Dumb lyrics
by Nuclear Bubble Wrap
[Part 1]
Moving furniture is fun
[Part 2]
Yo guys welcome to my talk show
And today we're- we're here with Jace McLain from the band Nuclear Bubble Wrap
That's a dumb name, isn't it Jace?
Ain't it Jace, a dumb name!
Stop insulting me
Nah dawg, nah, nah
See- see here down at the station we- we got all kinds of good music
But Nuclear Bubble Wrap, that- that- that- that's just not one of them
Not them
I- uh- I- I- that- that
Commercial break, y'all
Commercial br-
[Part 3]
(Unintelligible screeching)
[Part 4]
Hey Jace, check out this awesome new trophy I got
It's- it's gold and it's, well- well actually it's plastic and
It's really cool though, don't you think?
Yeah, look over there
What, I don't see anything
Snatch! I'm a bully! I'm a big mean bully!
[Part 5]
Hey Hagrid, how's it going!
Hey Harry! Well, we're about to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and- and- and we're gonna get a
Wands and
Friends and
Broomsticks and
Owls and
Classes and
Books and
Dumbledores and I look forward to seeing you in school!
[Part 6]
Yo dawg welcome to my talk show
We're back from the commercial break and
We're here with Jace McLain again, uh
I don't know about him, y'all, but
But I just don't like your music
I- I like all kinds of music
Like rap and rip rap and hippity hop and jibiddy bop and slivity slop but
Nuclear Bubble Wrap it just don't fit in to my sense of the genre of my music style
I just, what do you think Jace?
What do you think?
You hate your music?
I hate your music
You, yeah yeah what do you think?
I think that you're insane
Alright dawg
Well I don't- I don't- I gots my own views on life and well
Insane that just doesn't fit into my lifestyle if you know what I mean
It just don't
I gotta go, y'all
I gotta go eat some dinner
Some dindin
Some din
Some rinnydidindinrindinrinzizizizzledin
[Part 7]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Why did the atom brush his teeth?
Um, I don't know?
Cause he wanted to avoid decay
(Heh, me and my silly puns)
(Heh, he doesn't know that his puns are stupid)
[Part 8]
Wendy, I hate to say this but, we have to break up
Everything at work's been so terrible
Why? I thought our relationship was going so well?
I know but, I can't j- I just can't deal with the commitment lately and everything at work's been building up on me and I've had so much stress and I cheated on you
[Part 9]
So, you are my prisoners!
And you have come to my planet!
The dino...saur planet!
That I am ruler of!
Even though I'm the only one here!
But I'm still the ruler of uh, you all!
Cause- cause you all came here!
"Well, why don't you just come with us?" said the duck
Why should I do that?
You are my prisoners!
"Well, you know what they say," said the duck
"When there's a dinosaur on the planet and he's the only one on the planet and then- and then- and then the duck comes and- and- and- and- and the- the dinosaur goes with the duck and- and they- they ha- go though journeys throughout the universe!"
[Part 10]
Yo dawg we're back from- we're- I'm back from dinnydin eating the- the rinnydindin and
Well I had some Pop-Tarts and uh, ice cream soda and uh- and uh, some- some of them Luckitilly Charms
The Luckity Charms and
Anyways, uh, Jace would you like to hear some of my music?
Why not?
Well here it goes:
A be bop boo bop a de be da ba
A de bi di ba do bi di ba
Di de ba ba
And then this cool guitar solo comes in at the end
And I'm like
Yo yo yo
In the house
Listen to my music or I'll give you a house
I'll see you later, Jace
I gotta go eat breakfast
Breakfast, yeah
It was such a pleasure being here
Yeah, yeah I'll see you later
Gotta go get some
Maybe some more Luckity Charms
Some Luckity Charms are dope
Ooh, those are- those are the nice- the nice, yeah, the nice