Skit lyrics
by Golden Boyz
[Voz femenina]
It's very difficult to organize for revolution
Its even more difficult to keep that revolutionary struggle moving, sustain it
It's extremely difficult to win the revolutionary struggle
But the most difficult task (?) been able to see his power and destroy the oppressor
And then you have to think about the task of building a new world
Thing that (?) call the new man, completely diferent conduct, psychological attitude
And the most important thing to realize its to talk about building a new society, building a new man is that, not talking
And one of the most important things of building a collective (?) getting away from this individualistic orientation that lot of people talk about, political involvement vs personal salvation, personal involvement (?)
One of the most important things that have to be done in the process of getting out of the revolutionary struggle it's to merge those two different levels, to merge the personal with the political, whiting they're not longer separate