AEW Dynamite (11-18-2020) lyrics
by AEW
Non-Title Match
M1: Young Bucks def. Top Flight
- TH2—Jack Evans and Angelico—attacked Top Flight on the outside after the match! The Bucks chased TH2 away and then Nick and Matt congratulated Top Flight on an outstanding debut!
- The Inner Circle Slays Vegas!
Clips of the Inner Circle’s escapades from Vegas aired. Konnan made an appearance—boom!—and took the party next level after a smokey ride in a limo. as well as Hornswoggle
M2: Orange Cassidy def. Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford)
- After thе match Miro sprinted to the ring and blindsided Orangе Cassidy with a lariat! Best Friends ran to the ring forcing Miro and Kip to retreat!
- Contract Signing for the AEW World Championship Match that’ll take place on the December 2nd episode of DYNAMITE with AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. #1 Contender “The Cleaner” Kenny Omega! Tony Schiavone was in the ring for the contract signing.
“The Cleaner” received his lavish ring entrance. Omega sat at one end of the table. Moxley was introduced but he didn’t come out. Cameras went to the back and we saw Moxley was knocked out on the ground with a bloody nose. Dr. Sampson was overheard saying he wanted to stabilize Moxley’s neck and get him on a backboard to stretcher him out.
“December 2nd ‘winter is coming’ and I’ll be there too,” said Omega as he signed the contract.
- More highlight aired of the Inner Circle in Vegas. They all woke up hungover…except Ortiz.
- Jericho joined the commentary team and said the Inner Circle were back and better than ever. And next week it’ll be Jericho and Jake Hager against SCU!
M3: Pac def. The Blade (w/ Bunny)
As PAC was staring at Eddie Kingston making his statement, the Butcher assaulted PAC from behind! Kingston mocked PAC in the ring as Butcher and the Blade held PAC down. Rey Fenix ran down to the ring to help PAC! Eventually they outnumbered Rey Fenix. Then Penta El Zero M walked down the ramp with a steel chair and chased off Kingston and the Butcher and the Blade!
- Backstage, we saw Jade Cargill as she stomped Brandi Rhodes’ arm in a steel chair! Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero were running interference for Jade on Brandi.
NWA Women's Title
M4: Serena Deeb (c) def. Thunder Rosa
- From the ringside area, Reba appeared and distracted the referee while Dr. Britt Baker DDT'ed Thunder Rosa on the ramp! The ref and Deeb were unaware of the assault. Deeb powerbombed Thunder Rosa but Thunder Rosa kicked out at two! Thunder Rosa rolled up Deeb but Deeb countered with a submission. Rosa escaped and stomped Deeb’s midsection! Deeb captured Thunder Rosa’s arms and planted her after numerous counters! Deeb finally pinned Thunder Rosa! Dr. Britt Baker was back sitting ringside. Thunder Rosa spotted her and charged her. Rosa pummeled her with shots after the match! They brawled until AEW officials were able to pry them off one another.
- John Silver said Mr. Brodie was so impressed with Jay’s win streak since joining the Dark Order that “the Exalted One” demanded Tony Khan grant Anna Jay a shot at Shida’s gold next week. It was announced that Tony Khan signed the match.
Tag Team Match
M5: Ricky Starks & Brian Cage (w/ Taz) def. Cody & Darby Allin (c)
- Team Taz put the boots to Cody and Darby. The ref kept calling for the bell. Will Hobbs rushed to the ring with a steel chair. Team Taz quickly ran out of the ring. Hobbs picked up the FTW Title that Cage had dropped in the ring. Hobbs lifted the belt and smiled and then smacked Cody in the head with it!
- “Will Hobbs has joined Team Taz!”