Annotated Book Excerpts lyrics
by Lit Genius
Galadrielle Allman
- Please Be With Me (Winter Tour Excerpt)
- Please Be With Me (ATL Pop Excerpt)
MK Asante
- Buck: A Memoir (Book Cover)
- Buck: A Memoir (Chap. 1)
- Buck: A Memoir (Chap. 2)
Rick Benjamin
- Passing Love (Poem)
Melissa Broder
David Burkus
- The Myths of Creativity (Excerpt)
Stephen Burt
- Belmont (Poem)
Jeff Chang
- Can't Stop Won't Stop (Prelude)
Teju Cole
- Open City (Excerpt)
Morri Creech
- Song and Complaint (Poem)
Erica Dawson
- The Small Blades Hurt (Poem)
Junot Díaz
- The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Book Cover)
- The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Excerpt)
Jen Doll
- Save the Date (Excerpt)
Paul Edwards
- How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip-Hop MC (Excerpt)
- How to Rap 2: Advanced Flow and Delivery Techniques (Excerpt)
Jon Gertner
- The Idea Factory (Book Cover)
- The Idea Factory (Introduction)
Seth Godin
- The Purple Cow (Excerpt)
George Green
- Lord Byron's Foot (Poem)
Robert Greene
- The 50th Law (Introduction)
- The 50th Law (Chap. 1)
- The 50th Law (Chap. 2)
- Mastery (Introduction)
Michael P. Jeffries
- Paint the White House Black: Barack Obama and the Meaning of Race in America (Excerpt)
Ken Kalfus
- Equilateral
Etgar Keret
- Suddenly, a Knock on the Door (Short Story)
Dorothea Lasky
- Rome (Poem)
Jenna Le
- Six Rivers (Poem)
Chris Leslie-Hynan
- Ride Around Shining (Excerpt)
Elizabeth Little
- Dear Daughter (Excerpt)
Tao Lin
- Taipei (Excerpt)
- you are a little bit happier than i am (Poem)
Adam Mansbach
- Rage is Back (Chap. 1)
- Rage is Back (Chap. 2)
George R. R. Martin
- Game of Thrones
Joshua Mehigan
- The Optimist (Poem)
- Accepting the Disaster (Poem)
Phong Nguyen
- Benjamin Franklin, Clergyman (Excerpt)
Alexis Ohanian
- Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed (Excerpt)
Dayo Olopade
- The Bright Continent (Excerpt)
Ed Pavlic
- Visting Hours at the Color Line (Poem)
Joanna Pearson
- Oldest Mortal Myth (Poem)
Sheryl Sandberg
- Lean In (Introduction)
Don Share
- Squandermania (Poem)
Patricia Smith
- Shoulda Been Jimi Savannah (Poem)
Tom Standage
- Writing on the Wall: Social Media - The First 2,000 Years (Introduction)
Jeff VanderMeer
- Annihilation
- Authority
Lance Scott Walker
- Houston Rap (Introduction)
- Houston Rap (Photo Excerpt)
Michael P. Williams
- Chrono Trigger (Excerpt)
Greg Williamson
- A Most Marvelous Piece of Luck (Poem)
Alex Woodard
- For the Sender (Excerpt)
Tom Wolf
- SOUND (Author's Cut of Chap. 3)
David Yezzi
- Birds of the Air (Poem)
Matthew Zapruder
- Sun Bear (Poem)