The Shadow lyrics
by Akira The Don
One of the very great things that C.G. Jung contributed to mankind's understanding
Was the concept of the shadow
That everybody has a shadow
And that the main task of the psychotherapist is to do what he called, “to integrate the evil”
To as it were, put the devil in us in its proper function
’Cause you see it's always the devil
The unacknowledged one
The outcast, the scapegoat
The bast*rd, the bad guy, you see the black sheep of the family
It's always from that point
Which we could call the fly in the ointment, you see
That generation comes
In other words, the same way as in the drama
To have the play it’s necessary to introduce a villain
It's necessary to introduce a certain element of trouble
So, in the whole scheme of life, there has to be the shadow
The shadow
The bast*rd, the bad guy, the black sheep of the family
The shadow
Integrate the evil
Integrate the evil
The shadow
The bast*rd, the bad guy, the black sheep of the family
The shadow
Everybody has a shadow
Because without the shadow there can't be the substance
So, this is why
There is a very strange association between
Crime and all naughty things and holiness
You see holiness is way beyond being good
Good people aren't necessarily holy people
A holy person is one who's whole
Who has as it were reconciled his opposites
And so there's always something slightly scary about holy people
And other people react to them in very strange ways
They can't make up their minds whether they're saints or devils
So holy people have throughout history
Always created a great deal of trouble
Along with their creative results
Take Jesus for example
The trouble that Jesus created is absolutely incalculable
Think of the Crusades, the Inquisition, the… heaven only knows
What’s gone on in the name of Jesus
Freud is a big troublemaker, as well as a great healer, you see it all goes together
The shadow
The bast*rd, the bad guy, the black sheep of the family
The shadow
Integrate the evil
Integrate the evil
The shadow
The bast*rd, the bad guy, the black sheep of the family
The shadow
Everybody has a shadow
Because without the shadow there can’t be the substance
So, the holy person is scary
Because he is like the earthquakes, or better still he's like the ocean
See, the ocean on a lovely sunny day you can say, "Oh isn’t that gorgeous?
And you can go into it, and relax, and float around
But boy when the storm comes, does that thing get mad, terrifying
So, there is in us the ocean, you see?
And Jung felt that the whole point was to bring the two together
By a kind of fantastic honesty
To penetrate one's own motivations to the depths