside. They inhale it and start growling, and their eyes get a strange purple quality to them. Tim closes the window.

TIM: What? What? What is that stuff?

He tosses the vial in a trash bin. He walks away and finds Harry’s room. He sees a letter on a bresser and finds a note with a train ticket inside. Tim reads it aloud.

TIM: Dear Tim, I could do better if you give me a chance. I’ll always have a place for you to stay.

Tim has a flashback. A younger Tim and his grandma stand on a train platform.

GRANDMA: Your father will pick you up from the station.

YOUNG TIM: I’m not going.


YOUNG TIM: I don’t wanna go! This is home. I wanna stay here with you Grandma.

Back in the present, Tim puts the letter down. He enters the room Harry kept for him and turns on a lamp. The room is filled with Pokémon paraphernalia. One poster reads “SINNOH CHAMPIONSHIP XXIV. Tim sits down on the bed and sighs.

TIM: Oh, man.

Another flashback starts.

YOUNG TIM: This is the most important day of my life.

Young Tim is sitting in a similar room. His grandma is standing in the doorway.

GRANDMA: I know, Tim. But your mother had to see the doctor. It couldn’t wait.

Thunder rumbles. In the present, Tim continues staring at the poster. Cut to another flashback. Young Tim watches as Harry exits a car outside in the rain, his face obscured. Inside, Tim’s grandmother cries and hugs Harry, with Harry facing away from Tim.


Young Tim watches and furrows his brow. In the present, a floorboard creaks. Tim looks up and wipes his eyes. He gets up out of the bed.

TIM: Someone there?

No one responds.

TIM: Hello?

Something scurries around in the main room, knocking over a lamp.

PIKACHU: Oh, ahh. That’s a sprain.

Tim picks up a stapler. The knocked over lamp silhouettes the figure against the wall.

TIM: Okay, okay, okay, okay… Whoever you are, I know how to use this.

Tim slowly approaches with the stapler c*cked. He turns the corner and finds Pikachu.

TIM: It’s a PIkachu?

PIKACHU: Ah, geez.

Pikachu jumps up on a dresser.

TIM: Hey, little guy, how did you get in here?

Pikachu speaks slowly, enunciating.

PIKACHU: I know you can’t understand me, but put down the stapler or I will electrocute you.

Tim drops the stapler.

TIM: Did you just talk?

PIKACHU: Woah. Did you just understand me? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That is heavy eye contact right there. You heard me.

Tim backs away.

TIM: No, no, no.

PIKACHU: Yes, you did!

TIM: Stop!

PIKACHU: Oh, my god, this is amazing!

TIM: Stop!

PIKACHU: You can understand me!

TIM: Stop talking, stop!

PIKACHU: And I’ve been so lonely.

TIM: I’m gonna throw up.

PIKACHU: No, kid, I need your help.

TIM: I’m gonna throw up.

PIKACHU: I’m in serious trouble. I need you to listen.

Tim approaches the window, but an Aipom bursts in.

TIM: No, no, no, no!

The Aipom leaps on the desk. Tim backs away.

PIKACHU: Excuse me, Aipom, we’re having a private conversation here, please.

TIM: Stop talking! You’re a hallucination!

PIKACHU: You’re a hallucination.

Tim turns back to the Aipom.

TIM: You, out! Shoo, go!

The Aipom growls.

PIKACHU: I’d tread lightly there, chief. That Aipom don’t look right.

The Aipom leaps forward and throws Tim into the desk.

PIKACHU: No, hey, hey! Get off him, wack-job!

The Aipom continues throwing Tim around.

PIKACHU: Get up, kid! He’s coming back around.

Pikachu gets up on a countertop as Tim continues brawling with the Aipom.

PIKACHU: Okay, here’s what you wanna do. Okay, you wanna bite him, you wanna scream! We’re playing charades. We’re not playing charades! Okay, I’m gonna get a knife.

TIM: Not the knife!

PIKACHU: Okay, bad idea with the knife. I’ll find something else. Eat this!

Pikachu throws a fruit at the Aipom, who grabs it and jumps off of Tim, devouring it.

PIKACHU: You are so welcome. He was just a hungry little guy- oh, my god!

There’s a crash. Tim turns around. More Aipom enter through the window.

PIKACHU: Come on, kid, let’s move!

The Aipoms chase them out of the apartment and into the hallway. More Aipoms come up from the lower floors.

PIKACHU: To the roof!

Tim and Pikachu run up the stairs as Aipoms try to grab at them. On the roof, Tim is barely able to hold the door shut as the Aipoms attempt to push it open.

PIKACHU: Brilliant idea! You hold the door. I’ll go get help!

Pikachu runs off.

TIM: What?

The Aipoms shove the door down on top of Tim. They chase after Pikachu, who slips through a gap in a fence.

PIKACHU: Help, help! Oh, my god, help!

The Aipoms are stopped by the fence. Tim gets up and the door falls off of him. The Aipoms hear it and turn back on him in unison.

TIM: Oh, sh…

He kicks open a fence and runs for it as the Aipoms chase him.

PIKACHU: Help, help! Oh, my god, help!

Pikachu runs along a nearby rooftop as he sees Tim being chased.

PIKACHU: Oh, he’s being eaten alive! He’s being eaten alive! A man is dying!

Tim makes his way through a small gap as the Aipoms rip his shirt off. another grabs at his pants and he manages to undo his belt, falling to the ground below.

PIKACHU: No one’s coming! People are so insensitive. Uh-oh, put your pants back on and run like the wind!

Tim turns up to see the Aipoms all bunched up in a generator of some kind. It explodes and some of their tails begin to glow with electricity.

PIKACHU: Blazing speed, blazing speed!

A wall nearby explodes open as the Aipoms begin hurling attacks at Tim.

PIKACHU: You know, they seem to be attracted to your increasing nudeness.

Pikachu and Tim run back into each other and climb the stairs of a piece of scaffolding.

PIKACHU: Alright, we’re jumping down here.

He gestures to a trash chute.

TIM: No, no! I’m not going in the trash chute.

PIKACHU: Good call, let me know how it goes with the super crazy Pokémon!

The Aipoms all appear on a ledge above them.

PIKACHU: You died a hero!

The Aipoms leap down. Pikachu and Tim jump in the chute, an Aipom grabbing Tim’s pants off just before he enters. Tim screams as he falls. He ends up in a dumpster which flips over from the force of his landing.

PIKACHU: Way to stick the landing, kid.

TIM: Leave me alone!

The Aipoms finally catch up, but the effect of the purple gas seems to have worn off.

PIKACHU: Oh, looks like someone’s back in a good mood.

Elsewhere, Tim keeps running away, making his way to a street.

TIM: Run! Rabid Aipom! Look out! Run!

Humans and Pokémon alike give Tim strange looks as he yells.

TIM: Go, go, go, go, go! They’re- Go! They-

The Aipoms arrive at the street, some of them playing with Tim’s pants.

PIKACHU: I think pants are gonna do you a lot of good right now.

One of the Aipom hands Tim back his pants.

TIM: Shoo, go!

The Aipoms run back into the alleyway. Tim puts his pants back on.

PIKACHU: You know, I picture you as a bit of a briefs guy, but those are nice. Me, I don’t wear underwear, you know? I’m not modest.

Tim gets the attention of a couple of strangers passing by.

TIM: Excuse me, excuse me, hi. Sorry. Uh, you can hear him, right? You can hear him talking?

He gestures to Pikachu, who we momentarily hear from the perspective of the strangers as a normal Pokémon.

PIKACHU: Pika, pika. Pika. Pikachu.

WOMAN: Aw, yeah. Pika-pika-pika. He’s adorable.

PIKACHU: You’re adorable. They can’t understand me, kid.

TIM: It’s me. It’s that stuff that I put up my nose.

The strangers get alarmed looks on their faces and briskly walk away.

TIM: No, not like that. No, it was a gas. I was breathing gas.

MAN: Hey, hey, hey.

The strangers leave.

TIM: Accidentally, I was accidentally-

PIKACHU: Ix-nay on the gas-ay.

Some police pass by.

PIKACHU: Unless you want Johnny Law to give you a one-way ticket to hoosegow, let’s move.

They keep walking down the street through various stalls.

TIM: (Yelling) No one else can hear him?

PIKACHU: This is a first for me too, kid.

TIM: He’s saying words.

PIKACHU: Try to talk to people all the time. All they hear is “Pika-pika.” They pat me, they kiss me, they stick a finger in me, it’s really gross.

TIM: Can no one else hear him? Can you hear him talking? Do you hear him saying words?

Pikachu picks up a dumpling from a stall as they pass.

PIKACHU: What are you not getting here, kid? You’re the only one who can hear me! It’s like destiny.

TIM: It’s not destiny.

PIKACHU: Then why were you in that apartment?

TIM: It’s my father’s place. That’s why I was there.

Pikachu gets a serious look and drops his dumpling.

TIM: Why were you there?

PIKACHU: You’re Harry’s son?

They both stop walking.

TIM: How do you know his name?

Pikachu takes off his hat and hands it to Tim. Inside is a label with Harry’s name.

TIM: You’re Harry’s Pokémon partner?

PIKACHU: You want a coffee?

Pikachu takes his hat back and begins walking again.

PIKACHU: Cause I could use a coffee. I mean, that’s a… Yeah, let’s get a coffee. Yeah, come on.

Tim stands for a moment and looks around.


Cut to an establishing shot of a café, then inside as Tim and Pikachu sit at the bar.

PIKACHU: So there I was, in the middle of nowhere with a bad case of the forgetsies. The only clue to my past is Harry’s name and address inside this hat. So I made my way to the apartment, and that’s when I found you.

Tim looks over to a nearby table where a Jigglypuff sings for a passed out man.

JIGGLYPUFF: Jigglypuff, jigglypuff.

PIKACHU: I don’t know, maybe Harry got in too deep.

TIM: Deep in what?

PIKACHU: You know, mixed up with the wrong crowd, that kinda thing.

Tim sees the bartender looking at him strangely. Tim smiles awkwardly.

PIKACHU: Happens to the best of us. The debts pile up, the walls close in. Right becomes wrong, wrong becomes wrong.

Tim pulls out his phone and puts it to his ear.

PIKACHU: Wait, who are you calling?

TIM: (Quietly) No one. (Louder) Yeah, yeah, no, that sounds great. This menu looks really nice.

The bartender smiles nervously and goes back to work.

PIKACHU: Wait, so, I’m confused, are you hearing other voices besides mine?

TIM: All I wanna know is why I can understand you.

PIKACHU: Can’t help you there, kid.

At a nearby table, a man and a Purrloin stare at Tim.

PIKACHU: Like I said, I have amnesia. Can’t remember a darn thing.

TIM: Okay, so you’re a talking Pikachu with no memories who’s addicted to caffeine.

PIKACHU: I can stop whenever I want. These are just choices.

He puts his glass on the counter.

PIKACHU: Another round, extra shot. Black as night, thank you sweetie.

A Ludicolo is shown working alongside the human barista.

LUDICOLO: Ludicolo!

PIKACHU: Look, I’m a great detective. But I can’t solve my own mystery if I have no memory.

TIM: Then how do you even know you’re a detective?

PIKACHU: Well, that I can feel that in my jellies.

TIM: What is that? What is that?

PIKACHU: It’s the jellies, it’s that thing, you know? You feel it when you really believe in something despite everyone telling you you’re wrong. Which is why I need to find Harry. He’s the key to my past.

LUDICOLO: Ludicolo.

The Ludicolo hands Pikachu his drink.

PIKACHU: Thanks, doll.

TIM: I got some bad news for you, ‘cause, uh, Harry’s dead.

Pikachu sprays his drink everywhere.

PIKACHU: What? No. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, Harry ain’t dead.

TIM: No, Harry is dead. You’re wrong. I’m sorry. I saw in the police report that says he’s dead.

PIKACHU: Just ‘cause the cops say he’s dead-

TIM: It means that he’s legally dead.

PIKACHU: Really? Did they find a body?

Tim doesn’t answer.

PIKACHU: Oh, I didn’t think so. And, by the way, did that report also say that I’m dead? ‘Cause if I’m still alive and kicking, that means Harry’s out there, too. Case closed. But still open until I solve it.

TIM: Okay, I’ll bite. Solve what?

PIKACHU: Oh, I’m glad you’re gonna bite. Alright, here it is: Harry faked his own death.

Pikachu turns, hitting Tim in the face with his tail.

PIKACHU: Or, somebody else faked Harry’s death.

Pikachu turns, hitting Tim again.

PIKACHU: Or, Harry faked somebody else’s death. That last one doesn’t work at all.

TIM: No, no it doesn’t.

PIKACHU: The first two, those are real contenders.

TIM: No, I’m gonna go. We’re done here.

PIKACHU: No, we are not done here.

TIM: This is…

Tim gets up and leaves.

PIKACHU: Wait, wait, wait a minute. Where’re you going?

Cut to outside.

PIKACHU: Hold up a sec. We’re gonna need each other.

TIM: No, we don’t. I don’t need a Pokémon. Period. Got it?

PIKACHU: Then what about a world-class detective? Because if you wanna find your pops, I’m your best bet.

TIM: I think a world-class detective oughta have figured out by now that I’m not here to find my father. I’m here to say goodbye.

PIKACHU: Hey, hey, there’s no one to say goodbye to. Look, you can talk to humans, I can talk to Pokémon. We can talk to each other. This doesn’t happen, kid. It has to mean something.

Tim keeps trying to walk away, but Pikachu gets in his path.

PIKACHU: There’s magic that brought us together, and that magic is called hope.

Tim manages to get past. Pikachu climbs on top of an idling taxi.

PIKACHU: Hope that Harry is still alive.

Tim stops and says nothing.

PIKACHU: Oh, you feel it. You feel it in your jellies, don’t you?

TIM: There’s nothing in my jellies.

PIKACHU: We’re gonna do this, you and me.

TIM: I can’t belie… I will meet you here tomorrow morning.


Pikachu walks towards Harry’s apartment building.

TIM: Where are you going?

PIKACHU: To my apartment.

TIM: What do you mean, your apartment?

PIKACHU: What? Alright, you can sleep on the couch.

TIM: No, I’m not gonna sleep on the couch.

PIKACHU: Well, then you can sleep on the stove. Be a dear, would you, and get the door for me.

Tim opens the door to the building.

TIM: What am I doing?

PIKACHU: I just invited someone to my apartment! I never do this, I’m not that kind of Pokémon.

Cut to a shot of a train passing by the apartment. The camera pans to the window. Pikachu is investigating Tim’s room.

PIKACHU: Dust everywhere. No fingerprints. Ugh, doesn’t add up.

Tim enters the room.

TIM: What is going on in here?

PIKACHU: I’m searching the joint, looking for clues to my p- Is this your room?

TIM: No.

PIKACHU: Does Harry have other children?

TIM: No.

Tim closes a drawer Pikachu was rifling through.

TIM: He wanted me to live here when I was a kid, so he made it look like my childhood room.

PIKACHU: Should we talk about the fact that your childhood bed is a Pikachu bed?

TIM: It’s a coincidence.

PIKACHU: I’m sorry, can you speak up? I can’t hear you. I’ve never been so flattered and creeped out at the same time. Are you gonna make me into a lampshade?

TIM: Oh, I might.

PIKACHU: Hang on, hang on, hang on. All these Pokémon cards, and the battle posters. There’s a connection, isn’t there? You love Pokémon.

TIM: No.

PIKACHU: Yeah, yeah you do.

TIM: That was a long time ago. Before my father moved to the city and spent more time with Pokémon than his own son.

PIKACHU: Mm, yeah, blame it on your dad. Okay, look, what about this?

He holds up a picture of Tim’s mother.

PIKACHU: There’s pictures of her all over the apartment. She’s obviously connected to Harry. She might know me. She could be a lead.

Tim comes over and takes the photo.

TIM: No, she’s not. That’s my mom. She passed away when I was eleven.

Tim puts the photo back down on a dresser.

PIKACHU: Oh. I’m sorry. I… I didn't realize.

TIM: Tomorrow morning I’m gonna take you to Yoshida so we can get some answers.

Tim closes the door as Pikachu looks on sadly.


An establishing shot of the building shows Pokémon outside the building the following morning. Inside, Tim looks through some clothes. He gets dressed and poses in a mirror. He enters the main room and accidentally kicks some papers. The camera cuts back to show Pikachu has plastered the walls and floor of the apartment with hundreds of doc*ments.

PIKACHU: Ah, my clues!

TIM: What is all this?

PIKACHU: Hard work, that’s what this is. And, by the way, we can’t go to the cops. Not ‘til we know who we can trust. So put my clues back in order, would you?

TIM: These aren’t clues, this is the work of a serial killer!

PIKACHU: They’re almost clues.

TIM: What does that even mean?

PIKACHU: Trying to jog my memory, retrace my steps. It helps me to see it all laid out. That’s how I found this!

He holds up the vial of purple gas.

PIKACHU: This is what a Frenchman would call caliente fiesta.

TIM: Not french.

PIKACHU: Smell my finger.

TIM: I will never smell your finger.

PIKACHU: Coward. The point is, I smelled this ‘R’ stuff on those Aipom when they attacked us yesterday.

TIM: ‘R?’

PIKACHU: Bingo. La Cucaracha.

Tim looks closer at the vial and sees it’s emblazoned with an ‘R’ logo.

PIKACHU: See, I’m thinking Harry caught a break in the case, forcing our shadowy kingpin to send out hired goons to deliver the big hush-hush.

He turns the desklamp towards Tim as he says this. Tim squints and turns it away again.

PIKACHU: We need to retrace Harry’s steps. Either solve the case ourselves or get far enough along that this A-number-one bad guy has to reveal himself, or herself!

He swings the lamp back towards Tim, who holds up his hands to shield his eyes.

TIM: Can you stop doing that?

PIKACHU: So, what is the way in, huh? The answer is in this room.

TIM: This isn’t a room, this is a fire hazard. It’s just junk and papers and…

Tim looks down and sees a newspaper. He picks it up.

TIM: Newspapers…

PIKACHU: Whatcha got, kid?

TIM: I literally just met someone. She was a, she was a junior reporter at CNM. She was doing a story on Harry. I think she knows more than she let on.

PIKACHU: Hahaha, the smart ones always do. We gotta go down to her work and press her.

TIM: Okay.

They both begin leaving.

PIKACHU: That’s a metaphor.

TIM: Yeah, I know what a metaphor is.

Tim accidentally kicks over a cup of coffee on the way out.

PIKACHU: I was drinking that.

Tim kicks over another one.

PIKACHU: I was also drink- just step anywhere. It’s only my life’s work.

Pikachu crawls up onto Tim’s shoulder.

TIM: No, no, we’re not doing that.

Tim takes Pikachu down.

PIKACHU: Fine, I'll walk. I’m trying to get in a hundred thousand steps this hour.


An establishing shot shows the CNM building among other skyscrapers in Ryme City. Inside, Roger and Howard Clifford are shooting a promo.

ROGER: Hello, I’m Roger Clifford, president of CNM and Chairman of Clifford Enterprises.

HOWARD: And I’m Howard Clifford, the visionary icon behind Ryme City.

ROGER: Together, in the spirit of harmony, we’re throwing the largest parade that Ryme City has ever seen.

Tim and Pikachu arrive on set as the promo is being filmed.

ROGER: You won’t wanna miss it.

HOWARD: So, at the weekend, we invite the people-

ROGER: -and the Pokémon to be there.

HOWARD: A celebration of the harmony between humans and Pokémon.

Pikachu crawls up onto a snack table. Tim eats something off of it.

DIRECTRO: And, cut!

A buzzer buzzes.

HOWARD: Well, I think that went rather well.

ROGER: Oh, shut up, dad!

PIKACHU: He seems nice.

Roger gets up.

HOWARD: Roger, please. This is supposed to be our gift to the citizens.

ROGER: “Visionary icon?” Really? Was “saviour of the world” taken?

HOWARD: It was your people who wrote the promo, son.

ROGER: Oh, is there an unabridged version where you cure cancer?

Howard drives his wheelchair away.

ROGER: Oh, that’s right, yeah. Turn your back on me like you always did.

DITTO: Ditto!

A nearby ditto transforms into a human and begins pushing Howard’s wheelchair.

ROGER: By the way, no one likes you Pokémon!

TIM: There she is!

Tim points to Lucy standing nearby with a headset and a clipboard. Pikachu whistles.

PIKACHU: I can see why you were so excited.

TIM: I was… Okay, I was not that excited.

Lucy walks over to Roger.

LUCY: My. Clifford! Mr. Clifford!

She catches up to him.

LUCY: Mr. Clifford, I may have a story for you. I’ve heard rumors of Pokémon attacking people. But there’s been no mainstream coverage. I think that-

ROGER: I’m sorry, we’re not a tabloid. Which means that we don’t report on rumors, gossip, or hearsay.

He fiddles with his sunglasses before taking a drink from Lucy.

ROGER: It’s not news if it can’t be verified.

He puts his sunglasses on.

ROGER: You want a story, find a source.

He walks away.

ROGER: Oh, and pro-tip: A reasonable sense of fashion.

Lucy tears up as he leaves, then sees Tim. She walks over.

PIKACHU: Ah, here she comes, here she comes. Try to look deep.

LUCY: What are you doing here?

TIM: Hey, again. Uh, yeah, I know this seems weird but I actually needed to ask you something.

LUCY: Now’s not, not really a good time.

TIM: Yeah, I saw that. I’m sorry.

Pikachu loudly slurps a coffee. Lucy and Tim both look over.

PIKACHU: Sorry, it’s piping hot.

LUCY: You found yourself a Pokémon partner.

TIM: Not exactly, no.

Lucy scratches Pikachu’s face.

LUCY: He’s cute!

PIKACHU: Ha! Yeah, she’s trying to work me, kid. But trust me, I can-

Lucy scratches under his chin.

PIKACHU: Oh, sweet Mother of Arceus, that feels so good.

Tim gets between them.

TIM: So, listen…

PIKACHU: Oh, my god. What happened.

TIM: I found something in Harry’s desk.

He pulls out the ‘R’ vial.

TIM: Nearly choked me to death, and I was-

Lucy grabs his hand, concealing the vial.

LUCY: No, not here. In my office.

PIKACHU: In her office? We’re going to her office?

Cut to Lucy’s office. She rustles through her desk.

PIKACHU: This is great. This isn’t an office, it’s a coffin with pencils.

Psyduck puts his hands on his head.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck?

PIKACHU: Yeah, that’s right. I can talk to the kid, he can talk to me. We’re gifted. You didn’t tell me that she has a Psyduck! These things explode when they’re stressed.

Psyduck starts freaking out.

PIKACHU: Hey, hey, keep calm, pal. Serenity now. Serenity now.

LUCY: Nope.

She gets up and pushes Tim out of the way to grab something.

TIM: Okay.

LUCY: Okay.

TIM: You got it?

LUCY: Here it is.

She holds out a plastic bag and smiles. Then she empties the contents onto her desk, revealing more identical vials. Tim picks one up.

TIM: Where did you find these?

LUCY: Word on the street was that Harry had an informant near the docks.

She points to the docks on a map.

LUCY: I went there to snoop around, and that’s where I found the vial. But the docks can be dangerous. It’s not the sort of place you want to visit alone at night.

TIM: I’m actually pretty good at being alone at night.

PIKACHU: Nope, that did not land right at all.

TIM: That’s not… That’s not what I meant to say. Um…

LUCY: It’s okay.

TIM: I’m just gonna… We should go, so…

PIKACHU: Yeah, yeah, we should go.

Pikachu begins to leave.

TIM: I’m just gonna scoot by ya.

Tim follows Pikachu out.

PIKACHU: Good god, have you ever talked to a woman before?

As Tim leaves, Lucy sees some post-its stuck to Tim’s back.

LUCY: You’ve got some…

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

She grabs one of the post-its. Tim and Pikachu continue walking away.

TIM: Yes, I’ve talked to women before. No, I don’t need your help.

PIKACHU: Was it during the birth canal, or…?

Lucy watches them leave for a moment before returning to her office.


PIKACHU: You know what you need? A shoulder saddle. I bet someone makes one.

The camera pans from a long shot of the docks to Tim and Pikachu, who is sitting on Tim’s shoulder.

TIM: Okay, there are other ways for you to get around. This is humiliating.

PIKACHU: Every step for you is a thousand for me and my lungs are the size of grapes. We need to get some ground rules if this partnership’s gonna work.

TIM: You’re not my partner.

PIKACHU: Mentor, sensei, master, whatever you wanna call it.

TIM: Nope, none of those. Hey, what if it wasn’t the gas? What if it’s hereditary, huh? What if Harry could understand your annoying voice, too?

PIKACHU: You don’t need to talk to us for us to understand. We can feel what you’re saying. You have to be open to the experience. Try it sometime.

TIM: Yeah, I’d rather not. I got my plate full talking to you.

A figure in the distance exits a warehouse along the docks.

TIM: What is that?

PIKACHU: Silent but deadly. Apologies, my tummy’s bad from all the coffee.

TIM: No, ew, get off.

Pikachu comes down from Tim’s shoulder.

TIM: I meant that.

The figure in the distance is shown to be a Mr. Mime.

PIKACHU: Oh, ooh. Ugh. That. It’s a Mr. Mime. They’re the worst.

The Mr. Mime mimes closing a door behind him.

PIKACHU: Silent but annoying.

When the Mr. Mime spots Tim and Pikachu, he mimes trying to open the imaginary door.

TIM: Does he recognize you? I think he recognizes you.

PIKACHU: Well, I was Harry’s partner, so I would’ve been with him-

They both look at each other and gasp.

TIM AND PIKACHU: Harry’s informant is a Pokémon!

PIKACHU: Get him!

Tim runs towards the Mr. Mime, but slows down when he sees it’s only miming running.

TIM: He’s barely moving.

PIKACHU: Don’t tell him that.

The Mr. Mime mimes getting onto a motorcycle.

PIKACHU: Oh! He’s on a bike. Come on, he thinks he’s getting away! Look, quick, get in front of him! Cut him off, you can make it.

Tim kneels a little and puts his hands out.

TIM: Stop.

The Mr. Mime mimes crashing his motorcycle and falling to the ground.

PIKACHU: Oh, no. He’s going down hard, Tim. Should’ve worn a helmet. I hope he makes it.

TIM: Come on, this is ridiculous.

Cut in the warehouse. Mr. Mime is pretending to sit in a chair. Pikachu and Tim approach him.

PIKACHU: I’m good cop, you’re bad cop.

TIM: We’re not cops.

PIKACHU: Grow some berries. You’re bigger and tougher looking than I am. Stand up straight.

Tim turns on a bright lamp. Mr. Mime shields his eyes.

PIKACHU: Listen up. We got ways to make you talk. Or mime.

TIM: Yeah.

PIKACHU: So tell us what we wanna know. Why was Harry Goodman here, and what did it have to do with the ‘R?’

Tim shows Mr. Mime the vial. Mr. Mime begins miming. He opens a can.

PIKACHU: Pipe. Yes, okay. A can!

He makes a shoving motion.

PIKACHU: Shoving. Pushing. My problem is that I push people away and then hate them for leaving.

TIM: He’s saying you can shove it.

PIKACHU: What? I can shove it? Okay, that’s it, no, we’re switching roles. I’m bad cop, you’re good cop.

TIM: No, no, no, no, no, we’re not cops!

Pikachu lunges at Mr. Mime, but hits an invisible wall.

PIKACHU: Oh, god, that’s a very hard wall.

TIM: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, Mr. Mime has the ability to make invisible walls.

PIKACHU: Ugh, yes I know, I happen to be a Pokémon too, remember?

Mr. Mime continues miming in the background.

TIM: Look, Harry figured this guy out somehow. I think the trick is getting inside his head. I have an idea.

Tim gets up and approaches Mr. Mime.

PIKACHU: What are you doing?

Tim mimes opening a door on the invisible wall.

TIM: Oh, ooh, what’s this?

PIKACHU: Oh, there’s a door there. I didn’t… Probably because it’s invisible.

Tim enters the invisible room where Mr. Mime is pretending to sit.

TIM: Huh? Yeah? I’m in your space now, am I right? You don’t like this so much, do you?

Tim mimes screwing the cap off of a container.

PIKACHU: What are you doing?

Tim lifts up the imaginary container and pours pretend liquid onto Mr. Mime.

PIKACHU: That’s a jug. No, you’re pouring.

TIM: No.

PIKACHU: Salt. It’s a salt shaker. You’re cooking.

TIM: No.

PIKACHU: Real cooking is about following your heart, not a recipe.

Both Tim and Mr. Mime look disdainfully at Pikachu.

TIM: What are you talking about?

Mr. Mime pats his butt.

PIKACHU: Gas. You’re pouring gasoline on…

Pikachu gasps.

TIM: Mhm.

PIKACHU: Oh, that went dark fast. I like this. I like this very much.

Tim pretends to light a match. Mr. Mime blows it out.

TIM: Alright, alright.

Tim lights another imaginary match. Mr. Mime puts it out with his fingers.

TIM: Okay, you wanna play that game?

Mr. Mime taps his head.

TIM: I can play that game.

Tim exits the imaginary room, hitting his head on the door frame. Mr. Mime mimes laughing.

TIM: Ah, you think that’s funny? You think that’s funny, huh?

Tim mimes pouring a trail of gasoline. Mr. Mime looks concerned.

TIM: You’re not gonna be laughing soon, huh? Who’s laughing now, huh?

He prepares to drop a match on the trail of gasoline. Mr. Mime mimes being trapped in the imaginary room.

PIKACHU: Oh, I smell what you’re stepping in. That’s right, Mr. Mime. You’re about to be Mr. Melt unless you start talking.

Mr. Mime mimes dealing out cards.

PIKACHU: Cards. Cards. Playing cards. Poker.

TIM: I think he’s talking about the ‘R.’

Mr. Mime nods.

PIKACHU: Someone was handing out ‘R!’ Use your body words, where?

Mr. Mime mimes some shapes.

PIKACHU: Circle. House. Moon. House. Moon house. Enough with the games. Say it. Just say it! Talk, you stupid mime!

TIM: Okay, just relax.

Mr. Mime looks offended, then goes back to miming.

TIM: Uh, round. Round house. Uh… The source of the ‘R’ came from the Roundhouse.

PIKACHU: Yeah, nice work, kid. Maybe there’s a little detective in you after all.

Mr. Mime wipes the sweat from his brow. Tim accidentally drops the imaginary match, causing Mr. Mime to panic.


Tim and Pikachu approach the line for the Roundhouse. Cut to a Loudred beatboxing inside. Other Loudred are shown beatboxing as well, resulting in electronic music. A DJ and an MC stand amongst them, one with a microphone.

MC: Critical hit! Additional damage!

The camera pulls back to a fight between a Gengar and a Blastoise. Spectators watch from behind gates. Tim and Pikachu make it up to the front row. The Gengar flies around the arena as the Blastoise shoots water at it.

TIM: I didn’t know they had Pokémon battles in Ryme City.

PIKACHU: We’re not supposed to.

The Gengar shoots a purple attack at the Blastoise.

MC: Gengar uses Shadow Ball!

The Blastoise shoots water at the Gengar, who dodges and laughs. It summersaults around the arena making illusions of itself. The Blastoise rolls around on its shell shooting water at the illusions. Unbeknownst to Tim and Pikachu, a woman in sunglasses nearby watches them.

PIKACHU: Come on. Let’s take a look around.

The woman sends a text to someone. It reads, “The kid’s here. And he’s with the Pikachu.”

PIKACHU: Okay, kid. So here’s what we know. Harry traces the ‘R’ to here. Then frequents this joint because someone knows something about something.

As they walk, the MC notices them.

PIKACHU: We just need to find the someone and the something.

MC: Hey, hey! Where’s that Pikachu’s partner? Don’t go!

The MC makes his way down from the MC booth.

TIM: I think the someone just found us.

PIKACHU: Wow. I’d like to see this guys internet search history.

MC: Who are you?

PIKACHU: Let’s see where this goes. Tell him you’re my new partner.

TIM: I’m his new partner.

MC: Well, that Pikachu’s Thunderbolt almost wrecked my prized Charizard last time he was here.

The Charizard comes up behind the MC.

TIM: Oh.

MC: Scar is still fresh.

PIKACHU: All I hear are consonants, and all I see are nipples.

MC: And, you know what? He ruined my coat, man. Look at this.

The MC shows them his coat.

TIM: I’m so sorry.

PIKACHU: Forget the coat, where’s his shirt?

MC: This! This is my place. And nobody comes into my place and does that to my Pokémon.

As the MC gets in Tim’s face, the Charizard gets in Pikachu’s face.

PIKACHU: What are you looking at?

MC: Or to my coat.

TIM: Right, the coat. The coat. What are you doing?

PIKACHU: Classic staredown, kid. First one to blink loses. Now stop distracting me.

TIM: Uh, look, I just wanna know why his old partner was here, that’s all.

A voice comes over the loudspeakers.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Gengar wins! Ready for next battle.

The Blastoise passes out in the arena while the Gengar flies around.

MC: And I want a rematch. You give me my rematch, I’ll tell you everything you want to know. What I know.

TIM: Uh…

PIKACHU: Tell him he’s on, amigo.

TIM: Okay.

Back at the DJ booth, the DJ speaks to the crowd.

DJ: A new battle’s unfolding. Pikachu versus Charizard: Rematch!

The crowd cheers. Tim opens a gate into the arena. Pikachu hands him his hat.

PIKACHU: Here, hold my hat. I’m about to rock this place.

TIM: Okay.

The crowd chants “Charizard!” as Pikachu enters the arena.

PIKACHU: Just doing some light stretching. You never want to go into these things tight.

Nearby, the MC pats Charizard’s nose.

MC: You’re gonna win this time, okay?

TIM: What are you doing? What is your plan of attack?

PIKACHU: I don’t operate according to plans, kid. I deal with things in the moment.

Tim watches as across the arena, the MC pulls out a vial.

MC: Okay, here we go. Now you’ll be ready.

He sprays the purple gas into Charizard’s face. Charizard begins to growl and his eyes get the purple effect.

PIKACHU: Now, obviously, I’ve dealt with this putz before, so I’ll just do it again.

Pikachu turns back around and sees Charizard banging on the gate. He runs back to Tim.

PIKACHU: Give me my hat back! That thing just chugged a year’s worth of that ‘R’ stuff!

An attendant closes the gate on PIkachu.

TIM: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, it’s like you said, okay? You did it before. You just gotta use your powers. You can use Quick Attack, Discharge, or Electro Ball. But, I think Volt Tackle is your best move, so start with that.

PIKACHU: First of all, when did you learn how to be a Pokémon trainer? And secondly, get me the hell out of here!

DJ: Begin!

Charizard charges at Pikachu.

TIM: Look out!

Tim stumbles away and Pikachu dodges as Charizard hits the gate head on, nearly breaking it down.

PIKACHU: Woah, woah, woah! I forgot everything you said! I forget things, it’s what I do, I have amnesia!

They both run around the perimeter of the arena on either side of the fences.

TIM: You need to go for a critical hit, use Volt Tackle!

PIKACHU: Volt Tackle will knock me out, I’m going for Thunderbolt.

TIM: Come on, you got it, you got it.

Pikachu strains himself in the middle of the arena while Charizard struggles to free himself from the tangled gate. The noise dies down as the whole audience watches him.

PIKACHU: Come on, come on, come on.

TIM: Hey, bud, what are you doing?

PIKACHU: I can’t do it when people are watching. Can everyone just look away please? Mm, it’s not working. I forgot how to use my powers.

Charizard frees himself from the gate and turns towards Pikachu.

PIKACHU: But he didn’t!

Charizard breathes fire all around. People cheer.

TIM: Pikachu, run!

PIKACHU: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah!

Pikachu dodges a fire attack. Charizard chases him around for a few moments before knocking him into a fence. The crowd groans.

DJ: Taken out with one hit!

MC: Ay, Pikachu wanna cry?

Charizard walks over to Pikachu. Pikachu stumbles backwards. Tim looks around frantically.

PIKACHU: You don’t wanna do this, I’m adorable! Pika-pika?

Suddenly, Charizard yells out in pain. Both Pokémon turn to see Tim stomping on the fire at the end of Charizard’s tail. Charizard turns towards Tim as the crowd boos.

MC: Are you crazy? Get out of there!

PIKACHU: I got it, kid!

Pikachu crawls on Charizard’s head. Charizard flails around, trying to throw him off. Tim grabs onto Charizard's tail as he stomps around the arena. The MC opens the gate and enters the arena.

MC: What are you doing to my baby?

PIKACHU: Get out of the way!

Charizard blindly charges the MC.

MC: Uh oh.

Charizard barrels through him, knocking him to the ground. Tim loses his grip on Charizard’s tail and falls next to him. As the MC gets up, he sees purple smoke pouring out of his coat.

MC: Uh oh. That’s not good.

He coughs and takes his coat off, causing the smoke to billow out. Charizard flies in the middle of the arena, the flapping of his wings sending the gas everywhere. The Loudreds inhale it, causing the electronic music to become more intense as they are driven wild. All around the arena, spectating Pokémon inhale the gas and turn rabid. Chaos ensues. In the commotion, Tim gets on top of the MC and holds him down.

TIM: Tell me what you know!

MC: The guy you are looking for wanted to know the source of ‘R.’ It comes from the doctor! That’s all I know. Now let me go!

The MC breaks out from under Tim. Charizard hits the ceiling, breaking out of the Roundhouse. Pikachu goes flying. Tim leaps into the middle of the arena to catch him.

PIKACHU: Nice catch, kid! Let’s get out of here.

As they go to leave, Charizard falls back down, tangled in some metal scaffolding. Pikachu sees a Magikarp flopping on the floor.

PIKACHU: I got a plan.

TIM: What? That’s not gonna work, Magikarp is the worst!

PIKACHU: Magikarp can evolve into Gyrados, all it needs is a little kick!

Pikachu lifts up the Magikarp and throws it, kicking it towards Charizard. It continues flopping on the ground.

PIKACHU: In my head, I saw that differently.

Charizard breaks free. The effects of the gas seem to wear off. Charizard goes wide-eyed. Tim and Pikachu turn to see Magikarp evolve into Gyrados. All three look nervous.Charizard whimpers.

PIKACHU: Hey, Tim? I don’t float.

Gyrados shots a flood of water out of its mouth, sending Tim, Pikachu, and Charizard out the front door of the Roundhouse. They come to a stop at the street. A cop car sounds.

PIKACHU: Ha. I told you MAgikarp aren’t useless.

Three police approach them.

COP: You’re under arrest.


Yoshida enters his office.

YOSHIDA: I thought you couldn’t wait to get home.

TIM: Yeah, well, my plans changed because I found him.

Tim gestures to Pikachu.

YOSHIDA: I’m not following.

TIM: Harry’s not dead. If his Pokémon partner’s still alive, that means he is, too.

YOSHIDA: That is not proof, son.

PIKACHU: Tell him about the chemical ‘R.’

TIM: Give me a minute. Harry’s last case has to do with those underground battles. That’s why I was there. There’s a chemical.

YOSHIDA: We ran an investigation.

TIM: Harry figured it out and he’s in trouble.

YOSHIDA: That case is closed. Over!

TIM: You gotta reopen the investigation! He’s out there, I can feel it!

PIKACHU: In your jellies. Go ahead, say it.

TIM: I’m not gonna say that. I can feel it, lieutenant, in my bones.

PIKACHU: Not as good.

TIM: Stop. Oh, yeah, and I can understand Pikachu, like, word perfect, so…

YOSHIDA: Tim… It’s very difficult coping with loss. Denial can be a powerful thing.

TIM: No, I’m not in denial! I’m right, I know it! He’s, he’s out there.

Yoshida sighs and takes a moment before responding.

YOSHIDA: I never wanted to show you this, but I think it’s important you see it.

Yoshida grabs a remote and plays a video on his TV. It’s footage of the crash Harry was in.

YOSHIDA: No one could survive a crash like that. Not even your dad. He’s gone, Tim.

Tim begins to have a flashback. Young Tim stares at a train as it passes by.


A passing car interrupts the flashback, and Tim and Pikachu are shown sitting on a ledge.

TIM: I should’ve gotten on that train.

PIKACHU: What’s that, kid?

TIM: After my mom died, my dad and I drifted apart. He moved here and poured himself into his work. And, eventually, he tried to get me to come live with him, but I wouldn’t go.

PIKACHU: How come?

TIM: I didn’t think he cared. I guess I just got used to him not being around and I couldn’t forgive him for it. Until I got here, and… I realized that he did care. But, I didn’t know. Because I never gave him the chance. And now, it’s too late. I really… I really wish I’d gotten on that train.

PIKACHU: Mhm. Listen kid, um… I may not have memories, um… But I know this much: It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anybody's fault. And I’m sure that if your dad was here, he would hug you so hard, your bones would pop. And he’d tell you he’s sorry for everything. He’d be damn proud of you, kid.

TIM: I haven’t been really nice to you.

PIKACHU: No, you really haven’t.

TIM: Well, we still got one mystery to solve.


TIM: Yours. Let’s find out who did this to you. Get your memory back.

PIKACHU: I’d like that. I’d like that very much.

A car pulls up by the curb nearby.

PIKACHU: Well, that’s a bad-guy car.

The woman with sunglasses from the Roundhouse gets out and gestures for them to enter the car. They look at each other.


An elevator is seen ascending through the glass in the CNM building. The woman gets off and Tim and PIkachu follow. Inside sits Howard Clifford.

HOWARD: Thank you, Miss Norman.

PIKACHU: Yes, thank you, Miss Norman. That’ll be all.

She returns to the elevator.

PIKACHU: What a blabbermouth.

HOWARD: Please, come in.

Pikachu jumps down from Tim’s shoulder and they both approach Howard.

HOWARD: Magnificent creatures, aren’t they?

He pets an Eevee on his desk. It glows and evolves into a Flareon.

PIKACHU: Woah, a Flareon.

HOWARD: Imagine being able to evolve into the best possible version of yourself.

The Flareon leaves, passing Pikachu.


HOWARD: That greatness inside you, just waiting to be awoken.

Howard turns on a light, illuminating himself for the first time.

HOWARD: Hello, Tim.

PIKACHU: He knows you?

HOWARD: I see you’ve partnered with Harry’s Pikachu.

PIKACHU: And he knows me, too.

TIM: You knew Harry?

HOWARD: The case Harry was working on, it was for me.

Pikachu picks up a magnifying glass laying on a table.

PIKACHU: That’s a twist. That’s very twisty.

Howard holds up a vial of ‘R.’

HOWARD: This compound threatens everything I’ve built.

PIKACHU: He knows about the ‘R.’ How does he know about the ‘R?’

HOWARD: I hired Harry to trace it to its source. Imagine my shock when the answer turned out to be my own son. I’ve devoted my life to perfecting the partnership between Pokémon and humans. A partnership where Pokémon bring out the best in us. In doing so, I’m afraid I neglected my responsibilities as a parent.

He looks at a photo of himself and Roger.

HOWARD: Roger resents the Pokémon. I think he’s lived in my shadow for so long, he actually wants to destroy my legacy.

PIKACHU: Well, there’s no such thing as daddy issues without daddy.

TIM: But, Mr. Clifford, how could you let him do that?

HOWARD: Ever since my illness put me in this chair, Roger has taken over more and more of the company. He controls the board. He also controls the police and the politicians. And he owns the press. Harry is the only one I can trust. That’s why you need to find him.

TIM: You haven’t heard. Harry’s dead.

HOWARD: Oh, no, Tim. Your father is alive.

Howard activates something on his wheelchair. A large object falls from the ceiling.

PIKACHU: Look out, Tim!

They both try to brace themselves, but the object passes right through them. It’s revealed to be a holographic projection of Harry’s car as it crashed.

HOWARD: Advanced holographic imaging. Since being confined to this chair, I’ve invested in ways of bringing the world to me. This was recreated from police footage.

They circle the wrecked car.

HOWARD: It allows us to see things that they cannot or don’t want us to see.

As they approach the side of the car, Harry and Pikachu crawl out of the wreckage.

TIM: He’s alive.


PIKACHU: It’s me. I was with Harry in the crash.

TIM: He needs my help!

Tim reaches down, but his hands go right through the hologram.

TIM: If Harry’s alive, why didn’t they find him?

Howard looks up. Tim and Pikachu follow his gaze to Mewtwo floating above the wreckage.

TIM: What is that?

HOWARD: Mewtwo. A man-made abomination created in a laboratory using DNA from the fossil remains of the ancient Mew.

PIKACHU: I can’t believe it. If that thing came from Mew, then we’re looking at the most powerful Pokémon in the world.

The holographic Mewtwo hits the holographic Pikachu with a beam of light, causing him to faint.

PIKACHU: That’s it! That’s what happened to me. Mewtwo wiped my memory. But why?

The holographic Mewtwo picks up Harry.

TIM: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

The car explodes next to them. The hologram comes to an end and the room returns to normal.

TIM: Wait, wait, wait, wait, where did it take him?

HOWARD: That’s for you to solve now. Find Mewtwo, and you will find your father.


The shot pans down to Tim and Pikachu walking down the sidewalk.

PIKACHU: Second chances are special things, kid. There’s a lot we can make better if we crack this case. One question though, where are we going?

TIM: I don’t know, I’m just going. You gotta tell me where. You’re the detective.

PIKACHU: Okay, if Roger Clifford is the key to all of this…

TIM: Then we need someone who has access to him.

PIKACHU: And we both know who that is, lover boy.

TIM: Okay, come one, that’s… Come on, let’s not start that again.


Lucy looks into the café from the window. She enters. Tim and Pikachu are sitting at a table inside.

TIM: There she is.

PIKACHU: What’s with the sunglasses? Can she see us? I don’t think she can see us.

TIM: Hey, thanks for coming.

He gets up, but she pushes him back down and sits in a booth next to him with her back to him.

LUCY: Don’t talk to me.

TIM: Okay. What happens now?

LUCY: Just act casual. But don’t look at me.

TIM: There’s nothing really casual about this.

She hands him a folder.

LUCY: Look at this.

He tries to grab it from her but accidentally causes her to drop it, spilling the doc*ments inside. They both reach down to pick them up.

LUCY: Oh, sh*t.

TIM: Sorry, that was my fault.

As they go down, they accidentally butt heads.


TIM: Sorry, I’m sorry.

PIKACHU: Oh, this is working out great. Why don’t you just have her sit over here.

TIM: You wanna just come sit with us?

PIKACHU: I should never have encouraged you. You have no chance.

Pikachu scoots over to make room for Tim. Lucy sits across from them.

LUCY: I got access to Roger’s computer.

TIM: Oh, wow, how’d you do that?

LUCY: Spilled a cappuccino on his lap.

PIKACHU: That sounds like a waste of coffee.

LUCY: So, I searched through all his records. I targeted the property rights in the region and I cross checked that with city records for any Clifford-financed businesses until I found this.

She holds up a photo and then puts it down on the table.

LUCY: May I present: PCL. A Pokémon genetic research facility.

Tim inspects the photo.

LUCY: But that’s not all.

PIKACHU: She’s good.

LUCY: Last week, PCL had an “accident” and had to shut down their entire facility. That’s the same night Harry Goodman went missing. No one knows what happened. Total media blackout. What does it all mean? I don’t know. This is very exciting. Are you excited?

TIM: Yeah.

PIKACHU: I think he just peed a little.

TIM: So-

PIKACHU: Oh, nope. That’s me. That was me.

TIM: So, um, there’s a cover-up?

LUCY: Mhm.

TIM: But, uh, what are they covering up?

Lucy holds up her car keys.

LUCY: What do you say we go find out?


Establishing shots show a car driving around through a mountainous region. Cutting inside the car, Lucy is driving, Tim is in the passenger’s seat, and Pikachu and Psyduck are sitting in the back. Soothing music is playing.

PIKACHU: So let me get this right, we’re forced to listen to this spa music so your head doesn’t explode and kill us all.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

LUCY: Your Pikachu is so unusual.

Psyduck holds one of its feet up to Pikachu.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

PIKACHU: Hey, you put that down. I am not giving you a massage.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

LUCY: I have never known a Pokémon to wear a hat.

TIM: Yeah, he’s weird. He’s so weird.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

PIKACHU: Of course I care about my partner’s life. Fine, fine, hand it over.

Pikachu begins giving Psyduck a foot massage.

TIM: What are you doing?

LUCY: What?

TIM: Nothing, nothing, I was actually wondering who this was.

LUCY: It’s PCL’s chief scientist, Dr. Anne Laurent.

PIKACHU: I bet this is the ‘doctor’ shirtless was talking about.

LUCY: She lost her university grant over experimentation of Pokémon because she was trying to control their minds.

TIM: Oh, wow.

LUCY: She’s essentially a neurologist for Pokémon.

PIKACHU: Maybe this doctor could weigh in on the long-term psychological effects of being strapped into a baby seat next to a bomb!

The group arrives at PCL.

LUCY: This is it.

Ahead of them is a barbed wire fence and gate. Lucy pulls over.

LUCY: Look at the signs. Must have been a really bad accident.

PIKACHU: That’s what they want you to believe. Whoever staged this did an excellent job. Those signs are the perfect scarecrow for suckers.

TIM: Yeah, well, they’re working on me.

PIKACHU: Kid, this dame’s looking for danger. You want to win her over, you gotta lead her straight to it.

TIM: Okay, okay, first of all, women don’t like to be called “dame.” Second, women appreciate calm, uh, level-headed, and, uh, responsible decision making… What is she doing?

Tim notices Lucy trying to breach the fence.

TIM: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! Lucy, what’re you doing?

Lucy uses a bolt-cutter to break through the fence.

LUCY: I’m, uh, I’m cutting the fence so that we can slip through.

Unbeknownst to the group, a nearby security camera spots them.

TIM: Where did you get those?

LUCY: Oh, don’t worry about it.

The group passes through the fence.

PIKACHU: After you, sir.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

PIKACHU: Okay, I’ll go first. Whatever’s most calming.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

The camera pans up to the PCL building, the cuts and pans back down to the group as they get there. Lucy enters through a ceiling hatch. Psyduck jumps down and Lucy catches him.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck, Psyduck.

Tim falls down through the hatch. Pikachu jumps down into his arms. Pikachu gets on Tim’s shoulder.

TIM: It’s okay, you can stay up there.

Lucy pulls out a flashlight and they make their way through the abandoned facility.

PIKACHU: I may have amnesia but I’m pretty sure this is the worst idea anyone’s ever had.

They approach a glass bubble on a wall.

LUCY: What is that?

TIM: I’m not sure.

Lucy shines her flashlight inside. A webbed hand appears, startling them.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

Lucy shines her light on a number of glass pods on the wall.

LUCY: It’s Greninja. But they don’t look right.

Pikachu reads from a label outside the pod.

PIKACHU: Test 22. Power enhancement?

TIM: They were experimenting on them.

PIKACHU: But why? If Roger Clifford’s behind this, what’s he doing experimenting on Pokémon?

Lucy shines her light on a small enclosure. A Pokémon moves inside.

LUCY: A Torterra garden.

TIM: Pokémon evolution test 33. Growth enhancement.

LUCY: They look normal sized to me. Maybe it hasn’t started yet. It’s like they’re trying to manipulate Pokémon evolution.

TIM: Is that even possible.

LUCY: I don’t know. I need to doc*ment all of this, though.

A security camera focuses on the group. Elsewhere, Roger Clifford opens up a computer with the live security footage playing on it.

LUCY: You go ahead. I’ll catch up to you.

TIM: Are you sure?

LUCY: Yeah.

Tim and Pikachu find the ruins of the room that Mewtwo escaped from.

TIM: Woah. What happened here?

PIKACHU: Bad stuff. Really bad stuff.

TIM: Still think this was staged?

Elsewhere, Lucy takes footage of the facility on her phone while Psyduck is strapped to her back in a harness. Cut back to Tim and Pikachu.

PIKACHU: Kid, hey! Over here.

Pikachu finds a computer terminal with a functioning display.

PIKACHU: It says Dr. Laurent’s station.

TIM: Looks like it’s still working.

The shot focuses on a camera in the back of the room, then cuts back to Roger watching the feeds. He types something and his computer displays a shot of the Greninja enclosures.

COMPUTER: Remote access initiated.

Roger smiles. Cut back to Lucy and Psyduck. Psyduck panics as the Greninja capsules open up and Lucy gets a grim look on her face as she hears them.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

A Greninja hand slowly grips the outer side of the enclosure. Elsewhere, Tim types on Dr. Laurent’s station.

TIM: Looks like most of the files are corrupted.

As Tim types, they hear a sound somewhere above them.

PIKACHU: Uh oh. Another one of those holograms.

The hologram activates. The lab appears as it was before Mewtwo’s escape.

HOLOGRAM DR. LAURENT: Day 42. After much trial and error, we perfected a stable method to extract Mewtwo’s DNA.

They approach Mewtwo’s containment unit.

PIKACHU: It’s Mewtwo. No, wait, wait. Mewtwo came from this place?

The hologram skips. Dr. Laurent suddenly appears on the other side of the lab looking at some jars.

HOLOGRAM DR. LAURENT: Day 60. Clinical trials have proven successful. The inhalant results in confusion and the total loss of free will, which in turn makes the Pokémon go wild. We’ve designated this chemical as serum ‘R.’

Pikachu and Tim watch as a jar fills with ‘R,’ then look around the room.

TIM: They used Mewtwo to make ‘R.’

PIKACHU: And they were testing it at the battles.

The hologram skips again. Dr. Laurent appears elsewhere in the room and places a device over a model of a human head.

HOLOGRAM DR. LAURENT: Day 68. The neural link is operational.

Suddenly, an alarm goes off.

COMPUTER: Alert. Condition red.

HOLOGRAM DR. LAURENT: Oh. No. No, no, no!

She runs over to the containment unit.

HOLOGRAM DR. LAURENT: We;re losing power in the containment-

Mewtwo explodes his containment unit open, sending Dr. Laurent flying backwards. Before she hits a wall, the hologram dissolves away.

TIM: That must’ve been how Mewtwo escaped.

PIKACHU: Now we’re getting somewhere.

TIM: Well, what did that thing want with Harry?

PIKACHU: Good question, kid. I’ll try and take us back to the beginning.

Pikachu walks back over to the monitor. He types and the hologram comes back, rewinded until before Mewtwo was even in the containment unit.

HOLOGRAM DR. LAURENT: Day 1. The lab is almost fully operational. All that remains now is to capture the most powerful Pokémon known to mankind: Mewtwo. It escaped nearly 20 years ago from the Kanto region. Fortunately, our benefactor’s hired a specialist to track it down. Good luck Detective Goodman.

Tim turns and sees a holographic version of his father leave the lab. The hologram ends.

PIKACHU: That’s why Mewtwo took Harry! It was revenge for being captured.

Cut to Tim and Pikachu elsewhere in the facility, Pikachu standing on Tim’s shoulder.

TIM: It doesn’t make any sense. Harry would’ve never been a part of this.

PIKACHU: I wanna believe that, kid. But we gotta be honest here. You haven’t seen him in years, and I got amnesia. Neither of us can say for sure what Harry would or wouldn’t do.

TIM: We gotta get back to the city.

Cut to them arriving back in the hallway where the Greninja capsules are.

TIM: Lucy! Lucy, we gotta get back to…

They find the area empty and the Greninja enclosures open.

TIM: Lucy? Lucy?

They hear a noise nearby. Tim turns and sees a strange substance on the floor.

PIKACHU: That was not there before, kid.

As they get in closer to examine it, more of the substance drips on Pikachu’s hat.


They slowly look up and see Lucy and Psyduck being bound by a Greninja’s tongue. Lucy tries to say something but it sounds muffled through the Geninja’s tongue..

Tim and Pikachu see another Greninja. It shoots its tongue out at them and they dodge.

TIM: Woah!

Pikachu jumps down from Tim’s shoulder.

PIKACHU: Kid, the fire alarm!

Tim pulls the fire alarm. The spray causes both Greninjas to fall, and the first one to drop Lucy and Psyduck. Tim grabs Lucy’s hand and pulls her up onto her feet.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

TIM: Come on, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!

The group sprints through the facility, but find more Greninjas when they turn a corner.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

TIM: Woah, woah, woah, go back!

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

They sprint down the other direction, but more Greninja arrive, cornering them in the enclosure room. The Greninjas hurl attacks at them and they duck. Lucy turns and sees that the attacks have cracked the glass of the Torterra enclosure.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

LUCY: Get down!

Tim ducks as Lucy whirls a terminal into the glass, breaking it.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

LUCY: Come on!

The group heads into the Torterra enclosure, pursued by the Greninjas. Lucy pulls another fire alarm, spraying the pursuers and temporarily stopping them.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck! Psyduck! Psyduck!

The group sprints out the back of the Torterra enclosure and into the nearby wilderness.

PSYDUCK: Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck!

Back in the facility, the fire alarm ends. The Greninjas look back at the Torterra enclosure.. Back outside, the group keeps sprinting.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck! Psyduck! Psyduck! Psyduck!

The Greninjas run through the Torterra enclosure, jumping over the Torterras. Psyduck continues to panic.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

LUCY: It’s okay, Psyduck! Everything’s fine!

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

PIKACHU: He’s gonna blow his stack, kid.

TIM: It’s okay, Psyduck! It’s okay! Calm down.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

The Greninjas continue to pursue them, with some projectile attacks barely missing.

PIKACHU: There’s no time for your stupid headaches!

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

PIKACHU: No, wait, this is the perfect time to get a headache!

PSYDUCK: Psyduck?

PIKACHU: I hated rubbing your feet!

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

TIM: Calm down, calm down!

PIKACHU: I’ll never forgive my hands for what they did!

Psyduck hits his own head.

PIKACHU: Get a splitting headache now, you neurotic duck!

The Greninjas leap towards them, poised to attack.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!


PSYDUCK: Psyduck!


PSYDUCK: Psyduck!


PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

Psyducks final yell blows the Greninjas back, knocks the group down, and sends a shock wave throughout the entire forest.

PSYDUCK: Psy… duck…

Psyduck passes out.

PIKACHU: Good job, Psyduck. Where’s my hat?

As Tim gets up, he notices a plant gently quiver.

TIM: Something’s wrong.

There's a distant noise and the ground begins to rumble. They watch as the entire landscape begins to rise, mountains breaking up from the Earth. The whole region appears to fold in on itself.

LUCY: Is this really happening?

PIKACHU: Don’t worry, Psyduck’s psionic waves are causing hallucinations. None of this is real.

A tree suddenly falls right behind him.

PIKACHU: Nope, all of this is real. Run!

The group gets up and sprints away from the approaching landscape.

TIM: Go, go, go!

They scream and run as debris falls all around them.

TIM: What’s happening?

LUCY: Let’s go, let’s go!

They lose their footing as the ground beneath rises as well. They fall on their fronts and grab onto the roots of a tree.

PIKACHU: At this point, how can you not believe in climate change?

A boulder rolls towards them. They scream and let go of the roots they were holding. They fall and eventually grab onto a tree. The boulder comes and breaks the tree, causing Pikachu to lose his hold.

PIKACHU: No, no, no! No!

Tim quickly grabs him.

TIM: I got you!

They stand up straight on the side of the tree.

LUCY: Tim!

They look and see the landscape appears to be about to crush them.

TIM: Go, run! Run!

They jump from tree to tree away from the destruction.

PIKACHU: Go, go, go, go! Go, go, go!

Debris falls and breaks the trees in front of them, cornering them. They look back at the destruction behind them.

LUCY: Okay!

They leap down from the tree and fall through the forest. They eventually slide to a stop.

PIKACHU: Ah, we made it.

The landscape behinds them rumbles.

PIKACHU: I officially hate this forest.

A massive crack splinters the landscape, separating Lucy and Psyduck from Tim and Pikachu.

LUCY: Tim!

TIM: Lucy!

As the landscape breaks away, Lucy tries to run towards Tim and Pikachu.

LUCY: Tim!

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

A landslide prevents Tim from running towards her. He tries to run the other way, but the ground continues to break.

PIKACHU: Kid, the walls are closing in. We have to do something and we gotta do it fast.

TIM: I gotta jump for it.

PIKACHU: That’s a great fifth option. Let’s work on the first four.

LUCY: You’re not gonna make it!

TIM: There’s no other choice.

PIKACHU: We have a lot of choices! Falling to our death is not one of- Ah!

Tim jumps down from the rising landscape to the other side. He barely makes it, managing to grab onto a ledge. Tim and Pikachu start laughing before Tim begins to slip and they start screaming.

LUCY: Tim!

Lucy grabs Tim at the last moment.

TIM: Pull, pull, pull!

Lucy manages to pull them up and they all fall back onto the ground.

PIKACHU: I thought I was gonna… I thought I was gonna… I… I… Eyeball. Eyeball!

They look at the moving landmass and see a gigantic eyeball open. It turns and the entire landmass starts to shake and move. The group looks out and sees more gigantic landmasses rising and moving.

PIKACHU: Oh, I get it! I get it now, this isn’t a forest at all! This is the Torterra garden!

The colossal Torterras get up, some of them groaning. Suddenly, a rock hits Pikachu square in the chest and he falls backwards.

TIM: Pikachu!

The land they’re standing on breaks away and they all fall off of the Torterra into water below. The Torterras all lay back down. Tim, Lucy, and Psyduck all make their way to shore, Tim carrying Pikachu.

TIM: He’s hurt!

Tim lays Pikachu down.

LUCY: Is he okay?

PIKACHU: I’m in bad shape, kid.

TIM: I’m here, partner. I’m here.

PIKACHU: Did you just call me partner?

TIM: Yeah, of course. You’re my partner.

PIKACHU: Yeah, that’s right. You’ve, uh, you’ve got my back.

TIM: Hey, hey, hey, bud. Hey, hey, Pikachu!

Pikachu passes out.

TIM: No!

Tim looks up. A Bulbasaur appears nearby.

TIM: Hey, hey, help! Please! Please!

The Bulbasaur approaches.

TIM: He’s hurt. Please.

The Bulbasaur makes some sounds.

LUCY: It doesn’t know what you’re saying.

TIM: But he knows what I’m feeling. I need to get Pikachu to a healer Pokémon. Please. I’m begging you. I don’t wanna lose him too.

The Bulbasaur walks away. Tim begins to sob. Lucy puts her hand on Tim’s shoulder.

LUCY: It’s okay.

There’s a distant sound. Lucy and Psyduck look up.

LUCY: Tim, look.

Tim looks up. More Bulbasaurs appear. Tim picks up Pikachu. The group tries to follow the Bulbasaurs, but they block Lucy and Psyduck from coming.

LUCY: Okay. I’ll meet you at the car.

Tim keeps going with the Bulbasaurs. Cut to a wide shot of the forest, then a close-up of the back of Tim’s feet. As he walks, what appear to be normal mushrooms turn out to be Morelulls, which rise from the ground and fly around.

TIM: You’re gonna be okay, partner.

The Bulbasaurs and the Morelulls lead Tim through a canyon. Other Pokémon nearby watch. A group of Morelulls land on a rock.

TIM: Here?

They move out of the way. Tim places Pikachu down. The other Pokémon all abscond.

TIM: Hey, hey, hey. Wait, wait, wait! Where are you going? What am I supposed to do?

MEWTWO: I’ve been waiting for you.

Mewtwo flies into sight from around a corner.

TIM: Mewtwo.

Mewtwo shines a ray of light on Pikachu.

TIM: No, no, no, no, wait!

Pikachu floats up. Mewtwo’s eyes glow. He sets Pikachu back down. Pikachu coughs and gets up.

PIKACHU: Where am I?

TIM: You’re okay!

PIKACHU: Yeah, I’m… Somehow I’m fine!

MEWTWO: You brought the son to me, as agreed.

TIM: What is he talking about?

PIKACHU: I don’t know, kid. I’m as lost as you are.

TIM: Where’s my father? What’d you do with him?

Mewtwo holds out his hand and begins to show Tim visions. He shows himself in the containment unit, then Pikachu using electricity to trigger alarms in the facility. Mewtwo’s escape is shown again.

DR. LAURENT: Uh oh. We’re losing power in the containment chamber!

Mewtwo bursts through the roof of the facility. Then Harry’s car is shown, first driving and then going over the bridge.

MEWTWO: You’ve done well.

In the vision, Pikachu looks up at Mewtwo.

MEWTWO: Humanity is evil. I’ve always believed Pokémon are-

The vision ends. Tim and Pikachu shake their heads.


Mewtwo groans. Tim looks up and sees robots containing him. Roger comes over the ridge of the Canyon.


Roger smiles and walks away. Mewtwo is shown being loaded into a truck. Cut to Tim and Pikachu exiting the fence around the facility.

TIM: Wait, wait, wait! Pikachu, wait. Hey, slow down, we have to talk about this.

PIKACHU: You have to go on without me.

TIM: What? What are you saying? Roger has Mewtwo. Mewtwo has my father. We’re running out of time, we have a case to solve.

PIKACHU: We already solved mine. I know who I am. I’m the guy who betrayed Harry.

TIM: We don’t know that.

PIKACHU: We both saw it. I betrayed your father. Which means, I could betray you too.

TIM: You wouldn’t do that. I don’t care what I saw. I know who you are.

PIKACHU: How do you know?

TIM: Because, I… I can feel it in my jellies.

PIKACHU: I, I made that up! There’s no jellies. There’s no me.

TIM: I don’t believe that.

PIKACHU: You’re better off on your own.

TIM: Come on, Pikachu.

He grabs Pikachu’s hand.

PIKACHU: No, no!

TIM: I need you. Please.

PIKACHU: You have to- You have to stay away. It’s for your own good.

TIM: No. I’m not letting you go.

Pikachu accidentally shocks Tim.

PIKACHU: You see? I can’t help it. I hurt the people who need me. That’s who I am. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

Pikachu walks away. Lucy and Psyduck arrive.

LUCY: Tim! Where’s he going? Hey, what happened? Is PIkachu okay?

TIM: No, he’s not. Let’s go. We gotta get back to the city.

LUCY: Okay. Come on.


Cut to a news broadcast of the parade, with a wide shot of the city.

NEWSCASTER: The 10th anniversary Ryme City Pokémon Parade is set to begin this afternoon. The whole city is converging on downtown to watch the day’s festivities.

Cut to Lucy’s car making its way through the streets as people prepare for the parade. She pulls to a stop.

LUCY: I don’t know what happened between you two, but we need to strategize.

Tim opens the door and gets out.

LUCY: Wait! Where are you going?

She gets out of the car.

LUCY: We need to tell the public what we found. This is breaking news!

TIM: No, you should break the news. You. I’m gonna go talk to Howard.

LUCY: How-

He walks away.

LUCY: Tim! How am I supposed to break the news when the guy who runs the news is the breaking news?

Nearby, a reporter gets ready for a live broadcast.

CAMERAMAN: Okay, Cynthia. We’re live in five, four, three…

Lucy smiles and turns to Psyduck, who’s still in the back seat.

LUCY: Stay in the car, okay?

PSYDUCK: Psyduck.

Lucy closes the car door. Elsewhere, Tim walks further down the street. He sees a large Clifford Industries truck hooked up to a parade balloon. Further down, passes a Pikachu balloon. The camera pans up the CNM building. Back by the car, Lucy approaches the reporter.

LUCY: Mrs. McMaster. Hi, it’s Lucy Stevens, the intern.



Cynthia holds out her microphone.

CYNTHIA: Could you?

LUCY: Yeah.

Lucy takes the microphone.

LUCY: I have a story that’s really important that the people need to hear.

Cynthia takes off her jacket.

LUCY: And I was really hoping you could help me tell it.

Cynthia hands her jacket to Lucy.

CYNTHIA: Lucy, please. Take my coffee order. Flat white, extra shot.

Cynthia walks into a nearby news van. Lucy looks down at the jacket and sees Cynthia’s reporting credentials clipped on.

LUCY: You got it, Cynthia.


The camera cuts to a shot of the sky and pans down.

PIKACHU: (Singing and sobbing) Searching far and wide. Teach Pokémon to understand the power that’s inside. Pokémon, gotta catch ‘em all. It’s you and me. I know it’s my destiny! Pokémon…

Pikachu arrives at the site of Harry’s crash.

PIKACHU: What… what is this?

He runs to the side of the bridge and looks down.

PIKACHU :I know this place…

He briefly flashes back to the night of the crash.

PIKACHU: This is the scene of the crash!

He spots something in some leaves nearby.

PIKACHU: What is that?

He picks it up.

PIKACHU: Greninja stars?

He pictures the crash happening and visualizes a Greninja throwing a star and causing the crash.

PIKACHU: Roger must have sent the Greninjas to cause the crash, which… Which means… Mewtwo was trying to protect us?

He visualizes the crash again and sees Mewtwo chase off the Greninjas, this time remembering Howard’s words.

HOWARD: Advanced holographic imaging. It allows us to see things that they cannot or don’t want us to see.

PIKACHU: Wait… Howard would have seen this in his hologram. Oh no. No, no, no, no. Tim!

Pikachu begins running down the road.


Tim runs off the elevator into Howard’s office.

TIM: Howard! Mr. Clifford, your son, he has Mewtwo here.

Tim sees that Howards is wearing a device on his head.

TIM: Wait, why do you-

HOWARD: Tim. It’s gonna be okay.

The floor in the middle of the room opens up. Tim turns to look. Mewtwo is brought up, struggling in a containment unit. Mewtwo has a similar device on its head.


Suddenly, purple ‘R’ gas sprays into the containment unit.

TIM: No.

Howard concentrates and his head shakes. Mewtwo falls under the gas’s effects. Suddenly, they both go limp. Mewtwo wakes back up and smiles. It steps out of the containment unit towards Tim. It speaks, but in a voice that sounds like a combination of its own and Howard’s.

HOWARD: The transfer worked. My body is in the chair, but my mind is in Mewtwo!

TIM: Howard?

HOWARD: Well done, Tim. You and Harry’s Pikachu led me straight to Mewtwo.

TIM: Mewtwo didn’t cause the crash.

HOWARD: All your father had to do was take the money and walk away! But he started asking questions. I had to stop him.

TIM: You tried to kill him!

HOWARD: I had no choice! He tracked the ‘R’ to the battles, traced it back to Dr. Laurent, and then he and his Pikachu helped Mewtwo escape!

Tim turns to run, but Howard uses Mewtwo’s powers to capture him.


Outside, the parade has started. The camera pans down from parade balloons to people lining the streets. The mayor of Ryme City is mid-interview.

MAYOR: So as you can see we are more than happy with the turnout today. So many families-

An aide speaks in his ear.

MAYOR: Thank you so much.

Yoshida stands in the crowd.

MAYOR: That’s all for today. Thank you.

Lucy runs through the crowd.

LUCY: Excuse me, please. Hello, hi.

She runs into security.

LUCY: I have an interview with the mayor.

She holds up Cynthia’s press pass.

COP: Go on through.

LUCY: Thank you.

She runs to the mayor, who’s taking his seat on a raised area of bleachers.

LUCY: Mr. Mayor, I need to speak with you, please. It’s urgent.

MAYOR: A little late for an interview don’t you think?

LUCY: Please-

She sees Roger enter the bleachers. He stares at her and she turns and leaves.

MAYOR: Before we begin the parade, I’d like to thank our benefactor, Howard Clifford.


Howard suspends Tim in the air and monologues.

HOWARD: This was never about curing me. I have found a path forward for all of us. Mewtwo has the power to transfer the soul of a human into the body of a Pokémon as long as the Pokémon are in a crazed state. The ‘R’ gas takes care of that.

Tim looks out the window and sees the parade balloons.

TIM: The balloons. The ‘R’ gas is in the balloons.

Howard sends Tim flying across the room. He breaks all of the windows of his office, sending glass shards spraying everywhere. Below, citizens gasp and yell as Howard descends above the parade.

HOWARD: People of Ryme City! I’ve finally discovered a cure! Not just for me, but for all of humanity! Pokémon can evolve into better versions of themselves.

The Mayor, Lucy, and Yoshida look up at Howard from various places.

HOWARD: And, now, so can you! Humans and Pokémon merged into one!

He uses Mewtwo’s powers to open all of the balloons at once, sending ‘R’ gas into the crowds below. Chaos ensues as Pokémon begin inhaling the gas.

LUCY: Don’t let your Pokémon breathe the purple gas!

She’s too late, as dozens of Pokémon are seen falling under its effects. Roger smiles and walks away. Yoshida grabs a walkie-talkie from a nearby cop.

YOSHIDA: This is Yoshida, requesting backup!

Snubbull falls under the gas’s effects.

YOSHIDA: All units should proceed to the- Ah!

Snubbull jumps on Yoshida.

YOSHIDA: Snubbull, no!

Howard begins using Mewtwo’s psychic powers to transfer everyone’s minds into their Pokémon. Yoshida ends up in Snubbull’s body. Howard flies over the crowds using his powers on large segments at once.

LUCY: Don’t let your Pokémon breathe the gas! Don’t let your Pokémon- Oh no! Don’t breathe the gas!

All around her, people are transferred into the bodies of their Pokémon. Lucy runs towards Cynthia and her cameraman.

LUCY: Tell them!

She grabs Cynthia’s microphone.

LUCY: This is Lucy Stevens reporting a citywide emergency. Do not let your Pokémon breathe- Psyduck, no! Don’t!

She sees Psyduck walking towards her, coughing.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck, Psyduck! Psyduck! Psyduck! Psyduck!

We see the view from the camera as the cameraman, Cynthia, Lucy, and others around them all tumble to the ground. Psyduck looks into the camera.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck?

Howard flies up into the sky. All throughout the streets, people in Pokémons’ bodies get up and walk around in confusion. Pikachu walks through the streets looking around.

PIKACHU: Okay, worst parade I’ve ever seen.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

Pikachu turns around and sees Psyduck.

PIKACHU: Lucy! Lucy, you’re in there? Where’s Tim?

PSYDUCK: Psyduck, Psyduck.

PIKACHU: Howard is Mewtwo?

PSYDUCK: Psyduck, Psyduck. Psyduck.

PIKACHU: This really blows my bridge discovery out of the water.

Pikachu runs on top of a news van.

PIKACHU: Alright, I gotta stop this. Game on!

He grabs onto a rope attached to a Gengar parade balloon. While on top of the Balloon, he’s able to catch sight of Howard in the far distance.

PIKACHU: Okay, Pikachu, your powers are in there somewhere. Just need a little spark to get this party started. Let’s do this!

Pikachu rubs his cheeks and jumps up, exploding the Gengar balloon. Howard hears the explosion and turns around. Pikachu is sent flying on top of an Eevee balloon.

HOWARD: Harry’s Pikachu. You think you can stand in the way of the future? I am the future!

Howard and Pikachu both ready and then fire projectile attacks, which collide mid-air in an explosion. Pikachu is blown back onto a Pikachu balloon. Howard charges and Pikachu runs down the Balloon. He rubs his tail on the tail of the balloon and as he jumps to a nearby rooftop, the friction of his tail causes the balloon to explode. Howard flies through the explosion. Pikachu sees a group of Pidgeot flying by. He leaps off the roof and shoots electricity at Mewtwo, who deflects it. Pikachu falls on the back of a Pidgeot.


Tim comes to and gets up. He sees Pikachu fly by the window on the back of a Pidgeot and smiles.

TIM: He’s back!

He sees Howard in hot pursuit and his smile drops. He notices Howard’s human body still slumped in his wheelchair.

TIM: The neural link.

Suddenly, there’s a sound from inside the wall behind him. He presses on the wall and a door swings open. Roger falls out, bound and gagged.

TIM: Roger?

Roger grows frantic. Tim takes off the duct tape on Roger’s mouth.

ROGER: Behind you!

Tim turns and sees Roger with sunglasses. He looks at both Rogers in confusion before the Roger with sunglasses transforms into the woman with sunglasses. The woman takes off her sunglasses and reveals her eyes, which are Ditto eyes.

TIM: You’re a Ditto!

Ditto transforms into its true form.

DITTO: Ditto!

Ditto transforms into Loudred. Ditto yells, and Tim is sent flying backwards. Back outside, Howard continues his pursuit of Pikachu and PIdgeot through skyscrapers. Howard shoots an attack at them.

PIKACHU: Bank left- bank right, right!

They narrowly dodge the attack.

PIKACHU: Where did you learn how to fly, the ground?

Back in Howard’s office, Tim gets back up.

TIM: No, no. No, no, no, no. Stop, stop, stop, wait, wait, wait. W-w-w-w-w-wait.

He looks over at Howard, then back at Ditto. Ditto transforms into Lucy and smiles.

TIM: Come on, no. That’s not fair.

Ditto attacks Tim again, pushing him back.

TIM: Okay, for the record, I have no guilt hitting a beady-eyed version of the woman I’m very attracted to-

Ditto punches Tim and kicks him to the ground. Back outside, Howard keeps firing attacks at Pikachu and Pidgeot. They fly near some of the gas.

Pikachu: Uh oh. Pull up, pull up. Don’t breathe the gas.

They fly through a cloud of the gas.

PIKACHU: You breathed the gas, didn’t you.

The pidgeot falls under its effects and loses control, crashing into a building. Pikachu ends up getting thrown off and falls onto some satellite dishes.


The satellite dish he’s on begins to tumble off the roof. He screams and gets launched onto another roof. Back in Howard’s office, Roger tries to undo his restraints while Tim fights Ditto. He picks up a lamp and swings it, but Ditto shrinks back to its normal form and then into a Machamp. Howard drops by the window and watches.

HOWARD: Finish him, Ditto!

DITTO: Ditto.

Ditto punches Tim and he goes out the window, barely grabbing onto the ledge. Ditton walks over and turns into Cubone.

TIM: No! No, no, no, no!

Ditto begins hitting Tim’s fingers with Cubone’s bone. Tim drops one of his hands. He spots Pikachu on a nearby roof.

TIM: Pikachu!


Pikachu gets up. Howard flies in between them.

HOWARD: Harry’s son is finished!

PIKACHU: No. Tim said Volt Tackle’s my best move. Let’s do this Pokémon battle thing right!

Pikachu sprints full speed and Volt Tackles Howard, sending him flying back into the CNM building a few floors below where Tim is hanging. Pikachu falls backwards.

TIM: No.

Ditto hits Tim’s remaining hand, but Roger comes up from behind and swings at him with a lamp, sending him flying out the window.

ROGER: Yeah! Give me your hand, give me your hand!

Roger grabs Tim and helps him up.

ROGER: Ooh, oh my god.

TIM: What kind of a Ditto was that?

ROGER: That was one of my father’s genetic experiments.

As they stagger back into the room, Ditto rises up, now transformed into Braviary. It squawks and charges. Roger screams. Just as it enters the room it transforms into Bouffalant and headbutts Roger across the room, knocking him out. Tim gasps and tries to crawl away. Ditto hits a desk out of the way and turns into Charizard. It tries to bite Tim, but he dodges and it hits a canister of ‘R’ instead. Tim manages to grab a tube on the canister and spray Ditto with ‘R.’ Ditto rapidly transforms into a variety of Pokémon.

DITTO: Psyduck, Ditto!

Ditto returns to its normal state and collapses. Elsewhere, Howard’s eyes glow and he shoots out of the building back towards Pikachu. He grabs him and pulls him into the air.

HOWARD: A feeble effort. A Pikachu cannot defeat Mewtwo in battle.

PIKACHU: I didn’t need to defeat you. I just needed to distract you.

Howard turns and sees Tim in his office.


Tim rips the headset off of Howard, who immediately returns to his human body and continues his yell. He falls out of his wheelchair.

HOWARD: What have you done?

Tim turns out the window and sees Mewtwo drop Pikachu and pass out.

TIM: Pikachu! No!

Just before Pikachu hits the ground, Mewtwo regains composure and catches him. They both drop gently onto the road. Tim comes out of the CNM building and runs towards them.

TIM: Pikachu!


TIM: Are you okay?

PIKACHU: I’m sorry! I’m sorry I pushed you away just when you needed me the most.

TIM: I’m just happy you’re back. Partner.

Pikachu turns to Mewtwo.

PIKACHU: Please tell me you can fix this mess.

MEWTWO: I will undo what has been done.

Mewtwo flies off. Cut to a wide shot of the city as parade balloons float around, continuing to spill ‘R’ gas everywhere. Mewtwo flies high above the skyline and sends out a shockwave which pops all of the balloons and disperses the gas. All over, people return to their bodies. Yoshida gets up next to Snubbull and looks around. Lucy gets free of Psyduck and gets up.

LUCY: Let’s never do that again, okay?

Cut to Howard being wheeled away by police. Roger, Tim, Pikachu, Lucy, and Psyduck stand and watch.

ROGER: The strange thing is that, no matter what his flaws, deep down, I blame myself for not being there for him.

He suddenly turns to Lucy.

ROGER: You. You were working on this story. Had a lead on it before anyone else even knew.

LUCY: That’s correct.

ROGER: Good. Right, you’re going on camera. I want you giving an in-depth report for CNM tonight, primetime. And make sure you close with, “Roger Clifford pledges to undo all the harm his father caused starting with the Pokémon he experimented on.”

Roger smiles and walks away. Lucy gasps and turns to Tim.

LUCY: I can’t believe we did it!

PSYDUCK: Psyduck!

PIKACHU: Great work.

Psyduck goes to hug Pikachu.

PIKACHU: Hey, calm down. Stay calm. Okay.

Psyduck hugs him.

PIKACHU: Oh, I hope we never get to see each other again.

LUCY: Meet me later tonight?

TIM: Cool. I mean, yeah.

LUCY: Okay.

She gestures to Psyduck.

LUCY: Come on.

PSYDUCK: Psyduck, Psyduck, Psyduck.

They walk towards the CNM building. Tim turns to Pikachu.

PIKACHU: Way to go, Tim.

Mewtwo descends nearby.

MEWTWO: There is one last thing I must fix.

TIM: My father.

MEWTWO: The father you have been looking for has been with you all along.

PIKACHU: What’s he talking about?

TIM: I don’t…

Tim shakes his head, then turns at Pikachu and has a look of realization. He kneels down. Tim and Pikachu stare at each other for a moment. Mewtwo causes them to see a vision of the crash again.

PIKACHU: Pika, Pikachu!

MEWTWO: You’ve done well. Humanity is evil. But you have shown me that not all humans are bad. Harry Goodman, your PIkachu offers its body to save your mind. There is a son. With the son’s return, I can repair the father. Your memory will be gone, but your heart will know who you are. I take this body so that you might live. Return with the son.

Mewtwo puts Harry’s mind into Pikachu’s body. Back in the present, Tim gasps as the vision ends. He watches as Pikachu begins to glow. The light gets bright and the screen goes white.


Cut to a shot of the skyline.

ANNOUNCER: Now boarding on track three, train 453 northbound.

Tim looks out at the city. Cut to a shot of him on a bench outside of the train station. Pikachu comes into frame behind him.

HARRY: Hey, kid.

Tim turns. Harry comes up next to Pikachu, still only visible from behind. The camera cuts to Pikachu from the front and pans up Harry’s body, finally revealing his face. He holds up a train ticket. Tim grabs his pag and walks over.

HARRY: Grams will meet you when you arrive.

TIM: Okay.

Neither of them says anything for a moment.

HARRY: I’ll see ya.

He holds out his hand. Tim shakes it.

TIM: See ya.

They hug. Tim takes the ticket and walks away. Pikachu looks sad.


Tim turns around.

TIM: Hey, dad?

HARRY: Yeah?

TIM: You think I can stay with you for a while?

HARRY: I’d like that, kid. Yeah, I’d like that very much.

TIM: Me, too.

Tim throws out his ticket and walks back.

TIM: You wanna get a coffee?

HARRY: It’s the weirdest thing. That’s all I’ve been thinking about, is having a coffee right now.

The camera cuts back as they walk away from the station and pans up to the skyline.

TIM: I think I’ll have to find a new job.

HARRY: Oh, yeah? What are you thinking?

TIM: Um… Maybe I could give detective work a try?

PIKACHU: Pika-Pika!

HARRY: I think he likes that idea.

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