I walk a long road
All alone
Where i used to call home
Where i got beat down
And bullied on the phone
I hate to say this
But i hate this place where
I grew up feeling what real pain is
And i can't even go to school
Without being teased and played with
And i hate this sh*t
I don't even know what the gain is
But i know there fake so
I'll play there games
And walk the slate
Its like death row but i ain't do a thing
Yet they still do there thing
Sending electric to my brain
I can't stand this pain
I wanna blow my brains
I feel like tying a brick to my feet
And jumping in a lake
But i don't want that to be my fate
So i guess i'll stay
But i wanna know
Why do i feel this way
I'm so far away
From where i'm supposed to lay
I feel the teardrops everyday
I guess ill need an umbrella for all this rain
But the drip drops are making me go insane
And i'm just bobbing in the waves
Trying to figure out why i'm stuck in my brain
While i push all my feelings away
If i died would they care in anyway
I'm alone in this race
I'm alone everyday
I'm starting to lose hope
I'm starting to inch closer to the rope
Now i'm smoking dope
Just waiting for the pain to go
And my dad's waiting outside the home
And i'm scared he's gonna hit me more
But there's no where to go
And i'm back on that lonely road
Walking closer to the door
Thinking tonight's the night
I'm not waiting no more
I sit on my bed
And put the gun to my head
Screaming tears to the mirror
And i didn't watch what i said
Because i was breaking in the head
Now soon i'm dead
I hear knocks on the door
So i lay myself to rest
So many people came
While my body sits there to lay
I had friends
But i took my life away
Now i'm wishing i would've stayed
But it's too late
I've chosen the wrong fate
I guess i wasn't safe
From the person in my head everyday