Hakushi Hasegawa 長谷川白紙 - Somoku 草木 (English Translation) lyrics
by Genius English Translations
When don my sheep skin and fish in the river like a hermit
I listen, listen carefully, even to the bubbles
But the line I fling
Into the air as I sing
Is like a needle
Remaining gentle
I wind up a whirlpool
And the sound vibrates in my skull
The heat makes the foil lure
Curl into a round shape
Sadly slaughtering some and releasing others
I push my trunk to its limit cramming them inside
Come on, I'll freeze them and bake them up
I slice off my brain's shackles and
Put them in the burning nectar
I feel exhilarated as the fats
Separate from my body
And if they get stuck to the pan
Since a storm is brewing outside
I can just stay inside, do some knitting, finish reading a book
My empty head becomes sweet
Until the temperature makes my ears wind into a round shape
I hear the rhythm of the bubbles
As they fill the empty space behind my eyes
If I were to jump...
If I could read...
Holding my breath, my lovesickness
Starts to guide me out of the darkness
Come on, freak out, burn it into your memory
Let's smooth everything out
My bending and warping inner thoughts
Resent your eternal youth
Like an enso circle that fades along with the spring mist
My wish is for the plants to sprout
My wish is for the plants to sprout