Stars My Destination lyrics
by atlas
Its too late for redemption
Destitute of grace and favour earth-striken and abandoned lying in the bed you've made
The folly was always hope delaying gratitude for nowhere land the crowning achievement of our existence
A monument to ignorance
Precious soul, so weak and so fragile
You need a master, its never enough
Precious soul, so cryptic and essential praying to master, it's never enough
Prеcious soul. Righteous and courageous slaughter for mastеr, it's never enough
Existence wasted
Planet violated
Excuse debasing -praying for the answers betrayed by your conceit
Skulls crushed
Instinctual distrust
A violent lust
In devotion you can't see the woods for the trees
And though time may shelter
The guilt and the fallacy
There is nothing that's weaker
Than the wish for immortality
A sickened life
Born from a w eakened mind
Sweeps across the dust and ruin that it leaves behind
When all is said and done
And ashes stain you black
Head craned skyward to see
That only death stares back
Only death stares back