Thread-making Guidelines lyrics
by Embed Genius
Title & TopicYour title should invite to the main topic in your discussion, but keep the title itself open enough to allow other users subtopics to fit in your thread.Be picky about the main topic for your thread. Is the topic a good point of discussion? Think about if it’s going to be well received or not.Check if a similar thread has already been made to prevent creating any duplicates.Not all thread topics have to be serious, humor is always welcome and is fun to partake in. Just make sure that you post in the appropriate forum section, and attempt to put some effort into it.DescriptionThe description of the thread is important to utilize, no matter what your topic is. It is what you should use to direct the topic into the right direction. If your title is a simple question meant to spark discussion, provide some info and facts to help start the discussion, not just an arrow pointing up to the title. When you provide relevant facts, you will have less unnecessary replies.If you want to hear something very specific from the discussion, this is the place to make sure you get it. There’s a lot of different ways you can use. Sometimes a short list of questions work better than anything else, especially if all you want is straight opinions or favorites.Don’t make the description longer than you have to, but don’t make it a sentence short. Simple works the best, but try to work a little with it before you post the thread.Pics helps your thread look great, and everyone loves GIFs. Images & GIFs makes your thread look better instantly. However, use them in moderation - too much use of media will lag your thread and make it unreadable.RepliesReplies are at least 50% of the discussion, depending on how much attention your replies get. As OP, you should upvote and reply to any great replies to keep the discussion going. If you see the thread getting derailed and off topic, PM a med before it gets out of hand. If it gets too bad, the whole thread might be deleted.Relevant links:Mr Morris forum commandmentsGeneral forum guidelines