Songs to Sing Along To lyrics
by The Axis of Awesome
The Axis of Awesome presents 'Songs That You Can Sing Along To'
A classic selection of hits and favourites
Guaranteed to get your toes a-tapping and your lips a-slapping
So why not gather round the family jukebox
And get ready to sing along to all your favourite sing along songs
Everyone knows the words to this song from Manfred Mann:
Blinded by the light
Brepplup like a douche
A numa numa in the night...
Who could forget the words to this classic from The Rolling Stones
Hey, Hey
You, You
Get off of my cloud
Dont bank em round I'm f*ckin' noon aroun
Everyone at your party will be articulating with utter clarity to this hit song from Blur
(Woo Hoo) And I feel like a middle
(Woo Hoo) Go ey lie in the middle
(Woo Hoo) Go ey lie ad I'm dig see
Oh boat the door boat the da bah cho but a big shoe
Get the bidge oowwwww
You're guaranteed to know the words to at least one of these songs
Louie Louie oh maaiiyaai weeaahhgoo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Informer, eezakkittyzookkittyzook degahka lay hoo
A-licky boom boom now
Zoom bakkity zookkaza zahkahza (Random Syllables become impossible to make out)
A-licky boom boom now
Too ra loo ra loo ra ai ayyyyyyy
I said hopeun double nobble nayyy
Come on Eileen ah buh heh ohble ni...
Order your copy now and receive a free bonus disc
Including such classic tracks as "Mrrruhhuh... Huh" "Mmh What? Uh.. muh.. Pigeon?"
As well as every song by Bob Dylan
Reedadee debasement
Reedadee medicine
Reedadee government
Reedadee protest
Eeeeeeee eeeeeeee
Eeeeeeeeee eeee eeee eeeee
Eeeeee eeeeeeee Hurricane
To order your copy call one nine one three- uhn... huh. thuh? th- Now. Call Now