I write songs, I don't sing them
And your name, I don't say it
It's the storiesâ
you're inventing
An eveningâ
romance if that enchants you
I shouldn'tâ
say it, but it was short
I shouldn't say it, itâreeksâofâlove
There's no point,âwhy run?
There areâplenty of desire girls
What you touch you destroy
My body sleeps on your boredom
I ignored the sweet words
Like a terrace in the middle of August
Don't pretend because I know
You only love me because I hate you
But it doesn't matter, whatever
I'll take a taxi
The possibility of loving you is like climbing a mountain
I already envisaged it, you can get out the champagne
I want to start something new
Leave me to hope for a better future
I've rented a car
I've gone to the sea
Alone, I swear to you
A solo journey
I write songs, I don't sing them
And your name, I don't say it
It's the stories that you're inventing
An evening romance if that enchants you
I shouldn't say it, but it was short
I shouldn't say it, it reeks of love
There's no point, why run?
There are plenty of desire girls
I shouldn't say it, but it was short
I shouldn't say it, it reeks of love
There's no point, why run?
There's no point, why run?
There are plenty of desire girls