Bodo Wartke - Nicht In Meinem Namen (English Translation) lyrics
by Genius English Translations
If I were a God of any traditional
Popular world religion
- Of which religion doesn't matter -
Then I would have something to say that concerns all of you because
You have misunderstood something important
[Verse 1]
All of the hatred and the pain
That you cause all of over the world
Flight and expulsion and all of the human dramas
Oppression, war, genocide
Which you call God's word
All of that doesn't happen in my name
[Verse 2]
When you colonize land that isn't yours
Expel the population and destroy their villages
And all peace efforts keep going nowhere
Because you want to live there alone, not together
Because you believe you are the chosen people
Then you don't act in my name
[Verse 3]
When you destroy thousand-year-old cultures
And build your pretentious palaces on top of the ruins
And claim you're fighting for the weak and the poor
When self-proclaimed servants of God
Abuse and mistreat children on Earth
Then this certainly doesn't happen in my name!
[Verse 4]
When you bigotedly, rigidly, and ignorantly
Despise and oppress your wifes
Because of your oh so virtuous "values"
That dictate that as a woman you aren't allowed to talk back
But are to be locked up and enslaved
Then you don't act in my name
[Verse 5]
And when your daughter, as an example, doesn't want to
Quietly accept that anymore but live independently
Instead of imitating her mother's thralldom
And you humiliate, hit, abduct
Disown, or even murder her
Then you don't act in my name
[Verse 6]
When you beat up homosexuals
Insult them and chase them through the streets
Because they dared to hug in public
When you treat women like fair game who you can
Feel up and rape as you desire
Then you don't act in my name
[Verse 7]
When you massacre people of other religions
And execute critics of the regime
Without any compassion or mercy
When you take delight in
Beheading people in public
Then you don't act in my name
[Verse 8]
And when you spill blood unrestrainedly yet again
By indiscriminately shooting people
Who didn't flee from you in time
And when you, wrapped in explosives
Blow yourself up in the middle of a crowd
Then you don't act in my name
[Verse 9]
You are neither martyr nor noble avenger
You are only godless felons
And believe me, you are some of the most malicious
When you destroy what I created
Then I don't want you to say you were appointed by me
Because you don't act in my name
On the contrary
You are changing this planet to a dark, uninhabitable one
And tarnishing the reputation of all those who came in peace
It is about time that somebody resists you, your cruel delusion
Because you don't act in my name
Because you don't act in my name
Shalom, Inshallah, Amen