AEW Rampage (9-2-2022) lyrics
by AEW
AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Rampage Final!
“Hangman” Adam Page & Dark Order—John Silver and Alex Reynolds
“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy & Best Friends—Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta!
The winners face The Elite this Sunday at ALL OUT.
Page blocked a swinging DDT from Orange Cassidy and muscled him down to the mat. Cassidy avoided a lariat from Hangman and then Hangman dodged a dropkick.
Best Friends and Dark Order brawled in the ring. Best Friends set up Silver for a superplex but Page bailed him out. Orange kickеd Page but Silver pushed Hangman out of thе way and ate a kick from Cassidy.
Trent DDT’ed Reynolds! Best Friends choke slammed Page through the time keeper’s table! Inside the ring, Reynolds blasted Cassidy with a haymaker elbow. Silver had a swarm of kicks for Cassidy and then nearly took Cassidy’s head off with a lariat. Orange rallied back with the Beach Break for a near fall!
Hangman was attempting a moonsault but Trent met him up there for a suplex. Hangman landed on his feet and then gave Cassidy the Dead Eye for a near fall!
“Who’s going to be in line to take on the Elite in 48 hours on pay-per-view?” asked Jim Ross.
Chuck Taylor impaled Silver with the awful waffle but Hangman broke up Taylor’s pin attempt on Silver. Cassidy connected with the Orange Punch on Hangman. John Silver rolled up Taylor and pinned him out of nowhere!
Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Blake Christian!
Blake dropkicked Fenix but Fenix quickly got to his feet. Rey Fenix chopped at Blake.
Christian went over the top rope, smashed into Rey Fenix on the arena floor, and landed on his feet! Rey Fenix fired back with a thrust kick. Rey Fenix spiked Black Christian on his head and then pinned him!
FTW Champion HOOK confronted Jericho Appreciation Society’s Angelo Parker ahead of their match this Sunday!
Angelo Parker and Matt Menard said they’d be getting a taste of the title on Sunday! HOOK took his shirt off and stared at them, not backing down a single inch.
AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo
Ortiz & Ruby Soho!
Ortiz clubbed Sammy in the corner with forearms. Ortiz raked Sammy’s back. Ruby got involved and cracked Tay with a kick!
Ruby tagged in and speared Tay! Ruby followed up with two back heel trips and then headbutts. Sammy tagged in so Ortiz entered the ring. Ortiz splashed Sammy for a near fall after some assistance from Ruby. Tay got back in the ring and planted Ruby with a DDT!
Ortiz suplexed Sammy! Ruby rolled up Tay and pinned her!
Ruby pointed at the AAA Mixed Tag championships after the match.
Mark Henry had a sit-down interview with TBS Champion Jade Cargill and challenger Athena!
Athena: “You’re genuinely afraid I’ll beat you.”
Jade: “Beat me? It doesn’t work that way.”
Ahead of their match at ALL OUT, we heard from champs Swerve In Our Glory and their challengers The Acclaimed!
Max: “This is not your house. This is our house.”
Keith Lee: “No more raps. You’ll have to prove yourself in 48 hours.”
We heard from ROH, IWGP, & AAA World Tag Team Champions FTR and TNT Champion Wardlow!
Dax: “There was a time in my life when I felt worthless. And then 2022 happened and all of y’all happened. And from their my life, our life, completely turned around. But not everyone is going to love FTR, and that’s ok with me. And some of those people are journalists who are asking what’s the point of this match this weekend. This match means a hell of a lot to me. Every single match goes towards our legacy.”
Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt, and the Motor City Machine Guns interrupted Dax.
Alex: “You’re the greatest tag team walking the planet. But the one thing we have that you don’t is the respect of your locker room. When we walk into your locker room, every wrestler stands up. You think you’ll beat us on Sunday? The four of us, we’re a family.”
Sonjay taunted Dax and Dax heard enough! Dax jumped out of the ring but was held back by Wardlow and Cash Wheeler.
Main Event Time!
QT Marshall vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks!