Don’t judge a book by its cover
Hate breeds more hate, be a lover
They see me with a Red Hat, all they see is red
Suddenly I’m attacked, I think they want me dead
I ain’t a victim, please just listen
Don’t shoot the messenger, cuz I ain’t dissing
What’s a prescription for the sickness of society?
When even prescriptions are keeping us from sobriety
Some of your heads ain’t on straight
That’s why you hate
You see me wear a Red Hat that says
Make America Great
Without hesitation, an angry mob shows up
I try to keep my calm, but inside, I wanna blow up
But I can’t, if I do, I’ll be vilified twice
They can, if they do, they say that we paid the fair price
Our leaders are saying that you should incite violence
Because Republicans were sick and tired of being silent
So we finally spoke up and said that we need a wall
So that what happened to Kate doesn’t happen to us all
We said we can’t hardly make a living with these taxes
The government’s supervising our company’s every transaction
Then we saw one man with the balls to take action
So who cares if he’s orange with fake hair, he’s not even a fraction
As a bad as some of the fascists we’ve had
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, & Kim
How dare you compare these men to him
I’ll wait til he murders millions for their racial orientation
Then we can talk about fair comparisons
The truth is, I care about this sovereign nation
And if they had a wall, back then, we wouldn’t have taken over the natives
Don’t judge a book by its cover
Hate breeds more hate, be a lover
They see me with a Red Hat, all they see is red
Suddenly I’m attacked, I think they want me dead
I’m not asking you to agree with me
I’m not asking you to be sweet to me
I’m just asking you to try to see
Through my eyes, take a walk in my shoes
Me, I’ll take a hike, in yours, and admire the views
Y’all think that I’m offended, but I’m really just amused
At how people who preach of peace could have such a short fuse
We won back in 2016, time to move on
Wait til 2024, then someone else can run
By then the Democratic party will be officially done
You’re outnumbered, just give in, we already won
The red wave is coming, if you wanna be saved
You can ride with us, or else it’s your blood in the waves
Lyrics © 2018 RENEGADE