The Bedmaking lyrics
by Traditional English Folk
Me father, he was a good old man
He put me to service when I was very young
My mistress and me, we never could agree
Because that my master he would love me
Well she sent me upstairs to the loft
To make up a bed so neat and soft
Master followed up with a gay gold ring
Saying, “Betty, have this for your bedmaking.”
All through the kitchen and down through the hall
All through the parlour among the women all
Master followed up with a gay gold ring
Saying, “Betty, have this for your bedmaking.”
Mistress come upstairs in a great haste
Caught the master there with his arm round me waist
From the top to the bottom stair she did him fling
Saying, “Mister, take that for your bedmaking.”
All through the kitchen and down through the hall
All through the parlour among the women all
Everybody asked me wherever I had been
And they laughed when I said, “At the bedmaking.”
Mistress she flung me out of the door
She called me a nasty cheeky little whore
The weather being wet and my clothes being thin
How I wished I was back at the bedmaking
Six month over and seven month past
Pretty fair maid grew thick about the waist
Her stays wouldn't meet nor her pinafore pin;
She cried when she thought of the bedmaking
Eight month over and nine month gone
Pretty fair maid had a beautiful son
She's took him to the church, she had him christened John
And she took him back again to the dear old man
She cursed him through the kitchen and down through the hall
Cursed him through the parlour among the women all
Saying, “If you won't pay me, take your little son John
Cos he never cost you nothing but the bedmaking.”