Bob Away My Blues lyrics
by The Marshall Tucker Band
Well I'm goin' down to the river
I got a cane pole in my hand
Got my red worms in a Maxwell House coffee can
I'm gonna sit under a shade tree on a riverbank where it's cool
I'm gonna close my eyes and dream and let the cork bob away my blues
Well I wake up every mornin', I pick peaches all day
And on Saturday night we'll have a dance or two
We might wallow in the hay
Well the only thing that ever whipped my Pa
Was this bad dude called old age
But his last years was his best years
And this is what he had to say
He said boy I've worked this dirt all my life
But things ain't been good for awhile
Why don't you move to the city, make a little money
You might be the first one in
The family ever to die with a smile
I took his advice, things goin' well
But my friends are far and few
Whoever said a city boy can't have the country blues
Whoever said a city boy can't have the country blues
Whoever said a city boy can't have the country blues
Well honey they ain't talked to me and you