Virgin Forest lyrics
by The Fugs
[1. Out of Chaos]
[2. Birth of Aphrodite]
Out of the foam, O Aphrodite
Out of the sea, O Aphrodite
Born from the sea-green p*nis
Goddess of Love, Goddess of Belly Love
Goddess of breasts, Aphrodite, out of the froth
[3. Structured Investigation of Rousseau]
[Male voice]
Nice day in jungle today, feel good
Me want woman!
Look a here, what' s this walking along the trail, the jungle trail here?
Hey, you woman?
[Female voice]
Me woman
I'm not so sure. I can' t tell. You don't have any clothes on
That' s how you know I'm a woman
I'll take your word for it
How about you and me, premarital you-know-what? Okay? In manner of canine okay? We down here on trail
[Sounds and whimpers of fun]
You come already, me not come yet. I fix that
Hey chimpo, come here chimp!
Good boy, I mean good girl. Um, good chimp, swinging chimp, groovy chimp. Woo!
[Chimp screams]
Chimp come, me come, we come together
[4. Gobble Chorus]
Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble
[5. Dance of the Freak-Gropers]
Woman! Me want woman, woman
Man! Me want man
Me want man, man
Woman, man, woman, man...
[6. Burroughsian Time Grid]
Look anywhere, Dead Hand
I woke up with dark information from the dead
Wounded galaxies tap on the window
The razor inside, sir, j*rk the handle
Six months of vast brain splice
Shattered tongues, vulnerable organisms
Good food in abandoned zoo
Hustling myself, stinger dripping the oven poison
Everybody, pants down!
p*nis flesh grafted smooth and purple to faces of lesbian angels
Suck my message!
Music down a windy street worn smooth by light years of crustacean traffic
Mambo orgasms
Idiot police spattered backward
On this green land the dollar twisted to light a last cigarette
Take your face off of my bayonet!
Word falling, photo falling
This is war to extermination
Break through in Grey Room!
Calling partisans of all nations
Towers open fire!
[7. The Theme of the Virgin Forest]
[8. Death, Stay thy Phantoms]
Death, stay thy phantoms
Death, stay thy phantoms
Death, stay thy phantoms
Death, stay thy phantoms
Death, stay thy phantoms
Death, stay thy phantoms
Death, Death, Death, stay thy phantoms
Death, stay thy,
Death, Death, Death, Death,
Death, Death, baby, stay thy phantoms
Stay thy, stay thy phantoms