SuicideBoy & KillerClxps Vs UrBn-_-Zombie lyrics
by YouTube Beef Analyzer
[How It Started]
On June 9th, 2017, UrBn-_-Zombie (known at the time xxXGuitarKidXxx) uploaded a video titled "1v1 Makes Another Kid Rage Quit" and in the video, UrBn-_-Zombie and KillerClxps (known at the time coolkidtrunks) did a 1v1 in Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. Towards the end of the video, KillerClxps rage quit. A couple days later, KillerClxps' brother SuicideBoy messaged
UrBn-_-Zombie saying that he lied in the video. SuicideBoy claimed that KillerClxps did not rage quit, but simply left the 1v1 for whatever reason. UrBn-_-Zombie responded to him saying that he did in fact rage quit, and also said to him that he shouldn't get involved in this because it had nothing to do with him. SuicideBoy later started to talk smack to UrBn-_-Zombie, which then he responded with roasts of his own.
[What Happened During The Beef]
On June 30th, that same year, UrBn-_-Zombie uploaded a video titled "COD 1v1 With MrR_427" and SuicideBoy left a comment saying that the video was gay, and later called UrBn-_-Zombie gay as well. SuicideBoy later then messaged UrBn-_-Zombie talking more smack, as well as comments where he said that that
UrBn-_-Zombie has "my little pony hair." But then, on July 5th, that same year, UrBn-_-Zombie dropped a diss track on SuicideBoy titled "SuicideBoy Diss Track." In the diss track, UrBn-_-Zombie disses SuicideBoy's lack of uploads, as well as his content. He also disses him by saying that he does nothing but talk smack all day. Two weeks after the diss track was released, KillerClxps made a youtube channel called FaZe Green and made a video announcing that he would be making a diss track on UrBn-_-Zombie. However, the video got hate instantly, as people were leaving dislikes on the video and talking smack in the comment section. But that didn't stop KillerClxps, because on August 1st, that same year, KillerClxps made a diss track called "The Fall Of xxXGuitarKidXxx." In the diss track, KillerClxps dissed UrBn-_-Zombie's hair, by calling it "pony hair" and also said "It's me, savage, verses the average." That line, as well as the name of the diss track, were stolen from another diss track called "The Fall Of Jake Paul." After the diss track was released, it got hate instantly. Not just from UrBn-_-Zombie's fans, but also from new viewers, with one person who commented "Justin Bieber Could Do Better." UrBn-_-Zombie said that he was gonna respond, but then a month later, the diss track was taken down, as well as KillerClxps' channel for unknown reasons. Because of this, UrBn-_-Zombie decided not to respond.
However, the feud did not end there. In February of 2018, KillerClxps made a new youtube channel and commented on UrBn-_-Zombie's diss track saying "Ass! I can do better" and also "I will diss you, but first, roast me. I wanna see what you got." KillerClxps kept talking smack in the comments and in April, that same year, KillerClxps commented "Hey b*tch, when you gonna diss me?" UrBn-_-Zombie responded saying, "Just wait...."
UrBn-_-Zombie spend the next three months working on a diss track on SuicideBoy & KillerClxps, and on August 19th, that same year, UrBn-_-Zombie released his rebuttal diss track "Ain't Got No Time." He dissed SuicideBoy and KillerClxps by calling them ugly, fat, and made a lot of comedic disses, calling them virgins, and pussies. After the diss track was released, SuicideBoy deleted his youtube channel because he said that the diss track ruined his reputation. KillerClxps' channel is still active, but barely uploads and he changed his youtube channel name twice.
[Who Won]
When it comes to the diss tracks, a huge majority of fans said that UrBn-_-Zombie won this battle, and here's why. A huge majority of people enjoy UrBn-_-Zombie's diss tracks better than KillerClxps' diss track. When KillerClxps released "The Fall Of xxXGuitarKidXxx", it got hate instantly. However, when UrBn released "Ain't Got No Time" it recived critical acclaim. Also, UrBn's diss tracks were mostly facts, while KillerClxps' diss track barely had any.
When it comes to who survived after the beef, it would also go the UrBn-_-Zombie, and here's why. After the beef ended, UrBn gained more and more subscribers than ever. At the time Ain't Got No Time was released, UrBn had around 190 subscribers, and as of September of 2019, he has over 250 subscribers. KillerClxps barely gained any more subscribers after the beef, and SuicideBoy deleted his youtube channel.