Smash through the gates of the nuclear plant
Not just some dudes in a van, we're goin' through with a plan
Maximum impact's the thing that we're after
We're gonna bring back the Big Bang Disaster
These guys are contriving a crime of the violentest type
We'll find them inside, we must deny them this crisis in time
Christ, there are five, so be quiet and hide
Because silence is vital when tryin' to surprise
You want to die or survive in the prime of your life?
'Cause this moment your time to decide
Get ready to open fire and fight
But not till you spy the whites of their eyes
Got him right in the side with a sawed-off
He well nigh blew my balls off
There's a sniper up high and we might be too late
I'll provide cover fire
You tryin' to escape
Yo, lock and then load
You're about to die
Stop the bomb from explodin' in Counter-Strike
I said, lock and then load
You're about to die
Stop the bomb from explodin' in Counter-Strike
Boom! Headshot
Fock your mom
Aagh, you dropped the bomb!
Mate what, come on?
Make your move
Wait too long
Too late, you lose
Not so fast, man
Watch when I throw this
Holy crap! It's a flashbang!
Oh sh*t!
I'll be laughin' when you all die
Your number's up, M249
He's got the aforementioned gun!
Take cover, aim another grenade
What the-?
I set us up the bomb
Several seconds and it's gone
We'd better bloody run
They're wrecking it, come on
Fancy a c*cktail?
I can make a molotov
This is gonna burn the hair on my bollock off!
Yo, lock and then load
You're about to die
Stop the bomb from explodin' in Counter-Strike
I said, lock and then load
You're about to die
Stop the bomb from explodin' in Counter-Strike