Animal Farm: Chapter 14 lyrics
by George Orwell
Two weeks in, and animals were still mourning the death of their late leader, Comrade Napoleon when the distinguished panel of pigs called for a meeting. The Sunday meetings, long since abolished by Napoleon, were held once again. That morning the messengers of Manor Farm, the pigeons announced that the next leader would be chosen after the late Comrade Napoleon. So by noon, the animals had assеmbled in the barn in a body.
Inside thе barn, the four candidates Snowball, Taka, Minimus, and Squealer were furiously sharp campaigns for themselves. “If you choose me, my dear comrades, then each one of you shall get double the rations of food, and heaters in the winter, WITHOUT an early retiring age!” Thundered Taka roaring loudly like a rainstorm. “I will take down Mufasa and become ruler of the Pridelands of North America once and for all!!”
The other animals cheered and applauded with renewed vigor. Squealer stood there beaming, quite pleased with himself. But his face twisted with rage when he heard the self-righteous roar of Taka's nemesis, Mufasa. Mufasa roared to all of the animals very loudly. “Four days a week is nothing! I, my dear comrades, promise that under my regime you’ll work four days a week!” Suddenly, a Ruppell's griffon vulture named Strom soared, flew, came in, and yelled, "BOSH!" Mufasa continued on. "Perhaps a three-day week." “Nonsense!” bellowed Waldo the walrus. Parce the leopard began to roar loudly to the animals. “I swear on my love for late Comrade Napoleon, that under me each one of you, my comrades will work for NO MORE days a week!” This was a dream come true for the animals, they threw themselves in their wildest uproar of applause. Apparently, the animals were quite pleased with the proposal of not working at all and getting double the rations of food. So, without any delay a vote was taken, and with an overwhelming majority, Bruce and Parce were chosen as the next leader of Manor Farm. Although he didn’t openly admit it, Bruce, Parce, Snowball, Taka, Mufasa, and Squealer have been great friends since childhood.
Then, Taka roared like thunder to the other animals with the loudest uproar ever yet. After the meeting, Mufasa skidded to a stop. "I once fell in there myself." Suddenly, a water buffalo named Samson charged at Taka. "I'll get you for this!" Boma yelled. Mufasa sighed. "I didn't come to fight you. We are all brothers. Brothers in the circle of life." But Boma wasn't listening. "I'll get you, and the others will get your brother!" "The others?" Mufasa asked. He and Tamino scrambled to the top of a cluster of rocks. In the distance, near the water hole. Taka was rolling on the ground with laughter. Fourteen large buffaloes burst from the tall yellow grass. Of course, thought Tamino, buffaloes travel in herds.
"My brother!" Mufasa screamed.
Taka started running, but the buffaloes were already closing in on him.
"I've got to help him!" Mufasa ran down the rocks. He leaped across the ravine onto the log and ran back up the path.
"They'll trample you too!" Tamino yelled. But Mufasa didn't stop.
"Help me, please! Help me!" Scar screamed. He twisted left, then right, trying to get away. But the buffaloes stayed with him, slashing at him with their horns.
Taka stumbled, and the biggest buffalo tried to strike him but a king cobra jumped and bit Scar's eye with one of his sharp venomous fangs. Taka fell to the ground and rolled a few feet.
The buffaloes paused, pawing the ground.
Mufasa reached Scar's side. Standing between him and the buffaloes, Mufasa roared and readied himself for the fight. A fight he couldn't possibly win.
The buffaloes lowered their heads, preparing to charge.
Tamino tranquilized the water buffalo and then they were sent into North America by the zookeepers.