[Intro: Infinite]
"What is the truth"
"We place faith in ourselves
We see the world the way it really is
And hope that one day all mankind might see the same"
"What is the world then?"
"An illusion, one which we can either submit to
As most do or transcend"
"What is it to transcend?"
"To recognize nothing is true and everything is permitted"
That laws arise not from divinity but reason
I understand now that our Creed
Does not command us to be free, it commands us to be wise"
"Do you see now why the Templars are a threat?"
"Whereas we would dispel the illusion, they would use it to rule"
"Yes. To reshape the world in an image more pleasing to them"
"That is why I sent you to steal their treasure"
"That is why I keep it locked away"
"And that is why you kill them"
"So long as even one survives
So too does their desire to create a New World Order"
[Hook: Infinite]
لا شَيً واقِعٌا مُطلَق بِل کُلُ المُمکِن
(Nothing is true, everything is permitted)
[Verse 1: Infinite]
Nothing is true, everything is permitted
Everything is permanent, nothing is mortal
Use these quotes as a kind of a portal
To find yourself and become immortal
"Satan and God exist". It's just the politics
f*ck these governments, show us what our novel is
Yea just make another motherf*ckin story
About a b*tch who bit that forbidden Evil Piece
All I want is peace in all things by all means
Even if I have to sacrifice my own peace
I would never stop till I capture the true peace
That means I have to find the path through this
Fog of lies, see everything is blurry
Eyes are blind, this is so scary
I just I can't decide whether live or be buried
Just a citizen in this cage of Woodbury
And it's so restricted, I can't do anything
If he says "NO" this pig sh*t
Man it's making me to commit suicide
Like an honorable Samurai pick up a sword and end your life
But everything is illusion, isn't it?
And if it is, why shouldn't I rise and finish
This unfinished work by my brothers
Then unleash the forces of the Army of the Dead
But this one is different and I will not die
'Till you tell these people what's true and what's lie
I've the pipe of piper I can make'em rise then
Best be wise man otherwise say Bye Bye
[Hook: Infinite]
لا شَيً واقِعٌا مُطلَق بِل کُلُ المُمکِن
(Nothing is true, everything is permitted)
La ilaha illallah
f*ck the god named Allah
La ilaha illallah
f*ck the god named Allah
I'm gonna rape c*m Allah
f*ck the god named Allah
I'm gonna rape c*m Allah
f*ck the god named Allah
[Verse 2: Infinite]
I remember when I was 10 years old
I was reading a Holy Book
In my public and corny school
Then I took a glance at the audience
Everyone was talking and laughing like nothing was happening
One of them teachers was heading to the bathroom
Two were already in it! The History and Math, Boom
The principle just punched me in the face
And asked me why in the f*ck you stopped reading the verse?
Isn't the word of God supposed to be
Charismatic for the people
So why they just don't care at all when I read it?
Seems like they're tired of living
They're tired of being a human being Sir!
Slapping in my face was the principle's answer
This is what we're carrying like a motherf*ckin cancer
Get it or die, and you can never ask them
Why this is our fate and if it ends after
I died whenever you heard this number just run
One-one-one - ONE - One-one-one
It's the Number of the Dead
The Prophecy is sh*t
No one can show you the right way, it's just yourself
Now I'm burning these holy books
Cuz my brain is my only hope
You just made us some stories hoe
To rule us like a horrible
God and forced us to only o-
_bey your f*cked up sh*t holy rules
And this sh*t is my only proof
That this hook is the only truth
[Hook: Infinite]
لا شَيً واقِعٌا مُطلَق بِل کُلُ المُمکِن
(Nothing is true, everything is permitted)
The Path Toward the Light
"Where is everyone?"
"Gone to see the Master!"
"Was it the Templars? Did they attack again?"
"They walk the path…
"What path? What are you talking about?
"…towards the Light!"
"Speak sense"
"There is only what the Master shows us. This is the truth"
"You've lost your mind"
"You too will walk the path, or you will perish. So the Master commands"
"It was Al'Mualim, wasn’t it? What's he done to you?"
"Praise be to the Master for he has let us to the Light!"
[Verse 3: Infinite]
I'm telling they're gonna betray you at the End
Cuz now you're only a slave for them to listen and kill
These Templars, these phantoms of yours
Gonna be dead when I'm done
And I'm finished with writing this anthem
My brain is mine cuz I never listened to them
Although I was a puppet
But now they're gonna kick the bucket
At the Apocalypse of the Truth, The Armageddon
The Good and Evil made an alliance to control these people
With the Apple of Eden but the as*h*le is hidden
His hiding in his motherf*ckin castle I need the
Eagle vision to enter his vault and repeat that
Thing which Desmond did cuz its password is written
But I'm caged and restrained! I can't even blink or think
This ain't me just let me be free in the dream that I used to be
But this b*tch insists to make me a VV! Just kill me!
Or let me do it to you or you're afraid to face it, aren't you?
You always told me that the enemy is bad
You are the right path
You lied to me! You're the God of Lies! Talk to me!
Why didn't you conjure me? Like you did to others
This contradicts, that you made me troubles!
I fought for peace, alongside my brothers
You just used me b*tch!
Cuz you're different and you can see through the illusion
You know the reason which kicked off the Trojan War
And water never turned to wine
The Red Sea wasn't parted and these ain't just lies
But illusions like you were always a loser
Now you're gonna fight for the Gods who have left you?
Chosen by family blood then virtue
We're the same! And I am the Illusion who made you
[Hook: Infinite]
لا شَيً واقِعٌا مُطلَق بِل کُلُ المُمکِن
(Nothing is true, everything is permitted)
[Outro: Infinite]
"I applied my heart to know wisdom
-and to know madness and folly
-I perceived that this also was a chasing after wind
-For in much wisdom is much grief
-And he that increaseth knowledge…increaseth sorrow