358/2 DAYS: Short Film lyrics
by Screen Genius
***PART 1: Intro ***Scene 1: Awake
(00:00 - 00:20)
In the opening scene, we see P.O.V. (Point of Vision) of a drowsy AkinG Kalld Pedro waking up. The music in the background appears to be a chopped and screwed version of October's Song's Hook.
*** PART 2: ACT I ***[Credits - ACT I]
(1) Transitional Slide - 'ACT I'
Scene 1: Car Scene
(00:22 - 00:56)
The opening dialogue is taken from track "W/ Ele". Here we see AkinG Kalld Pedro or perhaps Afro (the main protagonist of the album) riding in a car reflecting on the last year.
Scene 2: Fall
(00:56 - 01:23)
We see a series of autumn shots. We also see a female character hands outside a car window and feet walking through the forest.
Scene 3: Foreshadow
(01:23 - 01:53)
Our main character, in an open field, turns around and as he turns around we are shown quick flashes of a female in a devil mask
Scene 4: Downtown
(01:57 - 02:11)
The film picks up in downtown D.C. and we see our protagonist at what appears to be a church.
Scene 5: Train Tracks
(02:11 - 02:19)
In this scene, we are greeted with train tracks and the sound of a moving train. We begin to hear foot steps, then everything cuts abruptly.
Scene 6: Room
(02:20 - 02:31)
As the outro to "So Selfish" begins to play, The character seems to be in distress. We see various quick scene cuts to him being strangled by the string of the heart balloon.
Scene 3: You, Her & I
(02:31 - 02:44)
There's a scene of the projector shining on the main character, a shadow reflection of a woman by the projector and close up shot of another woman's lips.
*** PART 3: ACT II ***[Credits - ACT II]
Scene 1: The Antagonist
(02:44 - 03:00)
as the track "Caught Dancing W/ DIabo" plays, Diabo appears, the same figure we saw in the ACT I.
(2) Transitional Slide - 'ACT II'
Scene 2: The Addicition
(03:01 - 3:08)
We are greeted by Desires in a sunflower field wearing her regular attire, A red dress. Her scene breaks up into 5 parts which all seem the same.
(3) Transitional Slide - '(HEY)'
Scene 4: You Understand Nothing
(04:05 - 04:26)
The Outro of Honeymoon Khanom plays*** PART 4: ACT III ***[Credits - ACT III]
(4) Transitional Slide - 'ACT III'
Scene 1: The Savior
(04:30 - 04:34)
Scene 2: From Light To Dark To Light (Room)
A music video for "Before I Slept" begins and our character looks to have made it through the dark night. The scene end abruptly and cuts to black.
***PART 5: Outro ***Scene 1: Sleep
The film ends right where it started from.