Openings lyrics


Anya Taylor-Joy

[Knocking on door.]

HOTEL BELLBOY: Mademoiselle?

[Knocking resumes.]

HOTEL BELLBOY: Mademoiselle [?]?

[Knocking continues.]

HOTEL BELLBOY: Mademoiselle?

[ELIZABETH sits up inside the bathtub.]

HOTEL BELLBOY: Mademoiselle?

[Knocking continues.]

ELIZABETH: I'm coming.

[ELIZABETH gets up in the bathtub.]


[ELIZABETH steps out and falls.]

[Knocking continues. ELIZABETH opens the door and faces the bellboy.]

ELIZABETH: Je descends [?]. Ok?

[ELIZABETH closes the door. She races to the mirror.]


[ELIZABETH removes her dress and changes. She opens the drapes to let the morning light in. Paris 1967 appears on the screen. She drops to the floor to get her shoe and grabs a pill bottle from the table. She takes two pills and looks at the person in the bed. She washes the pills down with alcohol. She races through the room halls with her shoes in her hand and gets on the elevator. She coughs and looks the little girl who is staring at her.]

LITTLE GIRL'S FATHER: Ne regarde pas.

[ELIZABETH looks away and gets off the elevator.]

ELIZABETH: Thank you.

[ELIZABETH starts running through the hotel and then lowers her speed to a fast paced walk, running in short bursts until she gets to the chess match room.]


[She puts on her shoes and opens the door, cameras flashing in her face. She walks past the photographers, journalists and audience. She comes to a stop at the chess table.]

ELIZABETH: I'm sorry.
[BORGOV gets up and extends his hand. ELIZABETH takes it and shakes it. They both sit. The clock ticks. The audience watches in silence. ELIZABETH looks up at BORGOV and instrumental music cues. They stare at each other. The scene changes momentarily to LITTLE ELIZABETH and back to present day ELIZABETH.]

V.O.: What are we supposed to do with her?

[Scene changes back to YOUNG ELIZABETH. We see a police car in the middle of the road.]

V.O.: They're sending someone. There's hardly a scratch on her.

[Close up of present day ELIZABETH's eyes.]

V.O.: It's a goddamn miracle.

[Scene changes to two police officers. We realize they were the ones talking in the voice overs.]

POLICE OFFICER 1: I doubt she'll see it that way.

[Camera pans over to reveal a car crash on a bridge. There's a covered dead body close to the wreckage. Camera pains additionally to show a YOUNG ELIZABETH with her back to the crash. Scene changes to a car driving down a street.]

WOMEN DRIVER: You understand, dear, your mother's passed on? You know what that means, don't you? Passed on?

[YOUNG ELIZABETH looks down and doesn't answer.]

WOMEN DRIVER: Well, I'm sure she's gone on to a better place. And someday, you get to see her again.

MRS. DEARDORFF V.O.: Orphaned by yesterday's collision on New Circle road, Elizabeth Harmon surveys a troubled future.
[The scene changes to MRS. DEARDORFF's office. We see her at her desk reading an article.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Elizabeth, years old, was left without family by the crash. Her mother, Alice Harmon, was pronounced dead at the scene.

[Scene changes back to the car.]

MR. FERGUSSON: And the father?

[Scene changes back to MRS. DEARDORFF]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Doesn't say.

MS. LONSDALE: I would guess that, like most men who live around there, he was yet another victim of a carefree life.

MRS. DEARDORFF: Poor dear.

[Scene changes momentarily to YOUNG ELIZABETH in the car and back to the office. The honks from outside.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Let's welcome her, shall we?

[They smile and nod. Scene changes to YOUNG ELIZABETH arriving at the orphanage. MRS DEARDORFF is waiting at the door. She opens the car door for YOUNG ELIZABETH.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Welcome Elizabeth.

WOMAN DRIVER: Good luck to you, dear.

[Scene changes to YOUNG ELIZABETH walking down the entrance hall of METHUEN with MRS DEARDORFF. They are holding hands.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Here we are. This is our chapel, the domain of Ms. Lonsdale.

[Camera pans over to show MS LONSDALE at the door.]

MS. LONSDALE: How do you do, Elizabeth? I also teach ETICA to the young ladies.

MRS. DEARDORFF: Mr. Fergusson, this is Elizabeth Harmon.

[Camera pans to the opposite side to show MR. FERGUSSON. He nods in greeting.]

JOLENE [off camera]: You're all a bunch of f*cking c*cksuckers!

MRS. DEARDORFF [sighing]: Jolene.

MR. FERGUSSON: I got it. Jolene! That mouth will be the death of you!

JOLENE: Oh, f*ck you, you--

[Indistinctice arguing.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: In there is our classroom. You'll meet your teachers on Monday. And this is our day room where you will have all your meals and enjoy daily socialization.

METHUEN GIRLS [chanting]: Good morning, Mrs. Deardorff.

MRS. DEARDORFF: Good morning, girls.

[Scene changes to the dormitories. YOUNG ELIZABETH is carrying a cup with a toothbrush.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Home sweet home. Come on, let's get you settled. We have twenty one girls here. And they're all just as sweet as you. And here, is your special place.

[A toilet flushed in the bathroom. A girl exits and MRS. DEARDOOFF shoos her.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Go, go, go.

[MRS. DEARDORFF crouches and slides a basket out from under the bed.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: You can put your clothes down here. And your toothbrush...

[MRS. DEARDOFF takes the cup with the toothbrush from YOUNG ELIZABETH's hands.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: ...can go right here.

[MRS. DEARDOFF puts the cup with the toothbrush on top of the nightstand.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: And any other personal items, there.

[MRS. DEARDORFF opens the nightstand's drawer and closes it back up. YOUNG ELIZABETH removes a push toy from her bag.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Oh! Show it to me.

[MRS. DEARDORFF takes the plush toy from YOUNG ELIZABETH, smiles and sets it on the bed.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Come on, sit.

[MRS. DEARDOFF taps the bed and YOUNG ELIZABETH sits.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: I know that at this moment all your feeling is loss. But after grief brings you low, prayer and faith will lift you high. High enough for you to see a new path for yourself. I think, Elizabeth, you're going to find a much different life here. A better one that you might've had. And I'm sure that you and I are going to be good friends.

[MRS. DEARDORFF tucks a strand of hair behind YOUNG ELIZABETH's ear. Scene changes to the bathroom. The floor is covered in hair. MS. LONSDALE is cutting YOUNG ELIZABETH's hair in front of the mirror as MRS. DEARDORFF watches. Scene changes to YOUNG ELIZABETH undressing. MRS. DEARDORFF picks out different clothes for her. YOUNG ELIZABETH traces the embroidery in her dress spelling out her name with her fingers.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: That should do nicely.

[MRS. DEARDORFF takes the dress from YOUNG ELIZABETH and hands her the new clothes.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: I think we'll burn this one. Get dressed. We have one more stop.

[Scene changes to show a large lidded jar of green pills and pans over to reveal MR FERGUSSON handing them to the children. YOUNG ELIZABETH stands in line.]

MRS. DEARDORFF: Mr. Fergusson will take good care of you. I'll see you at dinner.

[JOLENE turns back to look at YOUNG ELIZABETH, she's in front of her in line.]

JOLENE: The green ones are the best.

YOUNG ELIZABETH: What are they?

JOLENE: Vitamins.

METHUEN GIRL IN LINE: Magic vitamins.

JOLENE: I were you, I'd save the green ones up for the nighttime, otherwise they turn off right when you need them to turn on. If you know what I mean. Hey, what's your name, girl?


JOLENE: Jolene. Yo mama and daddy dead?


JOLENE: What's the last thing they said to you before they died? I ask everybody that, we get some really fun answers.

[Scene changes to a car. ALICE HARMON's face is reflected in the rear view mirror. She is crying.]

ALICE HARMON: Close your eyes.

[Scene changes back to METHUEN]

YOUNG ELIZABETH: I don't remember.

JOLENE: Someday you might. If you do, you let me know.

[JOLENE steps forward and takes her pills. She crushes the plastic cup and drops it on the counter. YOUNG ELIZABETH steps forward and grabs a cup.]

MR. FERGUSSON: Green's to even your disposition, orange and brown is for building a strong body. Take them both.

[YOUNG ELIZABETH swallows the pills. Scene changes to Young ELIZABETH crashing into walls and burning her hand on a heater. She stops near an open door and MR. SHAIBEL mopping the floor. His keys jiggle. She walks away.]

[Scene changes to the day room. YOUNG ELIZABETH is sitting down with her tray of food. Jolene snorts.]

JOLENE: I thought I told you to wait and take those vitamins at bedtime.

YOUNG ELIZABETH: What is this?


JOLENE: As far as we know.

METHUEN GIRL 1: We eat it every Friday. You gotta eat every bite, or they'll tell MRS DEARDORFF about you, and you won't get adopted.

[MRS. DEARDORFF peers at YOUNG ELIZABETH from across the room. YOUNG ELIZABETH takes a bite and chews with obvious displeasure.]

[Scene changes to the dormitory. It's nighttime. YOUNG ELIZABETH lays in bed and watches the tree branches' shadows in the ceiling.]

PAUL V.O.: Alice, come on. Open the door.

[PAUL knocks on the door. Scene cuts to YOUNGER ELIZABETH in a trailer.]

PAUL: It's taken me a whole month to find you.

ALICE HARMON: Good reason.

PAUL: Whatever this is, whatever you're doing, it's nuts. Even for you.

ALICE HARMON: I don't expect you to understand--

PAUL: What I understand is...

[Paul passes a pill vial through the door.]

Paul:'re not taking care of yourself.

[ALICE HARMON drops the vial. Scene changes momentarily back to YOUNG ELIZABETH in her bed. Scene changes back to the trailer. We see ALICE HARMON removing all the frames from the walls. They're filled with embroidery.]

ALICE HARMON: So, we'll take--

[ALICE HARMON continues pilling frames in her arms. A fire burns in a barrel outside. ALICE HARMON tosses the frames into it.]

ALICE HARMON: Isn't it beautiful?

[Scene changes back to YOUNG ELIZABETH in her bed.]

PAUL V.O.: Let me come in and talk to Lizzie. Make sure she's ok.

ALICE HARMON V.O.: Oh, oh. You think I'd hurt her?

ALICE HARMON: She's happy here. This is where she belongs.

PAUL: You honestly believe our daughter belongs in a trailer in the middle of nowhere?

ALICE HARMON: Well, who says she's our daughter?

PAUL: Oh don't do that--

ALICE HARMON: And she doesn't like being called Lizzie.

[Alice Harmon bangs the door.]

[Scene changes to YOUNG ELIZABETH in bed.]

[Scene changes back to the barrel fire. YOUNGER ELIZABETH picks up a book and dusts it off. The book is titled monomial representations and symmetric presentations by Alice Harmon, PH D, Department of Mathematics Cornell University.]

[Scene changes to YOUNG ELIZABETH in bed and back to YOUNGER ELIZABETH watching her mother burn fabric.]

[Scene changes back to YOUNG ELIZABETH in bed.]

PAUL V.O.: Alright Alice. You win.

[Scene changes back to the trailer.]

PAUL: I can't fight with you anymore. And I can't keep chasing you around everywhere if all you do is run away again.

ALICE HARMON: I'm sorry, Paul.

PAUL: Once I drive away, I'm not coming back.

[PAUL walks away and opens the car door.]

[Scene changes to YOUNG ELIZABETH in bed and back again.]

[Paul gets inside the car.]

[Scene changes to YOUNG ELIZABETH in bed. We can hear the car drive away.]

[Scene changes to Methuen classroom. It's daytime. The teacher walks among the students. They're taking a test. YOUNG ELIZABETH sits still in her chair.]

TEACHER: Ms. Harmon, finished already?

[YOUNG ELIZABETH nods and slides the test sheet on the desk towards the teacher. She picks it up and looks at it. She gives YOUNG ELIZABETH a confused look.]

TEACHER: Why don't you take the erasers down to the basement and clean them?

[Scene changes to Methuen hall. YOUNG ELIZABETH is holding an eraser. MR. FERGUSSON walks by dragging JOLENE with him.]

JOLENE: You're all f*cking c*cksuckers and you're the biggest c*cksucker of them all.

MR. FERGUSSON: Never met anyone that liked the taste of soap as much as you do. Where are you going, Harmon?

[YOUNG ELIZABETH hold up the eraser. YOUNG ELIZABETH makes her way down to the basement. She sees MR. SHAIBEL playing chess. She starts cleaning the erases, clapping them together, and looks at MR. SHAIBEL curiously. MR. SHAIBEL looks at her and she leaves. MR. FERGUSSON is climbing up the stairs and looks back to see YOUNG ELIZABETH exiting the basement.]

[YOUNG ELIZABETH stands in line for the pills. JOLENE walks by and sticks her tongue out, revealing she hasn't swallowed her pills. She smiles and walks away.]

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