Time lyrics
by Lacey Sturm
Time is a measure
Abstract, it’s a number
Created to measure the will
Time I rolls as humans make choices
Time holds death but it doesn’t kill
The will of every human measured
Time is the great divine ledger
Our choices becoming a journal
But choices are made in freedom
Freedom, now that is eternal
Time is just a location
Time appears like a fading star
Just a galaxy in the universe of freedom
Unfolding to show who we are
Choices are always alive as
Eternal moments of freedom
The free choice of man will rest of strive
To destroy or restore Eden
But time just measures the will
And when it’s done giving it’s gift
Time will be rolled up and put away
The mere measuring tape that it is
Freedom is a choice
Terrifying responsibility of right
Our choices of death are only erased
By the blood of Jesus Christ
He set before us life and death
And pleads for us to choose life
He honors our freedom whatever we choose
But gives us the chance to love right
He chooses the ones who will choose him
And he is both the first and the last
Our choices are eternal
But Christ’s blood re-writes the past
We all have the opportunity
To turn our will toward him
Love him back for his mercy
Believe by his blood he forgives
So choose life or choose death
Come to light or hide in the dark
And with every choice you make
Time will measure who you are
God is always speaking
Father of ya all
Holy Ghost of Jesus Christ
Calling you, he calls:
“You are the parallel universe
You are the split
In your heart choose life or death
And I will honor it
I am the one
With my blood, who boots out paths of death
But you must choose if you will me to
Or will you keep running ahead?
Yes, parallel universes are possibilities
And they exist within you
And you move back and forth with ease
And enter the futures you choose
Each one is a parallel universe
Eternal souls covered in mud
Freedom is unending parallel universes
And they all intersect with my blood
When each one comes to this crossroad
All wills make a choice
From these points on forever
Life or death will have a voice.”