Sorties Jeux-Vidéos - 2013 lyrics
by Genius France [Archives]
Janvier :
02/01 - Retro City Rampage (XBLA)
03/01 - Unchained Blades (3DS)
08/01 - Anarchy Reigns (PS3, X360)
08/01 - Force de Défense Terrestre 2017 (PSVita)
10/01 - Fieldrunners 2 (PC)
15/01 - Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (PSP)
15/01 - DmC: Devil May Cry (PS3, X360)
17/01 - Temple Run 2(iOS)
19/01 - Super Hexagon (Android)
22/01 - The Cave (PSN, WiiU)
22/01 - Mad Dog McCree (PSN)
22/01 - Ni no Kuni : La Vengeance de la sorcière céleste (PS3)
22/01 - 23/01 - Strike Suit Zero (PC)
22/01 - The Cave (XBLA)
24/01 - The Cave (PC, Mac)
24/01 - Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (iOS)
24/01 - Temple Run 2 (Android)
25/01 - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (PC)
25/01 - DmC: Devil May Cry (PC)
29/01 - Dungeonland (PC)
29/01 - Hitman: HD Trilogy (PS3, X360)
30/01 - Skulls of the Shogun (XBLA, PC)
30/01 - Wizardry Online (PC)
31/01 - Antichamber (PC)
31/01 - Little Inferno (iOS)
31/01 - Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed (PC)
Févrirer :
04/02 - Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS)
05/02 - Dead Space 3 (PC, PS3, X360)
05/02 - Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 (PS3, X360)
05/02 - Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3, PSVita)
07/02 - After Burner Climax (iOS)
07/02 - Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 (WiiU)
08/02 - We Sing 80s(Wii)
10/02 - Brain Age: Concentration Training (3DS)
12/02 - Alien Breed (PSN, PSVita)
12/02 - Aliens: Colonial Marines (PC, PS3, X360)
12/02 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (3DS)
12/02 - Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed (3DS)
14/02 - Impire (PC)
19/02 - Crysis 3 (PC, X360, PS3)
19/02 - March of the Eagles (PC)
19/02 - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3, X360)
22/02 - Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (Mac)
25/02 - Krater (Mac)
26/02 - Brütal Legend (PC)
26/02 - Driftmoon (PC, Mac, Linux)
26/02 - Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires (PSN)
26/02 - Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (3DS)
26/02 - Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus (PSVita)
26/02 - Runner 2 (WiiU, Win, Mac, Lin)
27/02 - Runner 2 (XBLA)
27/02 - Super Hexagon (Linux)
28/02 - Real Racing 3 (iOS, Android)
28/02 - Retro City Rampage (WiiWare)
Mars :
01/02 - Zombies (Win)
05/02 - The Amazing Spider-Man (WiiU)
05/02 - Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk (PS3)
05/02 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate (3DS)
05/02 - Major League Baseball 2K13 (PS3, X360)
05/02 - MLB 13: The Show (PS3, PSVita)
05/02 - Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (X360, PS3)
05/02 - Runner 2 (PSN)
05/02 - Les Sims 3: University (Win, Mac)
05/02 - SimCity (Win)
05/02 - Tomb Raider (Win, PS3, X360)
07/02 - Liberation Maiden (iOS)
07/02 - Rayman Fiesta Run (Win)
07/02 - Sonic Dash (iOS)
12/02 - Darkstalkers Resurrection (PSN
12/02 - God of War: Ascension (PS3)
12/02 - Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 (PS3, X360, Win)
12/02 - StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm (Win, Mac)
13/02 - Darkstalkers Resurrection (XBLA)
14/02 - A World of Keflings (Win
14/02 - Chaos Rings II (Android)
14/02 - Slam Bolt Scrappers (Win)
18/02 - Lego City Undercover (WiiU)
19/02 - The Croods: Prehistoric Party! (WiiU, Wii, 3DS, NDS)
19/02 - Gears of War: Judgment (X360)
19/02 - Hotline Miami (Mac)
19/02 - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (WiiU, 3DS)
19/02 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted (WiiU)
19/02 - The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (PS3, X360, Win, WiiU)
20/02 - Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (XBLA)
20/02 - Retro/Grade (Win)
20/02 - Shoot Many Robots (Android)
21/02 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (PS3)
21/02 - Trials Evolution: Gold Edition (Win)
21/02 - Zen Pinball 2 (WiiU)
22/02 - Dead or Alive 5 Plus (PSVita)
22/02 - Resident Evil 6 (Win)
24/02 - Luigi's Mansion 2 (3DS)
24/02 - Pokémon : Donjon mystère - Les Portes de l'infini (3DS)
26/02 - Army of Two : Le Cartel du Diable (PS3, X360)
26/02 - BioShock Infinite (PS3, X360, Win)
26/02 - inal Fantasy XI : Explorateurs d'Adoulin (Win, X360)
26/02 - Machinarium (PSVita)
26/02 - Slender: The Arrival (Win)
26/02 - Terraria (PSN)
26/02 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 (PS3, X360)
27/02 - Terraria (XBLA)
28/02 - Final Fantasy V (iOS)
28/02 - HarmoKnight (3DS)
28/02 - Ms. Splosion Man (iOS)
28/02 - Race Driver: Grid (Mac)
28/02 - Tactical Intervention (Win)