Can't believe what happened to Justin Bieber. Just goes to show that if you get frostbite you need immediate attention. I know people will still listen to his music but losing a limb at such a young age to frostbite is terrible. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I wish Bieber all the best and may you learn to live without the leg and still prosper. Shocking news. What he was doing up a mountain in 3/4 length trousers is beyond me. Someone from his management/label should have put a stop to this days ago because it was always gonna happen. And now a 19 year old boy has lost a limb to frostbite. Swollen or not... Apparently @TMZ are gonna break the story, but I already know for a fact it's true cos I know a guy who works in his team. He's in hospital in Sweden now. Apparently it was one of the worst cases of frostbitten teen pop stars that doctors had ever seen. Apparently if he'd have been airlifted to hospital rather than taken on a wedge they might have been able to save the limb. I've said for months now that emergency services need to move on from transporting people in urgent need in f*cking wedges. They're Stone Age, we have helicopters, planes and cars and yet some European countries still insist on using wedges. And now a 19 year old at the peak of his career has lost a limb. And for what?
The illuminati definitely have something to do with this. Do you ever notice how on European tv there are constant subliminal messages trying to promote wedges. They're not even subtle about it any more. When I was in Serbia even the pubs used wedges. It's ridiculous.
It's his own fault I know, because if you're performing up a mountain in a f*cking blizzard then you need to wear more than 3/4 trousers. Nonetheless. Someone in his team could have prevented this. I can't even express how livid I am that wedges are even allowed under EU regulations. When all you've gotta do is look at the stats of the last 10 years and you'll see that they've done nothing but cause a nuisance. #BanWedges
Who knows what a wedge is, in the context of transport. Seems like a lot of you don't know? What the hell. Can someone that does know, tweet me their definition and I'll retweet it.
For those that don't know, wedges are the glass they use to get seriously ill patients into hospitals from mountainous terrain.
Get well soon @justinbieber can't imagine what you're going through. Frostbite can affect anyone.
The guy from biebers management just rang me and gave me an update. Apparently they've moved Bieber to a hospital in Poland, thankfully not via a wedge this time. And according to his team he's still gonna perform tomorrow night!???? What the f*ck. Give the kid a break, he's just lost a limb to frostbite for f*cks sake. All any of his management are interested in is money. Apparently he doesn't wanna perform. But he's stable now. And he'll be able to 'perform to a suitable standard wether wheelchair bound or not.' That's a direct quote from his manager.
I dunno what the f*ck the world is coming to when a 19 year old kid with a massive dice addiction and a limb missing is still forced to perform, breath stinking of liquor. All his team and money grabbing c*nts and they should be ashamed of themselves. I've watched that boy fall apart, whether he be covered in dice or spitting on his disabled fans backs as the walk away, it's terrible to see. Someone so young should be allowed to live a normal life. He may be rich but look where it's got him now. He's lost a limb, he's addicted to dice and breath stinking of liquor and he still has to perform tomorrow. Only 2 days after losing a limb. f*cking p*ss take I feel sorry for the kid. Why the f*ck they have a concert up a mountain in a blizzard anyway is f*cking beyond me. Apparently 14 other children have frostbite. But when Bieber just rocks out in minus 19 degrees with f*cking 3/4 length trousers, someone should have prevented this. It doesn't take a genius to know that minus 19 and 3/4 length trousers doesn't mix. And now look what's happened.
So tomorrow Bieber will be on stage just 2 days after losing a limb to frostbite. If his breath stunk of liquor before, think how bad it'll be now. Absolutely ridiculous. I'll keep you updated.
Apparently Bieber is saying he doesn't want to perform tomorrow night and his manager just literally slapped him in the face WTFFFFFFFFF I can't tell you who my contact is because he'd get fired if they knew it was him telling me, but let me just tell you this, he's in Biebers management team. I can 100% guarantee its true. You're gonna find out soon enough any way. Just legal issues with @TMZ releasing it.
If you don't belieb me you can f*ck off.
I'm gonna tell you something I know about Bieber and his main manager Scoota Brauhn or whatever his name is.. I could get into trouble for this but f*ck it. Back in like 08 or 09 Bieber used to get really nervous before his gigs... like to the point where he missed some gigs cos he was too nervous. And up until I think like 2010, Scooter used to dip a sponge into whiskey and Guinness and and then rub it on Bieber's nose before he performed. He was too young to legally drink, but he thought because he would inhale it it would settle the nerves. That's why all that bollocks came out about Bieber constantly stinking of liquor on his breath when he was underage. It wasn't because he was actually drinking, it was because he had it sponged onto his nose. I'm gonna get in trouble for telling you that.
GET YOUR ELRO OBAI T SHIRTS NOW. Posting the tings tomorrow. Cheap as f*ck. Buy the ting, get the ting.
HA f*ck all u that said I was lying about bieb my mate who works for the daily mail sent me a pic of tomorrows story!
Just found out the Bieber thing was a joke. Can't believe I fell for that... wup. Yeah... that's what happened. I fell for it.
Guys everyone tweet about the Bieb frostbite leg thing. Let's see if we can get everyone to bleieve it.
When people ask y the story hasn't leaked yet say something like 'they can't release the story till tomorrow because of legal wedge theory. Maybe use the hashtag #BieberLostLimb
This is too funny. Please help me get #BieberLostLimb trending. put it in EVERY TWEET!
I am sat in my house crying with laughter hahahaahahahahaahaha my mentions are going mad: just search 'bieber frostbite' or 'bieber leg' or 'bieber limb' the amount of tweets is astounding hahaaha. I am a f*cking juvenile c*nt that's for sure hahahah.
OH MY DAYS SEARCH 'BIEBER LEG' on twitter. SOOO MANY TWEETS HAHAHAHAHA I am f*cking pathetic I'm sat here on my own laughing uncontrollably at all the tweets. #BieberLostLimb #prayForBieber #BieberLostLimb #frostbittenTeen Guys spread it to Facebook too!!
Someone write a blog about it. #BieberLostLimb EVERYONE tweet it right now!!!!
This is all way better than I even could have hoped for. If it trends now I will crack open a beer to celebrate.
Justin Bieber announces second leg of believe tour will not feature a second leg. #BieberLostLimb
I'm crying ah god I am pathetically juvenile but this is funny as f*ck come on.
Sources close to Bieber said he had no right to cancel second leg of your as he doesn't have leg to stand on.
I literally love people who share my sense of humour. Anyone who doesn't find this funny has no soul. #BieberLostLimb #frostbittenTeen
#frostbittenTeen has the best ring to it. Rolls off the tongue.
Celebratory beer. #BieberLostLimb
Guys, fabricate as much bullsh*t as you can. Blogs etc etc #BieberLostLimb #FrostbittenDiceBreathedLiquorLadLosesLimb
Guys Bieber just tweeted this about losing his leg and then deleted it straight away!? Who saw that!??? #BieberLostLimb #BeliebersAgainstFrostbite omggggg
£5000 current bid for Biebers leg hahah #BieberLostLimb
£25k for biebers leg. Any takers?
Let's just hope this makes the papers. I can see the headlines 'Frostbitten Teen auctions leg for £15,000,000 with breath stinking of dice and liquor.' #BecomeAFrostbittenTeenTooForBieber #GetFrostBittenLimbsForBieber #getRidOfExcessiveLimbsAndBeLikeBieber
Hey @laceybanghard I'm trying to raise awareness of #frostbittenTeens please could you RT this cusp so more can be of late wealth charity. Thanks @laceybanghard now we can help more teens trying to get frostbite to fulfil their dreams! 3/4 lengths trousers for Eskimos #frostbite Thanks to @laceybanghard at least 3 teens desperate for frostbite will today fulfil their dreams.
12 hours later...
Bieber said to be stable today.
GET YOUR ELRO OBAI T SHIRTS NOW. Posting the tings TODAY. Cheap as f*ck. Buy the ting, get the ting. RT
Anyone notice @justinbieber hasn't tweeted in nearly a day? #BieberLostLimb #FrostbittenTeen
Was anyone watching the TV this morning???????????????? BIEBER HAS LOST A LIMB! People who are trying to be detectives and aggressively prove this wrong don't realise how stupid they're making themselves look. Just say words to people, it usually convinces them. 'Wedge theory suggests a different district per annum, 100% proof.'
Guys we'll have 1 more go at this today... Tell everyone you know, and aggressively back it up. Make out its 100% true and be horrible to anyone who says it isn't. Let's see how much of the country we can get to jump on the Bieber leg off wagon. Good luck. Use #BieberLostLimb ONE LAST PUSH!!! AHHHOOOOOO!!!! Get this picture EVERYWHERE! #BieberLostLimb I'm getting everyone on my facebook to get involved too. Seriously go mental with this. Let's get it spreading like wildfire by SBTRKT RT
The amount of people googling 'Justin Bieber lost leg' right now is hilarious. Promo for me? God people think they know everyone's motives don't they. I don't get any promo out of pretending Bieber has lost a leg. Believe it or not. In no way does this benefit me, other than making me laugh. Safe.