Spam chart lyrics
by Ratty Adhiththan
“Today, we will take back what is ours. We will not allow anyone to get in our way. No one shall get in the way of our freedom, our rights, or our nation.”, General Wesolek said, with a stern voice
Everyone in the boat was riled up and ready to battle the South. Hope and determination have been building up for months, just for this moment
“Once this boat lands in New Orleans, we rush and take down the Confederacy. Who’s with me?”, yelled General Wesolek
Everyonе responded in readinеss, but we were all terrified deep down. Thousands of soldiers had fought and died, fighting for our country. Now our country was dying at the hands of its very own soldiers. We’d heard stories of people being hung just for having different opinions, but this is worse. After everything we’ve gone through for freedom, the South thinks they can own other human beings
Me and my group sat at the back of the ship and we were not ready for what was coming. I was short and weak, and I mostly hid behind the rest of the group. Griffin was the largest of our group, and he was pretty much a human shield for us. Greyson was one of the fastest soldiers in the army, and he could run a mile before you could see him start
As the general finished his exhilarating but terrifying speech, we grabbed our rifles and prepared for war. I could hear Griffin taking long deep breaths next to me, and Greyson was sweating more than I had ever seen before. On the outside, I tried to seem powerful to help the rest of my team, but on the inside, I could barely imagine what was about to happen once we leave the water
As the boat slowed to a stop, everyone began rushing out of the front of the ship, running towards land. I was the first of my group to make it out, and what I saw in front of me was something that can only be seen in nightmares. Bullets flying, soldiers screaming, cannons firing, everything was chaos
General Wesolek began yelling at me, but I was so terrified that I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. He pointed to the other side of the land, and every one of our soldiers began running, weapons in hand, toward the Confederate side