Growin’ Up (Introduction) [Springsteen on Broadway] lyrics
by Bruce Springsteen
DNA, your natural ability, the study of your craft, a development of and devotion to an aesthetic philosophy, balls, naked desire for fame, love, adoration, attention, women, sex, a buck, and then if you wanna take it all the way 'til to the end of the night you will need a furious fire in your belly that just don't quit burnin'. These are some of the elements that will come in handy should you come face to face with 80,000 screaming rock 'n' roll fans. Because these are fans who are waiting for you to pull something out of your hat, out of thin air, something out of this world, something that before the faithful were gathered here today was just a song-fueled rumor. Now I come from a boardwalk town where everything is tinged with just a bit of fraud. So am I. 1972 I wasn't any racecar drivin' rebel, I wasn't any corner street front - I was a guitar player on the streets of Asbury Park, but, I held four clean aces. I had youth, I had a decade of hardcore bar band experience already behind me, I had a great group of musicians and friends who really knew my playing style, and I had a magic trick. Now I'm here tonight to provide proof of life, to that ever-elusive, never completely believable, particularly these days us - that's my magic trick, and like all good magic tricks, it begins with a setup