The Tom Green County Fair lyrics
by Roger Miller
You know it's funny how certain things stick with you thru the years
Like how it fells to be ten years old at the County fair
Hotdog stand
When you're hungry hotdogs smell so doggone grand
Hoppin' thru the sawdust, runnin' with my brothers
Head to toe we're smilin', at the Tom Greene county fair
Tom Greene county fairs got one fine rodeo
The cowboys are the greatest, the clown he is so funny
You bust your britches laughing, at the Tom Greene county fair
Well a Sunday at the fair can make a memory more valuable than gold
Especially when you're ten years old
Ferris Wheel
Just like an airplane in the sky, that's how you feel
Look down and see the people, wave your arms and holler
Everybody's laughing at the Tom Greene county fair
Night time comes
Up there on the bandstand we see Billy Swan
Everybody's clappin', Mum and Pop are dancin'
Sawdust is a flyin', at the Tom Greene county fair
Well a Sunday at the fair can make a memory more valuable than gold
Especially when you're ten years old
Time to go
The pickup truck it rattles down the gravel road
And all of us kids sit backwards, lookin' thru the dustcloud
At the lights and the laughter at the Tom Greene county fair
(Spoken fadeout)
Well step right up and see the three eyed malarkey brothers
Smoking one big round cigar fresh from Havana
See the one legged chicken do the footrace with a sack of....