The Ramadan Struggle lyrics
by Omar Esa
But you see as humans we are so damn ungrateful
When are plates are full, we still complain about our plate full
It's like we can't fathom the fact that our stomachs are soulful
Huh, Ramadan spoken word
Third time in a row in a year, let's get it
Tick tock goes the clock, waiting for Maghrib to drop
So I can eat and let go of this hunger
Frustrated for so long, my belly rumbles further
Sitting at the table, I'm getting impatient
2 seconds later, I hear the azhaan go off
Allahumma inni laka sumtu, wa bika aamantu
Wa 3lyka tawakkaltu, wa 3laa rizqika aftartu
Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem
I can now eat to my delight
Alhamdulillah, He is powerful with all His Might
Broke my fast with a date, and not the haraam type
Now let's take a step back
Tick tock goes the clock, waiting for Maghrib to drop
You see there I was sitting getting all frustrated, agitated and impatient
I should've instead thought of those who have it rough and less
Struggling to make ends meet in their life
They have it so tough, cuz that's what Ramadan is all about
Purify the soul, heart and the nafs
That's why there's a greater world outside on the doorstep
That is something you should understand
Because it's a good feeling right?
You can now feel your heart, filled with light
That noor coming in, oh my days it's so bright
And now I pray for all of you
Just picture if you were in their shoes
It's kinda crazy right
No food or water for endless days
Getting so hot when the Sun is hitting your face
But man all we do is complain
I'm sure we can survive a few hours and keep ourselves busy
Before you know, you'll be having samosa and chutney
But yet we still take it for granted
Now do me a favour and listen to what I started
This poem was not written to put you down
It's a reminder that's gonna come around
Every year in the month of Ramadan
We need to be humble and save ourselves even more
Understand what it's like to be poor
When your hunger hits your belly right to the core
Leave all the impatience at the front door
Get on your knees and raise your hands
Give thanks to the Most High, all that you can
In this precious month of Ramadan
Who knows if we'll see another one next year
So make the best of it of what we can
Now because we gotta fight for the struggle
And do what we can
To understand that this is the best of the months
And we should not take it for granted
Remember this message
The message that Muhammad sallallahu 3lyhi wa sallam started
Oh and one more thing
You lot need to get out of this life of sin
Break free from the chains that hold you within
Because you know you're coffed to the floor and you can't do anything about it
That's all lies, once you break free then In'shaa'Allah
Allah will grant you Jannah too
Now say Ameen