Stephanie Says [4] lyrics
by LazyTown
Ok, guys, are you ready?
Let's go
Stephanie says clap your hands three times
Close your eyes
Stephanie says jump on the spot as high as you can
Stephanie says stretch your arms in the air as high as you can
Stephanie says wave your arms
Creep on the spot like Robbie
Stephanie says touch your ears
Poke your tongue out
Stephanie says put both arms on your hips like Sportacus
Sit down on the floor
Stephanie says clap your hands three times
Close your eyes and snore
Stephanie says lift up one foot up and touch it with your hand
Cross your arms and do nothing
Stephaniе says put both arms in your hips and jump one foward one space
Stеphanie says lift both hands in the air as high as you can
Put both hands on your knees
Stephanie says put your hands on your head and jump three times on the spot
Stephanie says jump as fast as you can twice
Close your eyes and do nothing
Stephanie says clap your hands three times
Clap one more time
Stephanie says nod your head three times
Stephanie says catch your shoulders
Close your eyes
Stephanie says touch your nose
Stephanie says put your hands on your hips and jump on the spot twice
Put your hands on your knees
Well done
That was fun
Game over