#UGC190 Best F(r)iends lyrics
by UGCrowns
The 190th episode of The Underground Crowns podcast
*#UGC189 The Room commentary after thoughts
*Oh hai Mark
*Dylan revives Tommy Wiseau’s twitter account after one year of inactivity
*Tommy Wise & Greg Sestero are back! We watch The Best Friends trailer
*Whatup meth mouth! YOU LOOKED!
*1518 forced to watch LSP Sc*m;s music videos
*Sc*m - Mr. Zipperface
*Sc*m - Blame My Parents
*Local news reacts to Bronies about how they are just regular guys
*Brett Keane - Father is the best song of our generation
*If you were Spiderman would you tell anyone?
*Teacher sings Top40 hits to math class students