Juju - Intro (English Translation) lyrics
by Genius English Translations
Hehe, yeah
Rappers do not feel like rapping anymore (ey)
Nothing come to the mind of these Rappers
I did not go to school often, but rapping is easy for me (so easy)
To me, squeezing a couple of words in a cadence is easier than eating (oh yea)
You observe me doing it and you think
“This ho there is better than me”
I am Juju44, homie, remember my name
Or even better: You immediately get my album and pay for it
I do not want to spoiler but a sick part is about to hit
I do not want to spoiler but very soon you will sadly be gone
(La la la la la la la)
No one can look into my heart
No one can impress me anymore
Yea, the media can suck me
Their mouth - I wanna spit in it
Yea, they lie a lot and I smoke a lot (yea)
German Rap is a play (oh)
I buy a lot, you cashier a lot (ah)
This little girl shaves here (ah, ah)
Brother (yea), Brother (yea)
Everyone calls you “brother”
But the deal is only either with god or with the devil (uh, uh, uh)
Brother (yea), Brother (yea)
Everyone is your brother but
In the end the still f*cks your girlfriend like 2Pac
To me these are rappers and their crews (victims)
I swear, half of them are without honor
And I swear half of them are out by tomorrow
I will surf those waves until dawn
So bored of themselves
Real Spastics, pretending to be heros
Money is their only motivation
Just as sick as this world (so sick)
You call it “feminism”
I simply call it “humaneness”
On the contrary to you hypocrites
To me all humans are the same
They won't say “This is Woman-Rap in german”
They will say “This album destroyed everything”
They won't believe what they are about to hear
They will be astonished and outraged
Because I come from Döner-bread and Sauce
To flying high and cash
Yeah, I do business now
And you can start getting used to how I flow
The victims diss me because they do not know that a feature with me is going to be the hype
Only who was here from the beginning (hehe)
No, no, I already know but I won't say it
I am cold to you like the antarctic (ah)
Because to me you are not sympathetic (uh, uh)
You are fake from top to bottom
And I smell it in the nose
I notice it, 2019, from the salary
Because I wear daily some else
No standard goods
I got every freaking pair in a different color
Everything drawn by hand
And it does not matter what I buy, it looks great and I don't care about your opinion about the clothes on my skin
When my song goes on, yours goes out
Look, I order multiple pizza (yea)
Ask the delivery man “What do you get?” (yea)
He says “27,95 please, and an autograph by SXTN”
I have to say, I am feeling 1A (ah)
Because I am good on time (ah)
From Bad b*tch to Gold Mine in 3 years (yea)
Your gang consists of victims, all just fashion bloggers
I have good genes, you are bast*rds
We went gold, now I will go gold again (gold)
I will make dad and mum proud (yea)
Yea, I rap because I have big goals
I got away from the crooked road
And I will continue until I have 100 Mio
I buy my food now only from the Bio-Shop (yea)
Some think that I am antisocial because I drink and smoke
I think, I am the best here right now
And while you j*rk off because of me for months, I will have 20 new songs and f*cked your dream
This is a perfect life:
Eat, make music, sleep, stage, eat, make music
Make love a bit, smoke
Again and again, every day, I just wait for everyone to knee down and say “You are already a legend”
Remember my name - Juju44
Remember my name - Juju44
Remember my name - Juju44
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