Animal Farm: Chapter 16 lyrics
by George Orwell
Before the war had come, Scar had just returned from his harrowing escape, now out of breath and talking of an ambush. As soon as he came back from the brink of exhaustion, he rallied all the animals from around the world and gathered outside of Animal Farm. He then saw Minimus and Snowball. Then, came Squealer. "Why have you come back?" roared Scar.
"Scar... I had nothing to do with that!" said Snowball.
"You don't belong here." growled Scar.
"Please... I ask your forgiveness. Napoleon unleashed his nine enormous dogs and tried to kill Snowball. When Snowball returned, You are the noble lion that has a scar. You must take over George's Wild Animal Kingdom once and for all." said Squealer.
"Scar, please! Listen to Snowball, Squealer, and Minimus!" sobbed Tamino next to the tiger and the penguin.
"SILENCE!" roared Scar. "When you first came here, you asked for judgment..."
"GIVE THEM WHAT THEY DESERVE!" shouted the vultures, baboons, pigs, zebras, elephants, giraffes, leopards, and Outsider lionesses when the four leaders (Snowball, Minimus, Squealer, and Bruce) got tied by chains and rope. Scar finished his worst sentence of all. "And I pass it now."
All of the farm animals and zoo animals began shouting madly when Scar roared his thunderous voice at all of England!
"EXILE!" Scar roared when the frightened Snowball, Squealer, Bruce, and Minimus began to squeal loudly.
Tamino was shocked. All the animals roared in violent approval. Scar growled at the other animals for silence. The sound of pigs stomping on their hind legs broke the silence as the chimpanzees and monkeys began screeching in unison. They repeated the motion, setting a steady tempo. The hyenas started cackling, vultures and baboons started screeching like the monkeys, dogs baying, elephants trumpeting, zebras braying, Outsider lionesses and bulls growling and roaring, and even moose bellowed loudly, eager for Snowball, Bruce, Minimus, and Squealer for blood and death.
Tamino jumped higher in the crowd trying to see Snowball, Bruce, Minimus, and Squealer being killed and eaten by ravenous beasts and birds in horror. "You can't do this! Don't do this, Scar!" screamed Tamino.
Scar stood to address his followers, his voice carrying easily over the clamor. "Tonight, Animal Farm of England will be destroyed!"
Loud shouting answered him and they stomped their feet faster.
"But tomorrow," Scar continued, "we will take George's Wild Animal Kingdom forever!"
An uproar of shouting answered Scar again. Vultures were screeching that echoed throughout the entire farm circling around creating blackness to cover the stormy sky. The pigs destroy the word Animal Farm on the sign and even the farmhouse using torches, dynamite, and flames creating Scar's rule in England.
Scar sends multiple Outsider lionesses, Napoleon's dogs, vultures, jackals, and hyenas to kill Minimus, Snowball, Bruce, and Squealer. They dogpile and tear the four animal leaders to pieces filled with blood. Tamino sobbed as the animals cheered on for Scar destroying the pigs with warm red blood.
"Minimus, Snowball, Bruce, and Squealer, are DEAD!" Scar proclaimed as the cheers grew louder.
An uproar of screeching, baying, trumpeting, and growling can be heard. Napoleon's black c*ckerel crowed in victory.
Scar roared to the Outsider lionesses, wolves, vultures, jackals, and hyenas extra loud. "Go! Get rid of them and move out! Let's go! Attack!"
Tamino's army is ready. Moses is in the lead with all of his farm animals.
First came the leopards, cougars, jaguars, and cheetahs flinging themselves at the pigs with fangs bared and vicious growls and screeches.
Then the armies collided and then the dogs were baying loudly when Napoleon's black c*ckerel crowed multiple times but was chased by the nine dogs as the dogs bay loudly trying to kill the black c*ckerel for slaughter.
Ravenous pigs were flung back by the rhino's horn. The other animals fought together as soldiers simply slammed into each other before properly sparring. Mere moments had passed before the screams drifted up through the entire Animal Farm.
Suddenly, the vulture kept his eyes on the peac*cks. The peac*cks fought against the entire army of pigs, dogs, Outsider lionesses, hyenas, vultures, and jackals.
The snakes continue to slither and kill the baying dogs and the pigs using their venom until the army of good zookeepers tranquilizes Benjamin. He was tranquilized, fell head first toward the ground, and slept quietly. The other animals triumphantly continued once more as they saw their leader tranquilized. His long life had finally come to a new beginning as he was sent to a new farm in North Carolina, still and triumphantly recovered. Nonetheless, the pigs and baying dogs fell dead.
In the end, the army of the animals had fallen dead because of the Outsiders led by Scar.
Tamino and her army of animals and Mufasa cheered as Scar growled back at them and was sending his army of wolves, Outsider lionesses, hyenas, vultures, and jackals to North America.
"Comrades," Tamino began her speech, "this is a celebration for us all. The Last Rebellion has happened and Snowball, Squealer, Bruce, and Minimus have been dead on the farm. We will rule the entire kingdom in the gigantic zoo of North America, and tomorrow will be the start of a great birth as the next king, Simba! We are all free!"
The animals began cheering with meanest applause that echoed through England's entire farm like Pilkington and Napoleon's toast from the farmhouse. Meanwhile, Moses looked down at the thunderous commotion below from the farm roof. He, like Benjamin, was one of the remaining few animals with the memory of the Rebellion. In a flash, when the entire mixture of shouting had grown louder, he panicked from the noise and flew away to the barn his wings never to be seen again. When the noise had quieted down, Tamino flew away to North America where multiple zookeepers picked all of the animals to North America for the first time. This was the beginning of George's Wild Animal Kingdom.