AEW Saturday Night Dynamite (6-26-21) lyrics
by AEW
- Earlier in the day, Alex Marvez attempted to interview Sammy Guevara as he was entering the arena. Shawn Spears attacked him from behind with a steel chair!
M1: "Hangman" Adam Page def. "Powerhouse" Will Hobbs
- Backstage: AEW Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks with Brandon Cutler said they were going to beat Eddie Kingston and “The bast*rd” PAC on DYNAMITE next Wednesday, because they’re EVPs, “Extremely Violent People!”
- In Ring Segment: Lucha libre legend Konnan (mentor to Santana & Ortiz) went face-to-face with FTR's manager and legendary Four Horsemen member Tully Blanchard! Tony Schiavone was in the ring to facilitate the “gentlemen’s discussion” between the two.
- - Konnan said Proud & Powerful—Santana & Ortiz—won’t be intimidated by FTR and Tully Blanchard. “You’re a mentor to FTR, but I’m a father to Proud & Powerful,” said Konnan.
- - “I’ve done research on you, Konnan, but as great of a star as you were, you still don’t know me. I’ll snap my fingers and my guys will be out here. FTR will come out and end the game,” said Tully Blanchard.
- - - “You might want to learn Spanish because one day you’re gonna have to communicate with your grandkids. Remember one thing: Proud & Powerful, we’re like scarecrows, outstanding in our field,” said Konnan, who then called out Santana and Ortiz to the ring.
- - - - Tully Blanchard pointed to the big screen, revealing that Santana & Ortiz had been attacked and laid out backstage. The men in the ring unmasked and revealed themselves to be…FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler! At the command of Tully Blanchard, FTR grabbed Konnan and nailed him with the spiked piledriver!
M2: Matt Sydal (with Mike Sydal) def. Dante Martin
- Before the match could begin, Vickie Guerrero walked onto the ramp and introduced Andrade El Idolo! Vickie said she had a huge announcement to make, but Matt Sydal’s entrance music played. Vickie Guerrero was very upset that her thunder was stolen, and she was unable to make her announcement tonight.
- Christian Cage caught up with Jungle Boy earlier in the day in the locker room for a pep talk. Christian Cage said Jungle Boy shocked the world once already when he won the Casino Battle Royale. He encouraged Jungle Boy to shock the world again by winning the AEW World Championship in his match against Kenny Omega tonight.
- Alex Marvez was backstage with members of The Pinnacle—MJF, Shawn Spears, and Wardlow. This turns into a brawl between them and The Inner Circle's Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara & Jake Hager!
- - “Guess what, b*tch—on Wednesday on DYNAMITE, I’m going to show you, MJF, that I’m the best…and you know it,” said Sammy.
- - - Earlier in the day, the TNT Champion Miro was backstage with words for Brian Pillman, Jr.
- - - - “Brian Pillman, Jr., you did not respect your champion and next Wednesday on DYNAMITE you’ll find out why I am God’s favorite champion.
M3: “All Ego” Ethan Page (with Scorpio Sky) def. Bear Bronson (with Bear Boulder)!
- Ethan Page said he will be the "nail in the coffin" for Darby Allin and he challenges him to a Coffin Match!
- Ahead of their upcoming tag team match scheduled for next Wednesday, we heard from Dr. Britt Baker (and Rebel) and Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose. Dr. Britt Baker said after she and Rebel beat Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero in their tag match, she’d send them home with an autographed prescription for the pain.
M4: “The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” Kris Statlander (with “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy) def. The Bunny (with The Blade)!
- After the match TH2 ran down to the ring and attacked Orange Cassidy. Jack Evans and Angelico held onto “Freshly Squeezed” as The Blade KO’ed him with the brass knuckles!
- Before the match Referee Paul Turner ejected both camp's at ringside for Kenny & Jungle Boy!
- Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.
AEW World Championship Title Match
M5: Kenny Omega (with Don Callis and The Good Brothers) def. Jungle Boy (with Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt)
- The Good Brothers ran down the ramp but Jurassic Express and Frankie Kazarian stopped them from interfering, brawling back to the locker room! “Kenny Omega is the god of pro wrestling as I’ve said many times,” yelled Don Callis.
- Kenny Omega lifted the world championship and was about to continue his attack on Jungle Boy after the match, but Christian Cage ran down to stop Omega. Matt Hardy and Private Party joined the fray, with Hardy knocking Christian Cage into next week with the Twist of Fate! The Young Bucks helped Kenny Omega celebrate his victory as DYNAMITE went off the air.