Rommel (English Translation) lyrics
by Brihang
[Verse 1]
I'm looking for the way in my own trash
Sometimes I can't see it clearly
We sort and we swing
Smooth it out and we crumple
We curse and say "goddamn it"
But we slide it under the closet
Underneath the drawer of your worries
And the drawer of dead weight
And we stack up everything
So that it fits in your garage
Sometimes you're searching for something
But you can't find it, and you just had it in your hands
It's right in front of you, and it shines in the light
It's been there a long time, but you can't see it anymore
But if you were to take it away
Only then you'd realise what a beautiful thing it is
Grab it tight, throw it away
Let it go, let it go
Even though it took so much effort, let it go
Grab it tight, throw it away
Let it go, let it go
Even though it cost a million bucks, let it go
[Verse 2]
Perhaps I see beauty in something
Where you don't see it in
There's beauty in something filthy
Or in your worst fantasy
Ah the beauty of desires, and the beauty of betrayal
Or if you lie about something
And you have to wriggle every which way
Even your most expensive words in suits fall short
And you don't know what to say anymore
And you realise truth has won
And you just stand there, with your feet in the trash
And everything you've left lying around in your life
On the floor
Grab it tight, throw it away
Let it go, let it go
Even though it took so much effort, let it go
Grab it tight, throw it away
Let it go, let it go
Even though it cost a million bucks, let it go
Even though it took so much effort
Even though it cost a million bucks
Even though it cost you the love
Even though it cost you your life
Let it go