So you want to rape n*ggers? Well, raping a n*gger, although seemingly a simple task, takes a decent amount of effort and coordination on your part to stick to a plan. Today I'll be sharing my advice on successful n*gger rape.
STEP 1) Find a jiggabo who you want to rape. In america, n*ggers make up 10% of the population, but are hard to find due to most being in prison, out digging ditches, or dealing drugs.
Anyway, after some trial and error you'll probably find a n*gger who is fit for raping.
STEP 2) Tell a local doctor that you have aids. This may sound counterintuitive, but most n*ggers are diseased with more STDs than you can count on your fingers. The doctor will prescribe you some drugs and you'll be good to go, because after raping the n*gger, you can start taking them daily.
STEP 3) Get 'dater raper' drugs and/or some tranquilizers. Rohypnol is ideal, but hard to find. I recommend something like ambien or some strong benzos.
Slip em' into pudding, wine, or some fine dine, doesn't make a difference. The n*gger will be knocked out in no more than 15 minutes.
STEP 4) Insert human parts into the n*gger parts.
STEP 5) Congrats, you are now a n*gger rapist!
WARNING: Although it isn't a crime to rape n*ggers, they are animals, so it technically counts as bestiality.