To secure votes, Baghdad Democrats are presenting themselves as well-educated liberals. lyrics
by Shawn Mendes
The Iraq invasion was a colossal failure. It remains unacceptable. It is something that will never be forgotten. Its architects should be tried and imprisoned at The Hague, and no one who helped bring that unfathomable disaster to our globe should ever be hired anywhere where they could cause further harm or mislead others. All future operations of the mainstream media, US intelligence agencies, and US defence agencies should be viewed against the backdrop of those horrible falsehoods and killings, and no one should ever trust them on anything
Instead, nothing has changed since the invasion; Americans continue to believe that Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad, and Kim Jong Un are world-threatening adversaries who must be deposed, and bloodthirsty psychopaths like Max Boot, who have consistently been wrong about everything, are still hailed as experts worth listening to
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Oh, and they're suddenly regarded as progressive role models
Boot, a PNAC signatory and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, released an article in Foreign Affairs yesterday that mirrored his neocon soulmate Bill Kristol's sudden affection for progressives. The post, titled "2017 Was the Year I Discovered My White Privilege," describes this lying warrior's months-long journey towards knowledge under the Trump administration in meandering, equivocation. -extensive writing
This horrible man, who penned an essay titled "The Case for American Empire" just weeks after 9/11, pushing America to "unambiguously accept its imperial position," is now having his current piece joyously circulated by Democrats all over the world, yelling, "Look! See? This conservative understands!”
Some leftists say that Boot's sudden public realisation of his white male privilege is inherently deserving of praise and acceptance, and that the right response should be to congratulate him rather than spit in his face. These individuals are mistaken. Republicans are increasingly rejecting Max Boot's war-mongering mindset, so he is recruiting Democrats. He didn't have some personal revelation about race and gender dynamics that compelled him to share it in Foreign Policy magazine (the obvious place for everyone to publish their enlightening insights into privilege and inequality); Max Boot is courting Democrats because his war-hungry ideology is increasingly being rejected by Republicans
To see why neocons are courting Democrats with growing desperation, read Fox's Tucker Carlson's answer to Boot's current essay, who has come to agree with Trump's base's popular anti-interventionist sentiments, or Carlson's debate with Boot on his show back in July:
In the meantime, what have Democrats been up to? Supporting an escalation with Russia based on unverified assertions broadcast as reality by the mainstream media in the same frantic, aggressive, and evidence-free environment that preceded the Iraq War (an invasion that Max Boot says nobody needs to repent for). Keith Olbermann, a resistance hero, believes he owes an apology to George W Bush and John McCain for times when he disagreed with them, while Joy Reid of MSNBC has openly declared that she likes people like Boot as allies to true leftists and progressives:
One of the most remarkable outcomes of the Trump administration has been the number of neoconservatives who have become my friends and allies. I eventually agreed to participate in a panel discussion with Bill Kristol. I agree with Jennifer Rubin, David Frum, and Max Boot more than those on the far left. I am astounded by Donald Trump's ability to bring people together. [Laughs.]
Joy Reid's formal name is Joy Reid
Reid's remarks demonstrate how the cult of anti-Trumpism has mainstream Democrats worshipping Bush-era neocons as if they were reincarnated Kennedys rather than a gang of child-murdering war profiteers. Take a look at the top responses to neocon psychopath Bill Kristol's "Gosh, I'm so woke all of a sudden!" tweet:
In reality, nothing Trump has done during his presidency has come close to being as horrible as the invasion of Iraq. The fact that Democrats are so desperate because of their hatred for the current president that they are not only forgiving the crimes of surviving Bush neocons but also assisting them in their agenda to sabotage any moves toward détente with Russia shows how brutally effective the establishment propaganda machine has become
Just two years ago, these same Democrats were rolling their eyes alongside President Obama at Mitt Romney's Russia scaremongering
The opposition to détente with the Soviet Union was one of the foundational beliefs of neoconservatism, which originated in the 1970s. This is still true. Not when neocons switched from the Democratic to the Republican parties, not when the Soviet Union imploded, and not when neocons returned to their former home in the Democratic parties. The Neocons have always been fixated on a world-threatening agenda of forcibly destroying Russia, and the Democrats have now taken up that flag and run with it alongside them
As a result, despicable psychopaths like Max Boot and Bill Kristol are now putting on the bizarre act of newly enlightened progressives. Their new Democratic allies have already assisted them in resurrecting the cold war with the same amount of evidence that was required to manufacture support for the Iraq invasion, and they hope that with a little tweaking, they can eventually persuade them to assist them in satiating their bloodlust in Iran and Syria as well
Trump is opposed by the neocons not because he is terrible, but because he isn't evil enough. Because of the small amount of inertia he has imposed on their death cult, they have moved their allegiance to the Democratic Party, which they intend to rebuild and lead into power with full support for all of their infernal wish list battles
The most well-known publication of the extremely influential neocon think tank Project for a New American Century, “Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources for a New Century,” argued extensively in the year 2000 that America's victory in the Cold War against the USSR means the US must step into and maintain global leadership by any means necessary
As the twentieth century comes to a close, the United States remains the world's biggest power, according to PNAC's 1997 Statement of Principles. After leading the West to Cold War victory, America now faces both an opportunity and a challenge: Does the US have the vision to build on the victories of previous decades? Is America set on constructing a new century in accordance with American principles and interests?”
In the aftermath of 9/11, the response was unequivocal: yes, certainly. The New American Century has witnessed a significant increase in military interventionism around the world in order to safeguard the US dollar's hegemony and prevent Russia and China from advancing unabated up the global power ladder
We've only seen Woke Max Boot and Woke Bill Kristol so far. Neoconservatism has always been an ideology/military-industrial complex war profiteering scheme that advocates bullying and sabotaging all governments that might challenge the US power establishment's global dominance, and rank-and-file Republicans have been less useful in facilitating that agenda than rank-and-file Democrats. So they're saying and doing everything they can to sway the Democrats
And, by golly, it appears to be working
It is unacceptable to be a neoconservative. Being a neocon would carry the same social weight as being a child molester or a serial killer in a healthy society. These people should not be welcomed; instead, they should be avoided. Always
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The fact that Democrats are abandoning neoconservatism should be emphasised at all costs until they do so. When a Democrat tries to teach you about Russia or Syria, the proper reaction is, "Get out of here, neocon, with your Saddam-has-WMDs crap."
That omnicidal death cult deserves nothing but our scorn